
This little guy needs help.

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So there I was... wondering what Max and RePete were barking at though the fence.

Turns out there was a dog on the other side who was in really bad shape.
He was found by my neighbors and was placed out in the parking lot - in the shade on a cushion.
He had water and food but looked really, really sick or injured.

I took him to the vet - emergency care.
The vet gave him a free x-ray. Still the visit cost $98.00.
He has a dislocated hip. The scan of the x-ray is not too good, so you may not be able to see it. It's displaced about the distance of one vertebrea (sp?) and tweaked (rotated).
Tomorrow I'll put up signs near where he was found to try and locate the owner.

The vet said the best thing was to have surgery. That costs around $1500.
This is not my dog, so I really don't want to spend that kind of money on someone else's dog and a dog I won't keep. I already have two dogs.
The vet said this little guy might recover ok, but will be in a lot a pain as he does.
The vet prescribed meds for pain and stool softners to ease the defecation process.
The little guy is sleeping in the bathtub right now.
Max and RePete smelled him and didn't put up any fuss.

So if anyone in southern California wants a male Chihuahua, maybe a year old, and with a major medical of hip surgery, please let me know.

In the meantime, I'll keep him, try and find the owner and see what else I can do.

Make It Happen
Parachute History

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Our dog had a surgery for this last fall. It's called a TPO surgery and the DR cut Natasha hip in three places and rebuilt it. yes it's expensieve but Natasha is our daughter and I see that this is not your dog.
Today Natasha has to go to swim thearphy to help rebuild her leg strenght so there are hidden cost to the past surgery.
You can probly take the pup to a shelter. Here in KC we have a placed called wayside waif's that would take him and fix him then try to find him a home!
I hope that you can find a place like wayside Waifes in your area.

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I had a dog with a very unstable hip, and a bad knee to go with the hip. That meant that we couldn't bind the leg to keep the hip in position while it healed.

Fortunately for her, her hip would go back into position even more easily than it would slip out; we'd crate her for a day, and she'd be fine. She was happy and mobile until she died at 14 (old for a big dog).

The hip didn't demonstrate any signs of instability until after she wrecked her ACL.

All the best to the little guy.

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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Well, the little guy is doing well.

He's alert with big brown eyes, but still looks like he's in pain. Chihuahua's have eyes that seem too big for their head.

He's getting pain meds and antibiotics.
I'm feeding him water via a syringe.

I called vets this morning. I have one lead on someone that lost a similar dog, but the color description was slightly different. I'm waiting for a call back. I asked if they could do pro-bono surgery. After asking what 'pro-bono' meant, they all said no.

If nothing else can you go to Hemet Animal Rescue and click on some google ads? or buy a dog book from Amazon?
I put up this site when I took Cleo in a couple of years ago.

Make It Happen
Parachute History

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I tried to send you a PM, but they currently are not allowed.

The x-ray scan is poor quality, but the "hip" (head of the femur) appears to be located right where it is supposed to be. His pelvis, however, is not. Maybe that is what you meant - a pelvic fracture that was displaced and rotated. Pelvic repair is a much different surgery than hip reduction. Depending on the extent and exact location of the fracture and fragment, some can heal without surgery, but for the docs to determine that, you would definitely need several better views and to get them, likely sedation for the dog.

You might get lucky and find a clinic that would offer you a reduced price or free surgery so a younger associate could 'practice' on him - if that sounds like something you want to do call the area rescues and shelters as they know the vets who routinely offer their services for free.

Another option would be a local media 'interest story'. The public is a sucker for injured animals and the newspaper or tv station can usually find a clinic that will do it in exchange for a write up or tv spot (free advertising for the doc)

Good luck with him and feel free to send me a PM if you have more questions/concerns.

Life is not fair and there are no guarantees...

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My parents live in a mobile home park in Hemet; I just emailed my mom and asked her to ask around their neighborhood to see if anybody there needs a new little buddy or can help get the surgery he needs done.

Wish I could do more...

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Very good of you to take care of the little guy while trying to find his home. :)
I'm sorry we can't have a dog right now and we're a couple of states north anyhoo. [:/]

It's very kind of you to help the doggie out.
Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

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Poor lil fella~ I would love a dog, but I think my cat's would eat him alive! I wish I knew of someone in that area who had the money / love to take him in.... [:/]

You have a wonderful big heart for everything you've done. :)
"Let's do something romantic this Saturday... how bout we bust out the restraints?"
Raddest Ho this side of Jersey #1 - MISS YOU
OMG, is she okay?

