
How to deal with bitches . . .

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No one else wants to speak up either.

Maybe the three of you together should schedule a meeting with your boss and also include the 2 waitresses to hear their side of the story.
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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Maybe Kele should add Kramer to list of Bitches that need to be Cock-Slapped?? :o:D

Might do him some good.

I don't know the story between these two But my guess is one got turned down by the other...It would be better for all of us if that person stepped forward:D

do you realize that when you critisize people you dont know over the internet, you become part of a growing society of twats? ARE YOU ONE OF THEM?

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People will whine all of their lives. The only problem with these girls is that they don't whine to the right people.Like I whine but I don't whine at work because it creates a negative atmosphere. I whine to my mom, a friend or , my boy friend.

You shouldn't have to care what they want if they want you to treat them with courtesy then they need to treat you with courtesy.

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As I have worked in restuarants and know how servers can be. There were plenty that I worked with that would complain tot the hostess about pretty mcuh everything under the sun. Most of the hostesses used to tell me that I was their favorite server because I was the only one the never came up and bitched or yelled at them. I pretty much believe everything balances out in the end, some tables tip well and some don't, its part of the job.

But anyway, I would basically say, I have a rotation to follow and I am following that rotation. If you don't like it talk to the manager. But talking to me like that will get you absolutely no where with me.

If that does not help and they keep threatening you I would go to the manager. It is really not tattletaling if they are threatening you and being totally out of line. Tattletaling would be when you knew they were not doing something that they are supposed to be doing or they are doing something that they are not supposed to be doing, and you told on them. But when they are effecting your work, that is not tattletaling.

Besides I would say you can make their life more miserable that they can make yours (i.e tables full of women, women with a bunch of kids, elderly people, and pretty much anyone else that you think will not tip or will be a royal pain in the butt).;)
"Ego is the anesthesia that deadens the pain of stupidity"

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Add him? You mean he's not already on there?

OK.. Kele needs a Strap-on... Do we need to schedule another toy store outing??

Followed of course by a Strip club outing (Where people actually show up when they say they are going to, Unlike certian un-named Whiney Ass Bitches!!:o:P)

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Hey Xena Could Have Gone.

She chose to do other activities.

You were not turned down. It just did not pan out b/c of a bunch of different things.

Well, I mean some people take everything that is offered for free. It is called Free-Loading! :D


K-MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! B|


"Be Slow to Fall into Friendship; but when Thou Art in, Continue Firm & Constant." - SOCRATES

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I suppose I could tell my manager. But it's not only me that these two people do this to. All of the hostesses (surprise!) have problems with the same 2 servers. No one else wants to speak up either. [:/]

Oh, well. Being vindictive will work just fine until I decide to say something.


Those gals, should be smoochin' your little be-hind! Granted, they are trying to make a living but, when they act the way you described... screw 'em! They don't dare complain to the manager because, they laid-down the ground rules. You might try getting with the manager and asking to 'visit' with her and just level with her about the whole matter. In the mean-time, just keep doing your job the best you can and ignore those two little 'snots'. JMO


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I think you ought to up the antie. I think that if they want something from you [seating certain people where] I think that they ought to kick half the gratuity your way. After all that is the reason they are doing this and money makes the world go round.
Experience is a difficult teacher, she gives you the test first and the lesson afterward

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Generally servers think that women (along with a few other types of people) do not know how to tip and that they can be a bit pickier then men. Or that they are cheap, wanting water instead of a paid for beverage, eating only salad and soup or other cheaper items. The lower the bill the less the tip so if you have a table of 4 women and they all drink water and get soup and salad their bill will be a lot less than a table of 4 men eating regular entrees amd getting regular drinks. So basically the first bill would come out to about $20, a 20% tip would be $4. The second bill would be about $50, even if they only tipped 15% the tip would still be $7.50. But if you are good you can turn you tables fast enough that it really doesn't matter. Besides that is just part of the business.

But I would almost bet you that these two women that Kelle is talking about don't even pre-bus (clearing the table as they go) or help bus their tables when the guests leave.

My favortie thing I used to hear servers bitch about was one minute they are telling the hostess to seat then and then the next minute they are complaining that they have too many tables. Some people are never happy.
"Ego is the anesthesia that deadens the pain of stupidity"

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Both my son, and a female friend have been hosts at restaurants in the past, and both of them independently told me that this is a constant problem - female servers in particular were whining to them if they dared seat people in their section, or complaining about whose turn it was next to get people, etc..

Both my son and friend after some time concluded this was not a personality situation - it was that these servers would rather sit around and drink and do no work, then to actually be earning money while they were there. My son in particular did not get this one. He thought they would want to make money??

One of the best things they told me is that the servers would insist that no one be seated in their section if it was, say, an hour before closing time. They did not want to do any more work that night, and would tell the hosts plainly.

