
That one song that just does it.

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That one song that takes your stress away and just makes you melt.

There is an instrumental song called "316" by Van Halen that is just so pure and smooth. When I feel the weight of the world, I can just turn it up as loud as possible and just go.... ahhhhhhhhh!

What's yours?

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That question is quite difficult to answer
I find, that there are a lot of different songs that make me feel good or bad a a certain point in time
Some really good songs that would take my stress away are ... Thievery Coorporation - universal highness; Saint Germain - Forget it; Laurent Garnier - Last tribute to the 20th century; ...
"In a mad world, only the mad are sane"

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I know very well that it isn't about the lyrics, in fact i really dont like lyrics, they irritate me most of the time, listen to the songs i named an you won't hear anybody singin' (exept te last one, there are 'some' lines in that one)
btw, i tried downloading the song '316' even before before i first replyed, but for some reasom i can't find it, i'll look a bit further :)grtz
"In a mad world, only the mad are sane"

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This Shirt Mary Chapin Carpenter

Whenever You're Ready Mary Chapin Carpenter

I Take My Chances Mary Chapin Carpenter...

Okay...just about anything Mary Chapin Carpenter.


I vaguely remember listening to some of her music a while back and thinking that is was pretty much "wrist slashing" music; thoroughly depressing.

Is that her or am I just imagining?


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This Shirt Mary Chapin Carpenter

Whenever You're Ready Mary Chapin Carpenter

I Take My Chances Mary Chapin Carpenter...

Okay...just about anything Mary Chapin Carpenter.


I vaguely remember listening to some of her music a while back and thinking that is was pretty much "wrist slashing" music; thoroughly depressing.

Is that her or am I just imagining?

Click the links, read the lyrics, tell me.

Some of what she writes is sad, but it's her life she writes about, and parts of it have been sad.

But there is always hope.

"Jubilee" comes to mind, as does "The Better to Dream of You" and a whole bunch of others. So I don't know who you were listening to. :)
If you don't know where you're going, you should know where you came from. Gullah Proverb

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316 is one of my favorites too ! The live version is like Edward interviewing for a slot in a band. He shredds that axe . Damn.

Check out "Slow blues" by Mick Taylor. It's an oldie, but some beautiful, incredibly tasteful guitar work.



My wife and I, went to see Mick Taylor, a couple years ago. He was playing at a local (old) theatre here in town. What a show! He can play it all. He still, looks like he did when he played with the Stones.


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Wow--that must have really kicked ass!!!



He and his band, are really gooood! He did some blues, rock and a couple classical numbers. The man, exudes talent. I think, tickets were like, $10.00 - $12.00. Cheap price to see such talent.

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Wow--that must have really kicked ass!!!



He and his band, are really gooood! He did some blues, rock and a couple classical numbers. The man, exudes talent. I think, tickets were like, $10.00 - $12.00. Cheap price to see such talent.

Shit--what a deal!!! That's like finding a great 25 cent hooker and having 3 rolls of quarters in your pocket!!!


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