
Does anyone here actually give anything at Xmas outside of gifts?

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I'm thinking about volunteering at homeless shelter this year, which would be something of a change. Normally i'm like all the other mindless drones, who consume more than they should could or otherwise would.

Anyone actually give anything to anyone/anything other than just a monetary/financial gift, and outside of direct friends/family?

"Skydiving is a door"

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Yeah, one time my husband and I gave Christmas gifts to each of the teenagers staying at the teen shelter in our town. We had shared Thanksgiving with them where he sat with the boys and I sat with the girls. The girls kept talking about some pear scented stuff somebody had that they all liked so we got them all a bottle and a teen magazine and then for the guys we got them all cool shirts. We wrapped them up individually and delivered them at Christmas. I think they really liked getting them. We of course checked first with the shelter leaders to make sure it was okay to give this stuff to them. The funny/not so funny thing is that when I went to deliver them I was in a wicked hurry on my way to dinner with my Mom. So, I peeled into the driveway of the house going a million miles an hour and ran up to the door. I guess I alarmed quite a few of the already skiddish kids there by doing that but thank goodness I guess that this apparently crazed lunatic came laden with gifts. It took me awhile to figure out the stunned looks when I hit the door. :$ Whoops! Moral of that story is always remember to drive up slowly to shelters to avoid freaking the guests out! :$

Also, during Katrina relief in my town, I went to Target and asked for help from an associate to get the very best deals on stuff there so I could get more items. I could barely believe how she was able to ferret out all these pants, cool pants, for like $5 and bags of socks for $3. Everytime I picked up something I thought was good but also cheap she would say, "No, I think there were some cheaper over here," and then pull out some incredible bargain. Since she is there every day she really knew how to find the deals they had. She also signed me up for their dang credit card and I saved some percentage off the total purchase. She was really helpful and I was able to get a bunch of stuff for the money I had to give.

Hope you find something that you inspires you and leaves you feeling like you changed a moment for someone into something nice! :)

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I always give to Toys For Tots every year. I tell my kids that a little of the money that I was going to spend on them is going to these gifts and they're ok with that. I can't stand the thought of some children not having anything new under the tree when they know their classmates are going to have stuff.
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I bought a months worth of groceries for a family of 5 in the neighborhood where I used to live including all the fixings for a full on holiday dinner.
Both parents worked and still couldnt make ends meet.
That was the last Christmas for them as a family.
The Mother was murdered some months later.

edited to say: I know one poster on these forums that practices giving on a regular basis. It isnt uncommon to see this person walk up to someone thats hungry on the streets and ask them what they want to eat.
Acts of kindness should happen everyday, not just because it's expected.;)

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Well, I give gifts, but not to myself I guess.

We typically sponsor a family at my work and my husband and I go crazy shopping in the toy department the day after thanksgiving for kids at an orphanage in Boston - typically spending little money and leaving with BAGS and BAGS of stuff - its great.

This year however we're not doing the orphanage - instead we're buying coats and sweaters for the elderly at a local shelter.

But I guess that still counts as giving gifts - since we both work we just don't have time to donate anything else than material posessions. Sadly, its the only time of year people seem to do this [:/]

Arianna Frances

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thats cool, i didn't just mean give as in time or whatever, i just wanted to know if anyone gives anything to anyone (or anything, like plant a tree for nature or whatever) other than stocking up on pointless gifts and too much food.

"Skydiving is a door"

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me I do nothing..cheep jerk

nanner banner..buys groseries for employee with children every week as this employee is out of work due to cancer. also gets school cloths,supplies etc.
yes SHE is a soft touch

me..just a grumpy old fart..


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The shelters have a better supply of help/money during the holidays and run short mid year. Send a card to one of your choice saying you will be available later in the year when they need it. They will love you for it. Makes the holiday spirit happen more than once a year.
50 donations so far. Give it a try.

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My parents are always doing things like this, yet they remain so humble about it. (They work their bums off to do this kind of stuff, too.) Anyway, my parents are sponsoring a small village in Peru's high school graduating class. We (and our relatives) are traveling to attend their senior class graduation, just before Christmas, so we can throw them a celebratory graduation party.

My parents are also extremely active throughout the year with fundraising for the Children's Hospital in Lima. I try to do what I can to help them. They are such an inspiration to me. :)
From DZ.com, I have to say that I've noticed that Arlo is also a person who is always very giving of herself to many different people and causes. It's so wonderful to know that there are truly selfless people out there, who have such a giving heart.

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I don't think gifts are pointless as long as they come from the heart. I enjoy shopping and buying gifts that my family and friends will enjoy, and I enjoy receiving gifts, especially things I would not buy for myself. That's all part of the magic of Christmas. But gifts just for the sake of not showing up empty handed- those are pointless.

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One gift we give the kids every Christmas, it the gift of TIME.

We print up a bunch of coupons on the 'puter...
Good for ~ One movie, Astros game, Dinner out, Theme park,...what ever.

Each child gets a choice of 10 'tickets' out of 50-60 options.

The kid, (we have 3) can 'cash in' his or her coupon anytime during the year and gets to spend that whole time with both parents without any competition / interference form the other siblings...

It may sound kind of dumb or trivial, but the kids absolutely LOVE the 'gifts' because they choose what, when & where...and get ALL the attention.

The do also get the usually toys & clothes etc...but the ticket time is always the most exciting for everyone...and sometimes a surprise to see which kids choose what.

Believe it or not, it brings us all closer!

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I do try to do some volunteering at a soup kitchen and/ or sponsor a family/kid. Not sure what I will do this year. Funny thing is so many people do volunteer now, and the time they need people the most is after the holidays when all of a sudden everyone goes back to their normal lives. Maybe I will make it a new resolution to do something througout the year.

I do also put money away each year in a 527 education fund for my nephew and niece for their college education.

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