
did you watch the Grammy Awards?

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I had to go look her up since you mentioned that. Here she is.

That dress is...um...sumthin'! She's over 40 though so I can appreciate anyone in my age group who can pull that off!
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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Hearing that the grammy awards are on is about as exciting to me as hearing a cut I have is gonna need stiches.

With all the award shows that are out there now, it never ends. Blech.

Just my .02.
Goddam dirty hippies piss me off! ~GFD
"What do I get for closing your rig?" ~ me
"Anything you want." ~ female skydiver
Mohoso Rodriguez #865

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Heck no. I don't want to watch a bunch of pampered egotistical assholes congratulate each other on how rich and famous they are.

They've got too many darned award programs with which to stroke their egos now: Oscar, Emmy, Tony, People's Choice, Academy, Independent Spirit, Golden Globe, Cannes, Sundance, Grammy, MTV, Billboard, Gramophone, American, Country...

How many do they need?

I now return you to your regular programming.

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I watched off and on between dart games. I love to see what everyone wears :$ (guilty pleasure) - Teri was HOT and Alicia was too. Sheryl Crow needs to put on a few healthy feminine pounds. Visible bony sternum and ribs is scary looking.

I think Joss Stone is adorable.

you've got to ask yourself one question: 'Do I feel loquacious?' -- well do you, punk?

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what about terri hatcher's dress?

She showed her breasts in the movie Heaven's Prisoners and they didn't look THAT good. That movie has to be at least 7 years ago. Me thinks she has had some work done. :P

While she was on Lois & Clark, they used every available opportunity to flash cleavage and bounce her around, and she had plenty to work with. If she did get 'em done, they did a good job...

you've got to ask yourself one question: 'Do I feel loquacious?' -- well do you, punk?

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You missed Paul McCartney....the best of the best.

Helter Skelter was kick-ass!

I heard the audio this morning - I heard Jay-Z just going 'uh huh' and 'yea' during this so called duet. haha...

Why watch award shows? You can catch the best parts in about 10 minutes via the internet the next day. Watching the movie 'Doom' was a better use of my time....and that isn't saying much :P

Wonder what happens in a few years when CDs fade away and we only have digital audio. How will that change the Grammys?
you can burn the land and boil the sea, but you can't take the sky from me....
I WILL fly again.....

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Heck no. I don't want to watch a bunch of pampered egotistical assholes congratulate each other on how rich and famous they are.


I am happy I did catch the opening of Grammy's as the stage show rawked.....3d animation done (Jamie Hewlett) tune (Gorillaz- Feel Good Inc.)
Can watch Gorillaz (animation) for Feel Good Inc here.....

but it doesn't compare to watching animation in 3d on Grammy stage/ So- I will be searching for DVD in 5.1 of the actual stage show done in 3d animation.


eustress. : a positive form of stress having a beneficial effect on health, motivation, performance, and emotional well-being.

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