
My Local news had a piece on 1 800-SKYRIDE!!!!

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So on my local ABC news last night they had a piece on skydiving, specifically 1 800-SKYRIDE. http://kutv.com/consumer (VIDEO ON UPPER FAR RIGHT OF SCREEN)

A girl got a skyride gift certificate for her birthday, bla bla bla.. and she got hosed. Well the gril called one of the news guys, who did a piece on it. Now the Utah attorney general is on it. So just letting you all know that Utah is doing their part in fight against evil!!!

"What What.....

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Is there a link to the story? I can't find one on the site you point to. cheers

Look over to the far right ... "Skydiving scam"
"There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences." -P.J. O'Rourke

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I seriously have got to be seeing a totally different page to you guys. There's definately nothing like that there - certainly not on the right hand side. I'll try again at home where I can lie about where I am in the world. ;)

On the upside though kutv's search engine throws up both the DZ.com skyride thread and http://www.1800skyride.org/ for a search on 'skyding scam'.

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NICE!!! FINALLY a bit of education for those unexpecting first timers!

Its good to see someone is actually explaining that they are NOT a real skydive operation. hopefully a few people have learned that it is not the local DZ that is fucking them
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So on my local ABC news last night they had a piece on skydiving, specifically 1 800-SKYRIDE. http://kutv.com/consumer (VIDEO ON UPPER FAR RIGHT OF SCREEN)

A girl got a skyride gift certificate for her birthday, bla bla bla.. and she got hosed. Well the gril called one of the news guys, who did a piece on it. Now the Utah attorney general is on it. So just letting you all know that Utah is doing their part in fight against evil!!!

heh-heh-heh >:(>:(>:(

I can see them talking to each other now: "You know, I'm starting to think this IP hijacking scheme wasn't such a swell idea after all." :D


edit to add taunt - >:(

"The mouse does not know life until it is in the mouth of the cat."

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For fake bank sites a group called http://aa419.org/mm/ Has a program that will repeatedly download info from the fake sites such as a graphic or a picture to use up the monthy bandwith. Once that happens the site is suspended until the next month's limit of bandwith is alloted. Users of the site download the program, when you run the program it checks for a current list of fake sites, and then startd using bandwith. There is even a stats button on the program to see how much you have burned off of the site. When we find fake skyride sites we just email the web address to the person in charge of the database. He adds them, and the program just checks for new ones at start up. They even have a webpage that you can just click on and it does the same thing so you do not have to download a program. Check that out HERE Anyone up to the task of writing something like this??B|

Postes r made from an iPad or iPhone. Spelling and gramhair mistakes guaranteed move along,

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Please do not do anything like this. Do not resort to any form of illegal action. There is so much in the woks against these guys right now. They will get what they deserve at some point.

In case anyone hasnt heard, ASC/Skyride (Yes they are one and the same!!) is sueing your USPA for $10 Million Dollars right now.

PLEASE think about this when you decide where to Jump. Also it would be great to maintain a List of Places that do accept Skyride certificates so that up Jumpers can make an informed decision about where they choose to Jump.

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I was told that it was legal. It not a DOS, it just uses up their bandwith a bunch. Like if you put their name all over a bunch of boards so people will look at it. How many times does this site, or a site like Fark make a link to another website, and a bunch of people go to check it out and end up using all the bandwith in one day. Does that make cross linking illegal? This is the same thing. There is no hacking. It is just the same as refreshing this page 100 times with your cache cleared so that it loads off of the site, and not off of your computer.

Postes r made from an iPad or iPhone. Spelling and gramhair mistakes guaranteed move along,

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So on my local ABC news last night they had a piece on skydiving, specifically 1 800-SKYRIDE. http://kutv.com/consumer (VIDEO ON UPPER FAR RIGHT OF SCREEN)

A girl got a skyride gift certificate for her birthday, bla bla bla.. and she got hosed. Well the gril called one of the news guys, who did a piece on it. Now the Utah attorney general is on it. So just letting you all know that Utah is doing their part in fight against evil!!!

heh-heh-heh >:(>:(>:(

I can see them talking to each other now: "You know, I'm starting to think this IP hijacking scheme wasn't such a swell idea after all." :D


edit to add taunt - >:(


RIGHT ON!!! Damn fucking pricks! B|B|B|
"Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban

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Never mind all our postings here, never mind the lawsuits, an 18 year old wuffo and a local news reporter just did more good than anything else so far.

We write to reporters when they get it wrong so we should all write to this reporter and tell him how right he was. He hit every main point in the problem with Skyride. His name is Bill Gephardt and his email is [email protected]

This issue must go national and that will be the death knell for Skyride.

Next stop, "60 Minutes!"

NickD :)BASE 194

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I was told that it was legal. It not a DOS, it just uses up their bandwith a bunch. Like if you put their name all over a bunch of boards so people will look at it. How many times does this site, or a site like Fark make a link to another website, and a bunch of people go to check it out and end up using all the bandwith in one day. Does that make cross linking illegal? This is the same thing. There is no hacking. It is just the same as refreshing this page 100 times with your cache cleared so that it loads off of the site, and not off of your computer.

You forgot one word that makes your idea illegal: INTENT.

Many sites change things around so cross linking isn't allowed because of garbage traffic on their web site. Cross linking is not always welcomed.

Don't do it - in fact, the idea should be deleted from this thread.
you can burn the land and boil the sea, but you can't take the sky from me....
I WILL fly again.....

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Then why do the users of the site I mentoned work with LE, and the Nigerian Government on this issue?
The site has been mentioned on many news stories, and praised by Law enforcement, and the victims

Postes r made from an iPad or iPhone. Spelling and gramhair mistakes guaranteed move along,

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