
Vigil Controller Error

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This morning when I turned my Vigil on, it started to go through it's normal sequence: Battery OK, Cutter OK, then it got to Controller and it said error and turned itself off. This unit is less than 2 years old and has only about 350 jumps on it (I am the second owner and it is in my turn rig).

Has anyone gotten this message before? If so, what was wrong with the controller and how did Vigil go about servicing it? Were you charged because the warranty is only good for one year?

Any answers are greatly appreciated!

"People often say that this or that person has not yet found himself. But, the self is not something that one finds. It is something that one creates"- Thomas Szasz

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Umm . . . she posted this on April 2nd. Joke day is over.

While I agree that it is best to contact the manufacturer (AAD) to get the best immediate answer to her question, it is very common for dotcommers to post their problem to see how many others have experienced the same thing - third party opinions.

Nicole: At least one AAD employee is a dotcommer . . . Popovitch. You can shoot him a PM as well.
Arrive Safely


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Thank you. I did contact AAD and they just said to send it back. My question had more to do with how many others have experienced this and how AAD handled it.

I am hoping that their customer service is as good as L&Bs (the best ever), but I haven't heard a single thing about how they handle issues like this (turnover time, etc.)
"People often say that this or that person has not yet found himself. But, the self is not something that one finds. It is something that one creates"- Thomas Szasz

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i wish i had an experience to share with you but i use a cypres in both of my rigs.
i am responding however to express my displeasure in phoenixlpr's response to you. there is no reason for pomposity in this forum or any other for that matter. maybe he doesn't know who you are....or maybe he does.
even though we have never met, melissa, i think you are awesome and you deserve much more repect than this guy is giving you.

rock on


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Thank you. I did contact AAD and they just said to send it back. My question had more to do with how many others have experienced this and how AAD handled it.

I am hoping that their customer service is as good as L&Bs (the best ever), but I haven't heard a single thing about how they handle issues like this (turnover time, etc.)

I had the same problem shortly after getting a new Vigil last spring. It was not logging the number of jumps correctly and then I got a CTRL error and it shut down/refused to start. I had less than 20 jumps on it at the time. Called AAD Monday morning and they had me a new one in time for the unit to be swapped out the following Sat. I had to argue a bit and offer to pay shipping to get it overnighted to me for the weekend (the individual I talked to has since left the company), but they overnighted it and paid for shipping in the end. No problems since then.

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Nicole, did you PM Popovitch here on the forum ? He might be in a position to help you.

It's also good to see that a device "Error Mode" works. If you only see it saying "OK"it might also be because it is not capable to detect an error (and this concerns any electronic device). Yours detected an error and sinalled it. Can't tell you what it was though.
scissors beat paper, paper beat rock, rock beat wingsuit - KarlM

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Thanks for the info and all the PMs. I will be sending the unit back to Vigil as soon as I get the serial # (the guy who I bought the rig from has to get it from his dealer who is out of town until Friday). Side note: Why aren't the sn's on the units themselves (same with my other one)?

Anyway, I'll post my experience with Vigil here.

Thanks again!___________________________________
"People often say that this or that person has not yet found himself. But, the self is not something that one finds. It is something that one creates"- Thomas Szasz

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I would think that your rigger should be able to give you the serial number also. I wouldn't know why not. Just tell the rigger the date that the rig was last packed.

I packed a couple rigs with vigils a week ago and neither unit had the sn printed on it. I never thought anything of it since I could get it off the controller. In fact at the time I thought it was a good idea not to have it on the unit.

When I pack a rig I always turn on the aad to make sure it is working properly before I started. Then again when I am done just to make sure I did not damage anything. If the sn isn't easily accessed it forces the rigger to turn the unit on which should be happening but I doubt that all riggers do it.

Matt Davies

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Good news! I just got word from Vigil that they are going to have to send the unit back to the factory in Belgium which will take a few weeks so they are sending me a replacement.

I have been dealing with Candice and she has been great!
"People often say that this or that person has not yet found himself. But, the self is not something that one finds. It is something that one creates"- Thomas Szasz

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