
What do I do... YOU decide

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maybe you are...I WAS actually thinking something sexual....imagine that:$

There's something seriously wrong with me this week, I think.


Anything a popsicle wouldn't fix?:)

I think it's going to take more than one. :|

That deserves the obligatory, "How YOU doin'?";)

Greenie in training.

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I shot santa with a uzi when he tried to bring me a gift on xmas.... stupid fat fucker (is that a PA ? Can that get me banned?)

So YOU'RE the one responsible for THIS! >:(
"Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban

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Word up sis ? What's the haps? I have 3:1 odds that you feel a sense of accomplishment but are bummed it's not on video. Is your new nickname "The Chimney Sweeper" or are you still chasing a squirrel around the house with a bag of peanuts and a fly swatter ?

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okay I opened the flew and hes fucking with me, I have it open and the fucker wont come down, and is making more noise then ever... he doesnt like the flashlight but now Im to scared to close the flew because I know he is sitting in there with 10 of his buddys waiting for me to make a move.... :|

I should not have opened the flew
Sudsy Fist: i don't think i'd ever say this
Sudsy Fist: but you're looking damn sudsydoable in this

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ive got a bottle of aquanet and a lighter, but no wood....

Again, use a fire EXTINGUISHER! It will also make for good video - did you get the helmet cam working?

you've got to ask yourself one question: 'Do I feel loquacious?' -- well do you, punk?

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ive got a bottle of aquanet and a lighter, but no wood....

I have wood. >:( >:(

You always say that, but has anyone actually seen it with their own two eyes?


are you volunteering to be a witness? :D
The only naturals in this sport shit thru feathers...

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Okay helmet cam IS working if I could get it to record... I can get it to play...and I watched my tube exit (I look much better without the oh shit look on my face) but I cant figure out how to get it to record.... right now ive a plastic bag covering the flew just incase it falls down, Im going to the store now to get something to smoke him out.... incense, nor raid worked...
Sudsy Fist: i don't think i'd ever say this
Sudsy Fist: but you're looking damn sudsydoable in this

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