
Orchestral music.... what are you listening to?

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I've just had the day off work.... and have been lying on the sofa (feeling sorry for my self, like only a man with a cold canB|), Post Whoreing and listening to my limited orchectral cd collection.... Bach, Strauss (Richard) and Mahler (No. 5) are my current favs'.......

Amyone else have classical days?

Chivalry is not dead; it only sleeps for want of work to do. - Jerome K Jerome

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Not today. Today is a Jack Johnson day. I lurve me some "Taylor". That initial guitar riff is wonderful.

Sorry, didn't mean to divert your thread. :)
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Where's the puke icon? :P

Most of zappa's stuff is such crap! My husband is one a HUGE zappa kick right now - and as a classically trained musician almost all of his stuff makes my skin crawl. Some of his instrumental stuf I can stand, most of it I can't. I totally understand why he was never mainstream.

As far as me I'm listening to a classical compilation album - currently playing Vivalid's concerto for two mandolins.

Arianna Frances

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I've just had the day off work.... and have been lying on the sofa (feeling sorry for my self, like only a man with a cold canB|), Post Whoreing and listening to my limited orchectral cd collection.... Bach, Strauss (Richard) and Mahler (No. 5) are my current favs'.......

Amyone else have classical days?

On my commute this morning I was listening to Handel and Mozart.

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I like Beethoven, especially his Ninth Symphony, preferably without the chorus in the last part. His Fifth is definitely a classic. I also like Mozart pretty well, for the mellower times. Wagner's Flight of the Valkyries is also a favorite. Mostly the classical music I listen to is whatever is on NPR when I'm driving. The contemporary stations appeal to me less and less these days, due mostly to commercials and the DJs.

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Carmina Burana - the original, not the techno version - Carl Orlf.

Anything redone by Trans-Siberian Orchehstra is awesome, too. Saw them last night. :)
"Why'd you track away at 7,000 feet?"
"Even in freefall, I have commitment issues."

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