
Seat belt usage

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Friend's 16 year old cousin who had been driving for less than a month, presumably had a blowout while driving very fast down a wet road. Rolled it 6-8 times, got ejected from the vehicle, died.

I've seen enough videos of people rolling yet getting out alive due to having been wearing a seatbelt.

I put mine on as a reflex of getting in a car. I feel naked without them.

Whaddabout you?
6.8% - Almost there!

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Always, always, always. It just feels weird to be without one. I think it goes back to growing up - riding in the car with my parents, the car didn't move unless the belts were on. Unlike some of my friends' parents, my parents wouldn't allow more kids to pile in the car than there were seatbelts.

It's so automatic I don't even think about it any more.
"There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences." -P.J. O'Rourke

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It's so automatic I don't even think about it any more.

Exactly. I always feel kinda eerie when I ride with a friend who doesn't use one. I usually make a smart-ass remark about it, but if they don't put it on, I don't ride them about it. Of course, if you're riding in my car, I enforce it.
6.8% - Almost there!

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You'd think that all the safety focus in skydiving would make you think about the rest of your life more.

When I work on a building site getting in proper access equipment takes time and $$$ but I sure dont want to fall from 30ft up because I couldnt be arsed to get something better than a ladder.

Two of the three voices in my head agree with you. It might actually be unanimous but voice three only speaks Welsh.

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I always wear a seat belt. My parents also enforced this rule, and still do even though we [the kids] are all grown up and just about moved out.
On top of that, I tend to have a very heavy foot while driving, and when you drive a convertable that can reach 125 mph before the governer kicks, you tend to be smart enough to put the belt on.

A man will do anything for the right woman,
and when that woman destroys him,
that man will become a hunk of meat with the common sense of a rodeo clown! ~ Christopher Titus

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I now Always wear my seat belt. I had a boyfriend years ago that harped on me about wearing my seat belt. Years later I called him and thanked him for saving my life. I rolled my car and had I not been wearing my seat belt I'd be dead. Now my passengers also wear a seat belt or my truck doesn't move; I even made my Mom walk once because she refused to buckle her seat belt.

Don't Fuck with me Keith - J. Mandeville

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I even made my Mom walk once because she refused to buckle her seat belt.

How far did you make her walk? The woman who went through 8 days of grueling labor to give birth to you.:D



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Well, geez, I can't answer now that you posted a tragic (so sorry to hear that) story.

Well, OK, since you asked.

I never wear one. It annoys my hunny that I don't.

They're not comfortable, they wrinkle clothes and I can't move freely to grab my latte, change the radio station and/or adjust the A/C.

I'm not at all saying this is the best decision.

It's just my decision.


To each their own. A lot of people post on here some cliche' saying about sliding into heaven with a drink in one hand, a cigarette in the other, etc. I forget how it goes and I don't feel like googling. The point is, I personally don't know ANYONE that doesn't do something that puts their life at risk on a daily basis.

We just all have DIFFERENT things we do & most if not all of them are choices.

The beautiful thing about life is you nearly always have a choice. Death is unavoidable.

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As long as I don't remember it in the morning and am disease/baby free, then no harm no foul.


Not cool!

More seriuosly, my hunny has been trying for 6 years to get me to wear one. I think (sadly) I've actually got him NOT wearing one more often now.

I have that effect on people. I'm a real charmer:P
Paint me in a corner, but my color comes back.

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It was only about 6 blocks. Her reasoning was it was only a short distance so why wear a seat belt

There ya go, teach the bitch a lesson.:ph34r:;):P


I tell you what, the first thing she does when getting in my truck is put her seat belt on :)I made her walk or because she made me the way I am. :ph34r:

Don't Fuck with me Keith - J. Mandeville

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If it's any consolation, I don't drive at night, nor do I drive when I've had so much as one drink.

I can't say the latter about half the people I've met in life, unfortunately[:/]

But, still no excuse for my bad decision---it's still my decision though and the only time I've been given a ticket for it was when I was doing about 90 mph and the cop decided to just give me a "no seat-belt" ticket. What a guy. He showed me:|
Paint me in a corner, but my color comes back.

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