
Got my ass kicked last night.

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yep i was one of those that was a target then I became the local tele man now every time i have to fix a phone line for one of those ass holes they get the largest repair cost i can get then and that normally is in the hundreds of $ even though it could have been a lot cheaper. Yep there are different ways to get even.


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I've always wondered, what kind of effect would CS or pepper gas have on an asthmatic?

They can have an attack but thats their fault for putting me in a position where they have to be sprayed. Its not from the chemical its more brought on by panic and hyperventilating. I wont lose any sleep over it. Positional asphyxia is however more of a concern

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you mean you didnt pop a cap in his Ass JR???

You need to quit watching so many cheap, violent "hood" movies.

I don't know any gun owners who have ever used the phrase "pop a cap".

To me, that describes opening a Coca-Cola bottle.

Oh, and if you're trying to suggest that just because I'm a recreational shooter, that I'm primed to use deadly force just because someone looks at me funny, then you're dead wrong.

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you mean you didnt pop a cap in his Ass JR???

You need to quit watching so many cheap, violent "hood" movies.

I don't know any gun owners who have ever used the phrase "pop a cap".

John I'm gonna let you in on a little secret. This guy is clowning you. That's what clowns do, they clown people.

xenaswampjumper SPANKS THIS ASS!!! I WISH karenmeal spanked this ass too.....

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Here is a perfect example of how these nutless pussies operate. It starts out as 3 "tough guys" trying to get one guy (who's not a "tough guy") to go in the alley so they can jump him, and like I said they are TALKING out their asses. Someone stops at a traffic light (who IS a "tough guy", well kinda) and sees whats going on and gets out, doesn't say a word and drops the antagonist. If you get what I'm saying, most of these punks can't even fight and would be lost without there buddies, and in this situation, the guys buddies didn't even do shit... :D:D:D All they could do was stand there in utter disbelief :o:o:o:D:D:D... I love poetic justice.

I must admit it is tremendously gratifying to see a guy like that get what he deserves, but the law also protects thugs, and hitting an unconcious man who has the back of his skull against concrete can result in a manslaughter charge (or serious assault charge). A moments gratification is not worth the prison time.


My biggest handicap is that sometimes the hole in the front of my head operates a tad bit faster than the grey matter contained within.

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Here is a perfect example of how these nutless pussies operate. It starts out as 3 "tough guys" trying to get one guy (who's not a "tough guy") to go in the alley so they can jump him, and like I said they are TALKING out their asses. Someone stops at a traffic light (who IS a "tough guy", well kinda) and sees whats going on and gets out, doesn't say a word and drops the antagonist. If you get what I'm saying, most of these punks can't even fight and would be lost without there buddies, and in this situation, the guys buddies didn't even do shit... :D:D:D All they could do was stand there in utter disbelief :o:o:o:D:D:D... I love poetic justice.

I must admit it is tremendously gratifying to see a guy like that get what he deserves, but the law also protects thugs, and hitting an unconcious man who has the back of his skull against concrete can result in a manslaughter charge (or serious assault charge). A moments gratification is not worth the prison time.



Well when the guy dishing out the beating is also a "Thug", go ahead and send him to prison, now 2 "thugs" are off the street ;).

xenaswampjumper SPANKS THIS ASS!!! I WISH karenmeal spanked this ass too.....

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>I've been in a few fights and i have to say sometimes your too
> scared to back down (anyone else get this at all?). You'd rather fight
> and get the shit beat out of you than turn away from a person who
> has threatened you for no reason.

Absolutely. It's hard to think in situations like that. One of the more valuable bits of training I got during Tae Kwon Do in college was confrontational training; someone you don't know well would come in and scream at you and push you around, and you practice _not_ reacting until they swing at you. It can really get your heart pounding; all your instincts are telling you to fight back.

>Its a moral stand and losing your morals is a scarey thing.

It's an emotional stand.

Old Tae Kwon Do story (I'm sure it's pretty common to all disciplines)
A young man is riding a subway home. He has been learning karate under the tutelage of a very experienced black belt, a master he respects tremendously.

Ahead of him in the subway car, a bum starts yelling. He pushes a woman down for no good reason. He starts threatening people. People back away. "Shit," thought the man. "What should I do? Should I take him down? I can take him down and protect all these people from this nut."

The bum begins moving towards him. He readies himself. Before he reaches the man, an elderly gentleman stands up and asks the bum what's wrong. "Fuck you!" the bum shouts, and pushes him down. The man stands back up and asks him again. The bum starts pushing him around; the elderly man lets him, all the while asking him what's wrong.

Finally the bum starts sobbing. "My wife just killed herself! Because I lost my job! It's my fault she's dead . . . it's my fault . . ." He sits down next to the elderly man and weeps.

As the elderly guy sits down, the man on the subway recognizes him - it's his master. That guy could have broken the bum in half! Why didn't he?

The lesson there is to show the difference between a student of a martial art and a master.

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I've personally seen a drunken man hog tied in plastic cuffs after willingly stepping into them and co operating then get sprayed, next time i saw him he also had a nice gash on his head from "falling over." Im not saying i know the whole story, just what i saw. Sorry mate i just dont have much faith in the police [:/]

People aint made of nothin' but water and shit.

Until morale improves, the beatings will continue.

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I've personally seen a drunken man hog tied in plastic cuffs after willingly stepping into them and co operating then get sprayed, next time i saw him he also had a nice gash on his head from "falling over." Im not saying i know the whole story, just what i saw. Sorry mate i just dont have much faith in the police [:/]

Im sorry but I guess you weren't in a position to witness the full event.

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Good advice-Way back when I was a teenager got in a verbal match with a guy and his group of pals-there were women there and I didn't want to look like a candy ass so I punched two of them fast and proceeded to get my ass kicked by the five of them. Bad Effing Idea-No one was impressed and I was even uglier than normal for the next two weeks-Walk Away!!
I am not the man. But the man knows my name...and he's worried

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Nothing against you Scoop and i've seen you post, i know from reading your posts what you do so it wasnt a personal attack. Im not a liar for a start. I know the man personally and he has got a long history of violence with police but i did witness the spraying, not the cut on the head though. That happened in the van.

If you really think this isnt possible you are extremely naive and need to wake up. Infact im gonna PM you my own personal story. So it doesnt get off topic

People aint made of nothin' but water and shit.

Until morale improves, the beatings will continue.

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