
What Really Dumb Things did You do as a Kid?

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*I burned a shit load of stuff when I was young and ended up burning myself on several occasions. I still have visible scars on my hands.

*When I was ten i had a facination with knives and cutting things up. I was out in the backyard trying to slice one of my toys up and the blade slipped and went right into my thigh. Bled everywhere and hurt, I threw my bloody shorts away and held the wound closed untill the wound congealed some time later. to this day i thank God that it didn't cut the femeral artery. Never went near anything sharp again.:)

(ed) When I was fifteen i used have races down the dirt tracks outside town. Went around a corner too fast, (waaaaay too fast) skidded, fishtailed, jumped a ditch and ended up crashing my car into a barrier. If the barrier wasn't there i would have gone down a 100m bank and screwed myself up royaly.

Tom, Tom Tom, Tommy, Tom Love

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I watched one of the DZ kids playing with a bungie cord that had been attached to the roof of the packing hanger yesterday.

The process consisted of climbing to the 3rd or 4th step of a ladder close by, hop off holding onto the bungie while trying to hit a accuracy target...

it was fun... some of us big "kids" tried it later ourselves... :$:D
Livin' on the Edge... sleeping with my rigger's wife...

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Back in the 8th grade, we used to trash this old condemned house. We propped up a ladder to the attic for our secret headquarters, where we'd smoke cigarettes and study Playboy magazines. But downstairs it was all fun with crowbars. We invented a game called "real estate agent". One of us would be the realtor with a crowbar, while the rest of us would pretend to be people interested in buying the house. The realtor would of course answer all questions by smashing out the plaster and ripping the slats out of the wall. One day when it was my turn, I went to work on the ceiling I exposed a sturdy looking board and hooked the crowbar over it, got a good two handed grip on it and jumped up, raising my knees to my chest. The entire ceiling came down with a roar and a huge cloud of dust. I could hear my friends calling, "Tom ! Are you alright ? Where are you ?". I got up on my feet, a little wobbly and said "I'm okay" and they were jubilant - "That was great ! That was so cool !" Then one day we saw a Sheriff's car pulled up to the house, so we stayed away after that. I don't know what the fuss was, the whole place was demolished and carted away a week later.

Your humble servant.....Professor Gravity !

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I did a lot of really dumb things, but the dumbest still haunts me to this day.

Nearby where I lived there was a large sand pit. My friends and I would play there with our bikes (there was a hole in the fence in a very obscure area). One day I was with 3 of my friends. The sand seemed extra dry. An avalanche occured, burying all 3 of my friends. I was untouched because I was not in the area of the avalanche at that moment. 2 of my friends died and 1 survived, but lost his arm. To this day, I can't quite comprehend what I witnessed.:(



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I did a lot of really dumb things, but the dumbest still haunts me to this day.

Nearby where I lived there was a large sand pit. My friends and I would play there with our bikes (there was a hole in the fence in a very obscure area). One day I was with 3 of my friends. The sand seemed extra dry. An avalanche occured, burying all 3 of my friends. I was untouched because I was not in the area of the avalanche at that moment. 2 of my friends died and 1 survived, but lost his arm. To this day, I can't quite comprehend what I witnessed.:(


I play in a lot of sand pits to this day. im sorry man. thats horrible. magic places to me though.


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Jumped off the roof of the house, bounced off the trampoline over the nieghbors fence, and landed in the pool. I was 14 at the time.

I dread what woulda occured if I had missed the pool. :S
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Jumped off the roof of the house, bounced off the trampoline over the nieghbors fence, and landed in the pool. I was 14 at the time.

I dread what woulda occured if I had missed the pool. :S

Dude, that is just fuckin' magic !! God really does look out for kids, some of the time anyway.

Your humble servant.....Professor Gravity !

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My dad's car had the electric cigarette lighter in it. One day, I pushed it in, and decided to see how hot it was. Left concentric rings on my finger for a week.

Great minds think alike : )

Right after I did it, my grandma put butter on it to make it feel better - what the hell was she thinking???
Jump, Land, Pack, Repeat...

