
When should I buy my own Altimeter?

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I was just wondering when I should buy my own altimeter. This summer I plan on making some jumps. Hopefully I will be doing some ten and fifteen second delays. Will I need a wrist mounted altimeter for these jumps? The DZ has a chest mounted altimeter I can use for free. So should i spend the $150 bucks on 3 extra jumps or will I need a wrist mounted altimeter?

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Since your doing static line/IAD I would wait untill you are not a student. If your a student if will be given to you for your student jumps. When you are not a student and cleared for solo jumping they may make you rent one for your jumps. Use the money for jumping for now. That is if money is an issue. If not then go ahead and order one and have it ready for when you need it. Even if you have to rent it, it should be no more than $5 a day so no big deal.
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You ignorant fool! Checks are for workers!

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Thats cool. You really dont need one untill you have to have one and not pay for rental. Chest mount will work for now. Just spend money on jumps unless you really want a hand mount or money is not holding you back from jumping.
Nothing opens like a Deere!

You ignorant fool! Checks are for workers!

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Thats cool. You really dont need one untill you have to have one and not pay for rental. Chest mount will work for now. Just spend money on jumps unless you really want a hand mount or money is not holding you back from jumping.

IMO chest mounts are good choice for canopy piloting (because of the position - you can read altitude and see the ground at the same time) - one skill that you need to learn right now.
dudeist skydiver #42

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Nothing wrong with chest mounts. That's what have always and still use. The one I bought in 1980.;)

I have a hand mount but when I wear it I forget to look at it.

For some new students, especially on S/L-IAD progression, chest mounts might (might) cause a tendency to slightly de-arch for a moment. So... don't de-arch. Other than that, I don't think they're really a problem, even if they're no longer in vogue.

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For some new students, especially on S/L-IAD progression, chest mounts might (might) cause a tendency to slightly de-arch for a moment.

This was my problem. I de-arched which slackened the chest strap. The altimeter then ended up under my neck. Using a wrist mount worked much better, at least for me as a new AFF student.

"Luck favors the prepared."

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Nothing wrong with chest mounts. That's what have always and still use. The one I bought in 1980.;)

I have a hand mount but when I wear it I forget to look at it.

Not disagreeing that chest mounts a good, but......lets not forget about the fatality in MO back in the early 90's under a reserve with a bad flare and the chest mount broke his neck when he fell onto it.:(
Just something to consider, sort of like the hard L brackets folks are using today on their mudflaps or hips, its just a matter of time before one causes an injury. IMO

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the chest mount broke his neck when he fell onto it.:(

Crushed larnyx, as I recall, but you're right, hard-mounted stuff like that can cause injury.
Dude, you are so awesome...
Can I be on your ash jump ?

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I was just wondering when I should buy my own altimeter. This summer I plan on making some jumps. Hopefully I will be doing some ten and fifteen second delays. Will I need a wrist mounted altimeter for these jumps? The DZ has a chest mounted altimeter I can use for free. So should i spend the $150 bucks on 3 extra jumps or will I need a wrist mounted altimeter?

Buy a used Altimaster II. They range from about $50-$80 and can be easily mounted on a chest pillow or wrist strap. They hold their resale value well and can be spiffed up with a new lens for $8. DO NOT buy an SSE Altimaster V (five), absolute dangerous junk. They should all be scrapped. They fail in a mode where the pointer moves but is wildly inaccurate. Alti 2, which still supports SSE altimeters, will not even work on an Altimaster V and recommends that they be retired.

Before you buy any used altimeter do the zip lock baggie test. Get a ziplock freezer bag (thicker material), put the altimeter in it, blow it up, seal it, squeeze to pressurize and watch the needle go lower with increasing pressure. Make sure it does not stick. This is no substiute for a test in a calibrated vacuum chamber, but it will tell you if the aneroid mechanism works or not.

There are two versions of the Altimaster II, the original one mfd by SSE and the later one mfd by Alti 2. The early ones give better high altitude performance but have weaker pointer shafts. The later Alti 2 versions do not work well above 18K, but have stronger pointer shafts. Either one is a fine choice. The fact that hundreds of 40 year old SSE Altimaster IIs are still working fine tells you a lot.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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As for wrist mounts catching on lines. Quite a few years back I showed up at the Skydive Chicago and Kirk Smith showed me a video of a baglock on a reserve. It was his reserve. He released his wrist mount and it cleared. The Alti had been snagged by one line and theat was enought to cause the baglock.

I use both and have no problems with either. Just pointing out to the poster youi replied to that nothing is perfect.

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I'd recommend planning out when you buy things over time. Helmet and altimeter this month, jumpsuit next month. That way when you find a rig, you're not buying that with all the other two and three-hundred dollar items at the same time. Made it feel a little easier on the finances to me doing it that way.
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They actually don't have a wrist mount altimeter to rent, just the chest mounted altimeter.

excellent ... way back when, I quickly discovered that my chest mounted alti was for OTHERS to use .. just as theirs was for me to use ... it's nice to look across to someone else in the formation and just read their altimeter (yes, yes everybody, you should also glance at the ground now and then to make sure those altimeter readings make sense)

unless yer going 'fad' flying (head down) .. i much prefer a chest mount and love seeing others using one ...

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excellent ... way back when, I quickly discovered that my chest mounted alti was for OTHERS to use .. just as theirs was for me to use ... it's nice to look across to someone else in the formation and just read their altimeter

I almost always wear both a wrist mount and a chest mount, for a few reasons:
  • In RW, the wrist mount is for me, the chest mount is for you (I remember when everyone used to do this, sadly it seems to just be me now).

  • Depending on what type of jump I am doing and what body position I am in, one may be easier or quicker to look at than the other.

  • I have had an altimeter malfunction in the plane - no problem, I just use the other one.

  • I have several times loaned one of my dials to another jumper who either forgot theirs, or had theirs malfunction in the plane. I just ask if they prefer a chest or wrist mount, then hand them a dial. This always makes them very happy!

I can't count the number of times I've had to explain why I have two dials to jumpers with thousands of jumps but not many years in the sport. They seem to think it's odd. I've never been asked this by someone who's been in the sport longer, even if they don't have lots of jumps.
"It's amazing what you can learn while you're not talking." - Skydivesg

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An altimeter is like a tooth brush, it's a personal device and as soon you have one better it is (if you have the intention to stay in the sport). I would lend a lot of things but I would be very reluctant to lend my altimeter because it is a fragile instrument.
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unless yer going 'fad' flying (head down) .. i much prefer a chest mount and love seeing others using one ...

That's funny. "fad flying". Everyone should stick to baton passes. That RW stuff is just a fad and it's dangerous. ;)

Surely the correct term for geriatrics is "freak flying".

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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