
Rico Update!!!

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I got a call from Angie.his wife. He is moving his shoulders!!!!!!! He also has some feeling in his arms from elbow to shoulder! This looks like the beginning of the beginning! God bless all that have prayed for my brother in his time of need~ He is very head strong and determined to jump again!!!!!!!:)

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even if he decides not to jump again, that's awesome he's moving and on the road to a nice recovery-- fantastic news conway!
a big, BIG change from the first post. i'm so glad to hear it :)
i didn't lose my mind, i sold it on ebay. .:need a container to fit 5'4", 110 lb. cypres ready & able to fit a 170 main (or slightly smaller):.[/ce

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I got a call from Angie.his wife. He is moving his shoulders!!!!!!! He also has some feeling in his arms from elbow to shoulder! This looks like the beginning of the beginning! God bless all that have prayed for my brother in his time of need~ He is very head strong and determined to jump again!!!!!!!:)

Whew!!! That is some great news!!!


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WHEW!!! I'm SO glad to hear that!! Hooray Rico! Give us a shimmy with those shoulders and get your booty shakin'! Keep up the hard work - it's a tough road to recovery, but you're already well on your way!

Thanks Conway! :)

you've got to ask yourself one question: 'Do I feel loquacious?' -- well do you, punk?

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*bump* for more prayers.

Saw Ellie last night and he was very alert and wanted to talk so badly, but of course, the tubes keep him from doing so.

The improvement is just amazing, especially looking back at a week ago.

Again, keep the prayers rolling and continued support. He needs all the strength as he battles on.


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I just talked to Angie, Rico's wife. He is well. They did a treachiotomy(sp) and he can talk a little! I told him that I was ready to kill him and he smiled! He is getting more feelings in his limbs both upper and lower which is a great thing! I will keep the updates as I know them!!!!
Peace and prayers.

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Hope is often all that keeps us going and fighting. Don't underestimate its power. How many people have we known personally or read about even just on this site who have defied all odds and made far greater recoveries than the medical community told us was possible? The reality is, you can't measure his progress in terms of days. More like weeks, months and years. There is no telling what progress the medical community can make in that time.

My thoughts and prayers go out to him and his loved ones.


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Sometimes….miracles do happen. And when science cannot do anything, faith comes in. God is the great physician and with Him all things are possible.
Continue to pray for strength for Rico’s family and for him to have hope.
If you want to see the rainbow, you gotta put up with the storm. God bless! :)

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Hope is often all that keeps us going and fighting. Don't underestimate its power. How many people have we known personally or read about even just on this site who have defied all odds and made far greater recoveries than the medical community told us was possible? The reality is, you can't measure his progress in terms of days. More like weeks, months and years. There is no telling what progress the medical community can make in that time.

Well said.


My thoughts and prayers go out to him and his loved ones.


'In an insane society a sane person seems insane.' Mr. Spock

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From our teamate Fred Clark;
Hi Guys

Just wanted to give you all a quick update on Rico. Angie told me this morning that Rico is on his way to being weaned off the ventilator!!! Last week the ventilator was set at 12. On Thursday, of last week, the doctor told Angie that she needed to consider the fact that Rico may not get off the vent. Within 24 hours of that conversation Rico had sustained enough strong breathing on his own that the vent setting was moved to 10 then to 8, then 6 and is now at 4!! Angie also reports that Rico has a new valve that allows him to talk and that he is getting stronger every day with his ability to use this valve.

Angie extends much thanks to all of you for all your prayers and good wishers for them.

Please continue to keep our teammate and friend in your prayers!


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