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So, I read this thread and here are some things I did:

My cousin's grandfather made Elderberry wine - there were two types of bottles - empty gallon jugs and full gallon jugs. We stole one from the basement. It was nasty, but we drank the entire thing - we didn't want to put it back half empty - we were 11 & 12 at the time : ( In retrospect, I keep wondering why we didn't just dump it out.

My dad had a row boat leaning against the shed. He told me that I couldn't play with it. While he was gone, I took it down and put it in the middle of the gravel drive way. My brother and I went on a journey. When we were done, I went to put the boat back up against the shed. It slipped and knocked my feet out from under me and one of the prongs from the metal thing that you wrap a rope around went through the bottom of my chin.

When I was in middle school, I thought I was fat - so I stopped eating. That continued until I was getting something from a closet - I was standing on the ladder and I passed out.

In high school, I went on my first trip to the beach. I'm very fair and I'd never had a tan. My best friend said that I should use baby oil if I wanted to get a tan. We fell asleep on the beach and when I woke up my legs were so sun burned that I couldn't bend my knees. I had to lay on the floor of the bus on the trip back home.

Unfortunately, these are just a few...
Jump, Land, Pack, Repeat...

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well I used to frequent the er as a child so I must have done alot of stupid things.
Let me think
I threw a handful of darts straight up and then did a cartwheel threw them as they came down. I managed to do that many times with nothing happening till once one went straight into my right hand. I thought for sure I had a serious problem. I pulled it out and only one drop of blood came out. But I stopped doing that.

I used to surf my bike down the road, standing on handle bars and joint of seat and top bar. Never once did I fall.
Jumped from roof many a time trying skateboard tricks out.

Played dodgeball at the local driving range. Had a water balloon launcher(big slingshot thingie). Well sent a few down the range and proceeded to fire golf balls at them, of course we rotated out. I don't think anyone got hit, that I remember.

Tried to do a table top with my bike off a jump. I tabled and landed that way.

Punched through a window because my brother locked me out.
Started neighbors yard on fire with fireworks. Oops.

ohhh flipped backwards out of a swing, thing is I put my jacket over my head, zipped it up so I couldn't see a damn thing and did it. Needless to say I landed straight on my head. That hurt. No harm though, cept maybe a nice headache for the day. Should have probably broke my neck.

I don't think anything I listed so far had me in the hospital.

You know how you whip a swing at the top to get it to jump down? Well I did that, the swing broke I landed on my left ankle and broke it. First ambulance ride.

Was riding my bike up a handicap ramp divider fell and landed on my arm which was on the divider. Broken wrist that was at an angle of 20 degrees.

Pulled a pot of boiling soup onto myself when I was like 6, or 7. Ended up with 2nd and 3rd degree burns.

Made a homemade zip line with a rope and a pair of bike handlebars. The handlebars slipped to one side and my hand became the zip on the rope. Nice 2nd degree rope burn.

I was in the emergency room for alot of things i did not list because they were caused by my older brother.
Like when he hit me in the head with a golf club[:/]
pushed me into the corner of a glass coffee table[:/]
dropped me on my face and put my tooth through my lip[:/]
Pulled garage door over my fingers, they were in the guide rail at the time.[:/]

Guess that is all I got for now.
Skymama's #2 stalker -

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* BB gun fights without eye protection. Oy yeah, did that! Good thing no one was a good shot!
* Firecracker fights. I did get burned a few times, but nothing too serious.
* Bottle rocket fights. Chased my brother's car on his wedding night shooting bottle rockets and roman candles underneath his car as we chased him going 80 mph.
* Roman candle fights. see above
* Eating broken glass. Nope, can't say I've done that.:S
* Various dumb things with gasoline. Burned up a kid's front yard once

Got any good ones? Stuck my neighbor's baby rabbits in with the daddy rabbit because I thought he was lonely -- Turned out I guess he was only hungry. :S

Dumbest thing I did was tell a kid who was hitch hiking to jump on the hood, and I'd give him a ride to his house 5 blocks away. I floored it and he held on by the windshield wipers as I went 70 mph on a side street.

I'll think of more later.


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