In either of these cases, the servers would get REALLY ugly about these things.

They also told me of how commonly servers would come into the kitchen bitching and swearing if someone at thier table asked them for literally anything. A little extra catchup, some butter, etc. Is it so hard to believe this is true? You're dealing with people that don't want to work in the first place in regards to the server attitudes referenced.

Serious bunch of slackers, I tell ya'

Both tried to accomodate the bitchy servers the best they could, but in the end, they just ended up seating people the way they thought they should seated, and took a tough-luck attitude with the servers involved (who always seemed to be the same people). These servers continued to bitch, but who really cares? Who can really deny that some people will bitch no matter what you do for them?

Reminds of the talked-about survey that came out recently where 4-8 year olds were questioned about what they were planning to be when they grow up. (remember we used to say, astronauts, moms, fireman, etc?)

The overwhelming majority said the same thing. They wanted to be either Rich, or a "Star/Celebrity," neither of which actually entailed doing any work in their minds.

Oh, oh, sounds like I'm bitching now. Okay, I'll back off...

"The helicopter approaches closer than any other to fulfillment
of mankind's ancient dreams of a magic carpet" - Igor Sikorsky

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After work, buy them a drink. Seriously, don't just put a few drops unload a crap load of visine in their drink. Hard to detect in alcohol.
They won't be bothering you for a while. Unless you have to fetch them toilet paper.



However, 1-2 drops is funny as shit when they grab the ass and start running.....
Scars remind us that the past is real

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Yet all is not well in revenge land. While it is true that Visine is readily obtainable (it's an non-prescription eye drop manufactured by pharmaceutical giant Pfizer), a drink spiked with it not only won't produce diarrhea in the one unfortunate enough to drink the concoction, but ingestion of the product is downright dangerous, making this "harmless" form of retaliation fraught with hazard.

The active ingredient in Visine eye drops is Tetrahydrozoline HCl 0.05%. Swallowing this substance can result in a number of nasty effects, including:

Lowering body temperature to dangerous levels
Making breathing difficult, or even halting it entirely
Blurring vision
Causing nausea and vomiting
Elevating and then dropping blood pressure
Causing seizures or tremors
Sending the ingester into a coma
-There's always free cheese in a mouse trap.

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great revenge, but then again all we are hearing is her side of the story. Maybe, she is being the biatch....lol

do you realize that when you critisize people you dont know over the internet, you become part of a growing society of twats? ARE YOU ONE OF THEM?

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There's no "other side of the story". I sat them with whoever came in at their appropriate time (in the rotation). Then they sought me out to be rude to me. They've done it to all the hostesses. The reason the one server didn't like the women was because they ordered water AND sodas. :S

They weren't there tonight, though, so it was all smooth sailing. And they're not even problems on every shift they work . . . just about 1/2 of them. It's really not a big deal . . . my initial post was mainly to determine if the passive-aggressive approach was perhaps too pussified.

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then again all we are hearing is her side of the story.


It's about time someone said it!

Damn! :ph34r::D

I cannot believe it took all day for that! MY GOODNESS! :S



"Be Slow to Fall into Friendship; but when Thou Art in, Continue Firm & Constant." - SOCRATES

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There you have it For the Ladies & Gentlemen!

You cannot argue with the truth.

Hence the reason there is no response.

I am off to bed!




"Be Slow to Fall into Friendship; but when Thou Art in, Continue Firm & Constant." - SOCRATES

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Yet all is not well in revenge land. While it is true that Visine is readily obtainable (it's an non-prescription eye drop manufactured by pharmaceutical giant Pfizer), a drink spiked with it not only won't produce diarrhea in the one unfortunate enough to drink the concoction, but ingestion of the product is downright dangerous, making this "harmless" form of retaliation fraught with hazard.

The active ingredient in Visine eye drops is Tetrahydrozoline HCl 0.05%. Swallowing this substance can result in a number of nasty effects, including:

Lowering body temperature to dangerous levels
Making breathing difficult, or even halting it entirely
Blurring vision
Causing nausea and vomiting
Elevating and then dropping blood pressure
Causing seizures or tremors
Sending the ingester into a coma

eh, I dunno, they person we tried it on must have had food poisoning then. Sounds like something for the myth-busters....
Scars remind us that the past is real

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All I can say is that I have been in the restaurant business for over 10 years.....three of those as a general manager. It goes both ways.....I work for an Outback steakhouse concept now.....some of the servers are pain in the asses.....some of the hostesses are assholes.......IT GOES BOTH WAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! not everyone likes everyone.....it's life.......deal with it and move on!!!!!!!!

Hey.......no one has bothered to mention bartenders!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!>:(:P

till later have fun & love each other seeya mb65johnny gates....
In skydiving, the only thing that stops you is the ground..............
PMS# 472 Muff #3863 TPM#95

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