
My kitty is home

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Well Peanut had her surgery today. The vet said she did good (but i'm sure they say that to all parents). They had to make a larger than normal incision to get out the overly swollen uterus and ovaries. Peanut is still under the effects of drugs. She's running into walls and can't even hop up onto the bed. We go back in 7 days to have her stitches taken out.

Thank you all for the prayers and good wishes. And most of all thanks again to Mike for saving my Peanut's life.


I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug!

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YAY Peanut, Sunny One, and Mike!

A few things to remember when dealing with a drugged fuzzbutt. Give them a space that's theirs - so they don't have to worry about defense. When they're high it's not comfortable or fun for them; they get really confused really fast. So make some sort of bed for her in a favorite place of hers, and give her some of your dirty laundry (a used teeshirt works wonderfully). Your scent will comfort her.

~The incision needs to be stable. If she gets to fussing at it, call your vet for an elizabethan collar.

~Make sure she has fresh water, and can get into and out of the box. Don't worry if she doesn't eat today/tomorrow; as long as she remains hydrated and using the box, then she'll be fine.

And no, vets don't say that to everyone. At least, my vet doesn't. They tell me when things are wrong, and if a kitty had trouble during surgery. They let me know the exact status, because that's the best way to make sure they get the care they need - when I know what to do.

Congratulations, Sunny one. It's been rough, I know. And I am so thankful to Mike for stepping up and helping out - compassion and friendship are priceless. What a friend you are, Mike.


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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Ah, drugs. I haven't had experience with a drugged kitty. Come to think of it, they're really deliberate when they jump.

I've watched my Shadow jump 10+ feet to the ground, off my 2nd floor deck when they removed the screen. No ill effect, but she was sober and thought about it for a while.

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He was just so loopy and weak from the drugs/ painkiller they had him on so for a few hours I put him in my walk-in closet with all his stuff and read while he slept on my lap.

You're a good mommy. Hope Wesa is doing better today!

~ Lisa
~ Do you Rigminder?

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I'm glad she's ok, Sunny. Keep her high as a kite until she starts healing. It's funny to watch a stoned cat.

You might get her some fish from the market. And a Beer.

..And get her the following:

Picture of Mr. Rogers
Polka DVD
Combat boots

Yep...that would work.
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Peanut discovered her stitches this morning right when i was about to leave for work. She kept biting at them and i was scared she'd pull them out while i was gone so like any good mommy, i took her to the office today!! She's till doing good and leaving her stitches alone so she'll prolly stay home tomorrow.

Thanks everyone!!


I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug!

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Oh my goodness. Oh my goodness.

This is the first I've heard (or read). My best goes to Peanut & her mamma.:)
Zoe' just had a day at the vet yesterday for a teeth cleaning. They had to put her under. I was distraught all day. Zoe' is really, REALLY quirky. I kinda like that about her.;) For example, she won't walk over a threshold from room to room; she stops, stares, and eventually hops between rooms. She also doesn't like area rugs (we have tile throughout the house). She walks around them--but her food & water is on one (b/c Sabre loves to play in his water bowl:S) and thus she stands on the tile & stretches as far as she can reach to drink water & eat food (I put her breakfast & dinner in a bowl over the tile so she can eat more comfortably). This is only scratching the surface. Poor Zoe'. I was SO worried about her. She came home and was a little loopy, but was completely fine (seemingly) w/in an hour.

I hope Peanut gets well soon!:)
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