
Do you pronounce it...

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How do you pronounce it?




I've been working with a colleague of mine on a brief for a pizza place recently and he says pit-za all the time, it's driving me crazy!

edited to fix my thread title

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I think we say "Peet-za" in our house. However, I think some of the people I know say "Pea-za".

as in the leaning tower of?

the ZZ in the word Pizza makes a TS/TZ sound. DOn't know why but it does.
as far as pit-za? well thats plain dumb:ph34r:

Its PEET-sa or PEET-za there is really no difference in pronoucing it
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definitely peet-za

how bout other pronunciations like water, bagel, orange or roof...

i cannot stand when people say ruff for roof and rum for room
"life does throw curveballs sometimes but it doesn't mean we shouldn't still swing for the homerun" ~ me

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definitely peet-za

how bout other pronunciations like water, bagel, orange or roof...

i cannot stand when people say ruff for roof and rum for room

You may need professional help. And today happens to be your lucky day.
I have a "free consultation" special going on right now.
I can help. You're not alone. You don't have to live this way.
Just say: "I am tired of being ashamed of who I am, and there is a better way! There is the Frenchy way!"
Fight back...


"For once you have tasted Absinthe you will walk the earth with your eyes turned towards the gutter, for there you have been and there you will long to return."

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definitely peet-za

how bout other pronunciations like water, bagel, orange or roof...

i cannot stand when people say ruff for roof and rum for room

You may need professional help. And today happens to be your lucky day.
I have a "free consultation" special going on right now.
I can help. You're not alone. You don't have to live this way.
Just say: "I am tired of being ashamed of who I am, and there is a better way! There is the Frenchy way!"
Fight back...


i need all the help i can get:P thanks frenchy
"life does throw curveballs sometimes but it doesn't mean we shouldn't still swing for the homerun" ~ me

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So how do the ze crazy frenchies say it?

Ze French Say "pitooee We do not eet such barbaric foods. No wondear ze americans embrace eet. zey 'ave no class, ze americans. zey wouldn't know a propeer meel if it was served to zem."
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