
Thoughts about marijuana.

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Oh yeah Racer42, asparagus and mustard sandwiches are great but if you're out of bread it goes great on a taco shell............I think.B|

Oh yeah sure man, I mean like whatever turns you

on......wait...what are we talking about?

somebody light a candle, it's way to bright in this forum.
L.A.S.T. #24
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Hmmm......sudden craving for a cold aaparagus and mustard sandwich on white bread

......wanders off to fridge........

hey! who left their wallet and car keys in the freezer.......?

Jimmy Hoffa or did they already find his keys in a tin of tuna? I am one who would gladly substitute a little bit of mj for alcohol. That damn stuff just stays in your system too long. I can't afford to fail a drug test during a physical or after an accident (God forbid). Maybe later in life when it's really boring.[:/]
Do your part for global warming: ban beans and hold all popcorn farts.

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Someone whose personality might be improved if someone just tied them down & force-fed them a few bonghits just to mellow them out a little?

Someone new to the drug or in a strange setting, may suffer acute anxiety and have paranoid thoughts (amazing how any study came up with this!)

Personally I feel huge benifit to smoking/eating THC or Hash Oil besides the mellow out affect.

THC causes the feelings of euphoria, creativity and a sense of well-being as does skydiving. THC is useful for reducing muscle spasticity - helping Multiple Sclerosis patients, there is evidence that for those with Asthma, smoking THC is beneficial.

Good therapy for my eyes.
Yearly I maintain appt. with eye specialists that explain they can tell if a person has diabetes by looking in their eyes…re: micro aneurysm.
I have had diabetes (type 1) for 40 years and eye specialists cannot believe how perfect my eyes are. No symptoms of micro aneurysm or glaucoma, perfect eye sight.

I also have a chronic illness called Crohn's Disease.
Abdominal pain along with nausea, vomiting (=lack of appetite=weight loss) which all lead to low blood sugars and difficult control of my Diabetes.

Use of THC eases the pain and gives relaxing & soothing effects, lowers stress, gives me a great appetite (the munchies) with no nausea or vomiting or weight loss. I make my own THC butter and use that to spread on bread, add to food or hot drinks. A side effect of Crohn's Disease is rheumatoid arthritis and TCH also relieves pain for this.

Inflammation caused my pancreas to stop producing insulin, also caused Chron's Disease and Rheumatoid Arthritis. My body's immune system was overproducing constantly which causes inflammation. Due to 3 years of treatment with a drug called ramicade, which has changed my body chemistry so it no longer overproduces alpha cells causing inflammation, I now do not need to take anti-inflammatory medication the rest of my days.

check out Santa Rawks!

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Well, as a criminal defense attorney father of a child who teaches school, I can tell you that WAY too many tax dollars are being spent (at least in Texas) to keep people with socially unacceptable habits locked up. The reason I mention the school teacher child is because that girl's salary is as LOW as it is because of the PRISON and CRIMINAL JUSTICE budget being spent on seeking out and arresting users and keeping people in prison who DON'T NEED TO BE THERE!!!! (See the rants on my sig link) >:(>:(>:(>:(>:(>:(

What is the government motive in keeping pot illegal? Could it be the alcohol lobby?? [:/][:/][:/]

Maybe the TWINKIE lobby ought to get busy.

Russell M. Webb D 7014
Attorney at Law
713 385 5676

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I agree! I've never seen anyone pass out from smoking a joint.

You haven't seen me roll :P

But seriously, marajuana is much less harmful than alcohol or nicotine (nicotine which if you remember is a physically addictive drug).

Gateway drug, yeah I love how they use that term, of course it's a gateway drug you fuckers are labeling it an illegal substance, kids take one illegal, its not a huge step to take another, we don't call nicotine a gateway drug or alcohol a gateway drug.

BOOM Headshot

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Maybe the TWINKIE lobby ought to get busy.

Frito-Lay has money...loads of it. Maybe they should start lobbying too. B|
Kevin - Sonic Beef #5 - OrFun #28
"I never take myself too seriously, 'cuz everybody know fat birds don't fly." - FLC
Online communities: proof that people never mature much past high school.

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I don't know about it mellowing uptight, stress-heads.. I have so many friends who just get ultra-paranoid when they're stoned..

As for it being legalized.. I think people will always be lured towards what is forbidden. In terms of drugs, weed is the safest (in lack of a better word) forbidden drug. If you legalize it, people (the youth at least) will go to the next safest drug.. So you'll have more people on speed or e or whatever it might be - drugs way worse than weed.. so keep it illegal!

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I don't know about it mellowing uptight, stress-heads.. I have so many friends who just get ultra-paranoid when they're stoned..

As for it being legalized.. I think people will always be lured towards what is forbidden. In terms of drugs, weed is the safest (in lack of a better word) forbidden drug. If you legalize it, people (the youth at least) will go to the next safest drug.. So you'll have more people on speed or e or whatever it might be - drugs way worse than weed.. so keep it illegal!

