
Where the F&*k are the Trick R Treaters?

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We had maybe twenty kids come by last night. Some weren't even dressed in costumes! Very, very slack. I would expect that our neighborhood would be swamped since it's basically one big loop with no speeding cars and lots of kids and people walking dogs.


You described my neighborhood exactly. And, yeah....only about 20 kids came by (if that). :S

Now I have all this freakin' candy and the people at work would kill me if I brought it there for consumption (they are all on diets, you see). :|

Anyone want some candy? :P


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You described my neighborhood exactly. And, yeah....only about 20 kids came by (if that). :S

Now I have all this freakin' candy and the people at work would kill me if I brought it there for consumption (they are all on diets, you see). :|

Anyone want some candy? :P


Can you ship via UPS? ;)
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We got a ton at my house. They started up around 3:00 and I shut out my porch light at 8:00. We almost ran out of candy! Mostly small kids too, with their parents or older siblings! We did get a couple of teenagers who were really too old to be trick or treating- one of them was smoking! But, they were dressed up, so they got candy!

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I refuse to give candy to the teenagers. I tell them that I have a limited amount, and that it's for the younger ones. They always seem okay with that.

IMO, teenagers are too old to be out trick or treating.
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grouch :P:ph34r:

I went trick or treating until I was 17 - too much fun, I think my HS band jacket gave away my age though :D

No kids at my house - haven't had one for the past 4 years either - being on the second floor is good for that, no candy to throw away later ;)

Arianna Frances

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Last year we had a lot more teenagers- this year, I only saw a couple that were trick or treating without small kids. If they were taking the little ones around, I figured they earned a little candy. The two I saw that were trick or treating on their own were definitely too old to be trick or treating, but I gave them candy anyway because they made me laugh. Besides, I had already decided my cutoff was 8:00 and they showed up at 7:45 and I knew I had enough candy to last 15 more minutes!

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Trick Or Treating is falling by the wayside I'm afraid :(

I heard something on the radio which really upset me a couple mornings ago. Apparently the Toronto School Board had stated that the children were not allowed to go to school dressed up for halloween. The reason? Because it scares and/or confuses... new Canadians. [:/]

WTF people!!!??! It's not like you would want to actually explain it to them right? Like, this is what we DO here? No, instead, will just stop doing it.

F*cking crazy!

...sorry for the rant. lol

My Karma ran over my Dogma!!!

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What's with kids these days?

When I was a kid I had a big pillowcase and a MAP of the entire neighborhood. All the kids would be out swarming around the streets. We'd come back with a couple POUNDS of candy.

YTF are there so few trick-r-treaters nowadays? The evening's about over & I had a grand total of four kids show up. anyone else notice this trend?

i'm just glad I bought candy that I like.:P

GFD ate them all -

Now there are no trick or teaters left -

She is so mushy.

I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
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