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I tried to send you a PM, but they currently are not allowed.

That's cuz I don't log in all the time. You can email me at Aerosoftware_AT_MakeItHappen.com replace _AT_ with @.


The x-ray scan is poor quality, but the "hip" (head of the femur) appears to be located right where it is supposed to be. His pelvis, however, is not. Maybe that is what you meant - a pelvic fracture that was displaced and rotated. Pelvic repair is a much different surgery than hip reduction. Depending on the extent and exact location of the fracture and fragment, some can heal without surgery, but for the docs to determine that, you would definitely need several better views and to get them, likely sedation for the dog.

The vet just let the dog find a comfortable position. She also said better views would be needed. She just did that to get some idea on how bad the injury was. She said some heal on the own too, but this one didn't look like one of those.

This is getting harder by the day.

The little guy was alert this morning. He actually ate and drank on his own too. The pain meds seem to also knock him out a bit. His muscle tone is very tense. I would not call his life 'resting comfortably'. He's got to be miserable.

I've had two people look at the dog, but it wasn't theirs.

I've called and emailed tons of places all over SoCal. The Animal Assistance League of Orange County has pledged $100. Other rescue places are out of funds and can't help. But I do have leads for other contributions. We are trying to get some of the North County Humane Society & SPCA contributions made in Barbara Duke's name. She specifically wanted the funds to go towards rescue dogs.

I've received emails with lists of other places that may help.

A local vet will look at the x-ray later this afternoon and let me know if they do that kind of surgery.

A place in Murietta said it would run around $3500 and they can't take him in until July 6th. But they specialize in this stuff.

This isn't like Katie who had lymphosarcoma. It would have been $5000 to give her the full chemo treatment, but she would have been in the hospital most of the time and still only had a life expectancy of 6 months. For her, I opted for the reduce pain with meds and give her quality life. She died, in my arms, a month later.

This little guy can be as good as new with surgery. Katie got hit by a car and had a rod in her leg. She was good as new after that. I paid for that.
This is just a matter of money.

Then again it's just a damn dog. My dog sitter told me you can't save them all.

I'm strongly leaning to the just get him repaired and worry about the money later.

Make It Happen
Parachute History

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Here's the latest update.

It's a mix of good news and bad news.

First off, this is a holiday weekend that has added time delays into everything.

I took the dog to a local vet for an opinion. He said that this was not something anything any local vet would touch. It's way too complicated. Apparently, both sides of the pelvis are broken and displaced -one more than the other.

He referred me to a place in SD. They wouldn't be able to see the dog until after the 5th.

He also mentioned the Murietta vet specialists place. That comes with a $3500 price tag. I said I already had a tenative appt for the 6th with them. That was for the initial visit, not the surgery.

Working with Rola, Barbara Duke's mother, we can take this dog to the North County HS. They have a liability requirement that the owner of the dog was sought after for at least 5 days. I double checked with the Ramona HS to verify that they had my report from Wednesday. They did. They can issue a statement saying that we tried in good faith to find the owner for 5 days on Monday, July 3.

So now, we wait for Monday to see if a qualified vet can do surgery on this little one or will he have to wait to after the 5th. I will take care of him until he can get into surgery.

The little one is gaining strength and attitude. This morning he snipped at me.
But he is standing on 3 legs and doing his duty. He eats ok.

I can get refills of pain meds from the vets I've been too already.

So the plan is to go to the NCHS and get this guy fixed up, but it probably won't be until the 5th or 6th.

For donations pledged, I'll send you an email on where to send a check. The online donation site does take a cut of your donation.

Barb's fund is up to $2365 now. That's the total from online and direct checks. It is specifically targeted to rescues, like this little one.

Stay tuned, I'll give you exact donation info on Monday, late in the day or on July 5th.

In the meantime, please visit Barb Duke
Everytime I look at this dog, I see Barb and ask what would Barb do?

His pic is attached.

Make It Happen
Parachute History

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The Little Guy is officially 'in' the NCHS loop and will be placed for surgery as soon as possible.

The holiday is delaying that.

Info on where to send donations is now up on Barbara Duke.com

Barb is saving the life of a dog, even tho she is not with us.

Please help with any size donation you can.


Make It Happen
Parachute History

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