No offense, but, that is one of the most unlearned response to WHY mj should remain illegal. Take a look at certian European mj policies and the proof is there that decriminalizing/legalizing mj does not lead to increase drug use. In fact it is the oppisite. Use of all drugs go down. US policy is draconian and based on the ignorance of heavy handed totaltarian types who believe that the answer to everything is to lock people up and throw away the key. Polls show that 70% of Americans favor decrim/legalization of mj. The old pruneheads that are running the show will someday be dead and gone and along with their much awaited death will go their draconian views. The young adults today who have bought into the lie that the Feds have spun to be truth, well, I only hope that they open their eyes and see the truth that is readily available at such organizations like
They do not spin lies but rely on sound scientific fact to what mj really is. It is a miracle plant that got a bad rap thanks to the Harry Anslingers of the world. War on marijuana? I say war on those who are against telling the truth.
"...And once you're gone, you can't come back
When you're out of the blue and into the black."
Neil Young

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I just know as a young adult that one of the reasons a lot of people my age get into drugs is because it's not allowed. And for most (speaking from still living in that zone) weed is enough to make them feel rebellious.
I also know that if weed was legal, smoking it wouldn't be as thrilling for most of these people & they would move on to the next drug. So instead of smoking, they would just do speed or whatever..

I am not basing my opinion that it should remain illegal on any research or because I'm looking out for the greater good of mankind, it's completely for selfish personal reasons. It is because I know my group of friends and I would rather we stick at smoking as much as we do than move on to something harder.

Perhaps it's immature, or childish that they would think this way but hey, that's how it is.

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theres always whisky to knock em out:P:P:P

Ahhh Whisky.

It's funny, you say ol' Mary-jane should stay illegal because of the people is makes rich. Some one says that these people are only being made rich from pot BECAUSE it's illegal, and you mention "well there's always booze."

About booze, who was it making rich during the prohibition?

Criminals prophit from that which is illegal. Make it legal and they can no longer profit!

I say legalize... and I'm pro-force-feeding the uber-stressed as well. :P;)B|

My Karma ran over my Dogma!!!

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I've been thinking that not only should marijuana be legalized, it should be MANDATORY for some people.

do you know anyone of those uptight, stress-producing twits who run around with a bug up their ass & generally stressing everyone else out??

Someone whose personality might be improved if someone just tied them down & force-fed them a few bonghits just to mellow them out a little?

Not a day goes by when i don't think hey that dude needs a hit so he can chill
I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain

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I also know that if weed was legal, smoking it wouldn't be as thrilling for most of these people & they would move on to the next drug. So instead of smoking, they would just do speed or whatever..

it's completely for selfish personal reasons. It is because I know my group of friends and I would rather we stick at smoking as much as we do than move on to something harder.

If your friends are the type who are akin to using harder and harder drugs then, maybe, you need to reevaluate your choice in friends, no offense.
There is hard proof that the people who are going to use drugs will use them regardless of the law.
Simply put, legalizing all drugs does not mean that people are going to start using simply because they are legal. The majority of mj user are not hard drug users. Most hard drug users do not smoke mj.
With a line of reasoning that people would simply move on to next illegal drug after the one they are presently using becomes legal would be an arguement for legalizing all drugs. In the 30 some years that I have been smoking I know very few who have moved on to hard drug addiction. I have known hundreds of smokers who live pretty much normal lives. Some are lawyers, one of who moved on to be a judge. One of my Dr.'s smoke. I have known police officers who smoke. I know business owners who smoke. It is quite simple that there is a wide spectrum when you examine exactly who smokes. If the argument is, as it is with the "anti-marijuana warroirs", that if you legalize it they will just move on to the next drug then that implies that anyone who smokes mj is a canidate for heroin addiction. Such arguments have never held water and quite the oppisite applies that people who smoke are quire intent with just that, smoking pot.
There is no doubt that some who smoke will move on to the next, yet, this does not imply that pot is a gateway drug when the majority of heroin addicts first taste of any drug is usually nicotine and alcohol. Again this does not imply that nicotine and alcohol are, also, gateway drugs. The people who move on to hard drug addiction are mentally wired for addiction. The focus should not be soley on the drugs themselves but on the pyscological make up of the addicted and what fosters addiction in the first place. Locking people up for smoking pot or locking up heroin addicts does not and has never addressed the problem. It is merely sweeping something under a rug. Out of sight, out of mind mentality is far more dangerous than all drugs combined.
"...And once you're gone, you can't come back
When you're out of the blue and into the black."
Neil Young

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I have known hundreds of smokers who live pretty much normal lives. Some are lawyers, one of who moved on to be a judge. One of my Dr.'s smoke. I have known police officers who smoke. I know business owners who smoke. It is quite simple that there is a wide spectrum when you examine exactly who smokes.

And I think that point was made quite well since over 50,000 people in NY smoke. You would think the Govt would take another look at MJ laws with the lastest bust and looking at the amount of people who smoke.

Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.

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