
Woodpeckers -in my attic. A whole bunch of 'em. how do I get rid of them if they are an 'ENDANGERED' species?

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Any ideas how this REALLY works?

There are a few varieties of woodpeckers here in Washington state...some are on the 'state lists': State Endangered, State Threatened, State Sensitive, or State Candidate. -Whatever the hell those mean. :S So if one of these rare red-headed yellow-speckled sap-sucking woodpeckers is making a colony in my home, can I hire anyone to shoo them out or is it illegal? I did some internet searching and I still don't quite get it...I'll try calling an exterminator tomoorow, but does anyone have any info?

Check this out: http://www.attackspider.com/?gclid=COHyqsn3lYgCFUJkGAodCFVw9w the only problem is getting this spider up to the 2nd story roof...we don't have a long enough ladder, and if we DID, neither of us is gettin' up on it. :|B|

Anyhoo, I am concerned about the babies, too. :$ I mean, if we drive out the mama and papa with ultra-sonic or jumping spiders or hooting owl decoys, won't the babies starve and die up there? [:/] That's why we didn't board up the vent hole that the other little birdies made on the other side of the house -my father-in-law was horrified that we would kill babies. :S

Winter we thought we were safe to board the stuff up...but now the damn WOODPECKERS are having a pork-fest and producing offspring at a rapid rate! >:( In the WINTER! :S:S WTF??
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Day-um!! Check this out!!


Some Interior Department officials believe that the Endangered Species Act requires human beings to act like sacrificial animals. John Shuler, a Montana rancher was fined $4,000 by the Interior Department for shooting a grizzly bear that was heading to attack him. Grizzly bears had been mauling Shuler's sheep for months. When he heard a disturbance late one night, he grabbed his gun and went outside. He saw three grizzlies attacking his sheep — and a fourth one heading towards him. The man shot the bear that was charging him and then retreated to the safety of his home.

Source is: http://www.fff.org/freedom/0698d.asp

Here's another quote, this rocks! :D:

The essence of the ESA is that every type of insect and animal must have absolute rights superior to those of human beings. As a Wall Street Journal editorial noted, "Enforcement of the act is being effectively steered by the BANANA: Build Absolutely Nothing Anywhere Near Anything." Each endangered species that the government adds to its list increases the arbitrary power of FWS agents to confiscate and control property belonging to individual Americans. As former Interior Department chief economist Richard Stroup observes, "The Fish and Wildlife Service faces no budget constraint on the number of acres it can control in the name of endangered species, so it always wants more."

This might be slipping down into SC territory, but I really am looking for anyone's first-hand experience or thoughts from their friends'/neighbors' experiences...
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Call me nuts, but I think the first thing I'd do is contact the folks that would care the most; http://www.audubon.org/.

Tell them the situation. Tell them that you LOVE birds and want to protect them, but you're afraid that they're going to die very, very soon if something isn't done to relocate them.

Don't make it an arguement, make it a plea for the bird's lives.

Does this make sense?
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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A simple solution would be to do the same as a BAT EXCLUSION method.

One-way "doors" are created at the entrances to the attic which the birds are using.

This is done by stapling nylon netting (that same stuff you might buy in big rolls at the hardware store to cover blueberry bushes, etc..) around the openings in such a way that it will allow the birds to exit, but will confuse them enough to prevent their entering back in.

Any competent extermination company will have this in their bag of tricks.

Good luck. It probably will run you a few hundred dollars depending on how high the roof is, and how many openings there might be to the attic.

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Call me nuts, but I think the first thing I'd do is contact the folks that would care the most; http://www.audubon.org/.

Tell them the situation. Tell them that you LOVE birds and want to protect them, but you're afraid that they're going to die very, very soon if something isn't done to relocate them.

Don't make it an arguement, make it a plea for the bird's lives.

Does this make sense?

That's smart Quade, but I am so afraid of it backfiring...they could easily ask me to leave them alone and allow these creatures to make swiss cheese of my home to allow them their current habitat. :S I've got to get these buggers on camera so I can really see which variety they are. They do have red on them, that's all I know for certain...
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A simple solution would be to do the same as a BAT EXCLUSION method.

One-way "doors" are created at the entrances to the attic which the birds are using.

This is done by stapling nylon netting (that same stuff you might buy in big rolls at the hardware store to cover blueberry bushes, etc..) around the openings in such a way that it will allow the birds to exit, but will confuse them enough to prevent their entering back in.

Any competent extermination company will have this in their bag of tricks.

Good luck. It probably will run you a few hundred dollars depending on how high the roof is, and how many openings there might be to the attic.

SWEET! You're a genius. :ph34r:

I'll call my contractor buddy first and ask him if he wants to do this. ;)
Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

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You should contact your states game & wildlife department and ask them when you should do. If it truly is endangered they would probably want to remove it from the hazardous conditions in your attic. You do have lots of Decon in your attic right? The birds could eat that which is bad. The state should come rescue the birds ASAP.

If it isn't endangered then get a pot of water boiling and have woodpecker stew

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Call me nuts, but I think the first thing I'd do is contact the folks that would care the most; http://www.audubon.org/.

That's smart Quade, but I am so afraid of it backfiring...

Consider calling whatever local agency deals with wildlife protection and management, like the state fish and game commission, etc. As you mentioned, you would probably want to try and get a pic to show them first, but in my experience local land/wildlife management agencies typically take a much more grounded approach to “managing” situations like this as opposed to the “save them all, who cares about the humans” approach you could potentially run into with more protection based organizations.

It might be completely out of their scope of practice, but they could probably point you in the right direction.
Killing threads since 2004.

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