
How Emotional Are You?

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Hey!! Im Balanced.. My moods swing One way... Then a few Minutes later.. They go the other way. It all balances out!!:P:D

I think the difference between balanced and psycho is how far you go in one direction before you head back the other...
Why does it say "Append signature to post" when I don't have a signature?

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Well, it's just been confirmed: I'm psycho. :D

We happy-go-lucky types believe that there is nothing wrong with that. In fact, there are many benefits to being psycho. I for one, sometimes wish I could have the characteristics, but I am what I am, and I'm happy with that, too.

Below are the characteristics of psychopaths from the diagnostic test, Psychopathy Checklist-Revised (PCL-R) used by mental health professionals. I think they are all have admirable characteristics.

1. Glibness/superficial charm - It's a good thing that you've got charm and the ability to converse on a number of topics:)2. Grandiose sense of self-worth - unlike many others, you actually have great self-esteem:)3. Need for stimulation/proneness to boredom - it means you are a go-getter who tries new things (dudes dig that in chicks!). It's a sign of higher intelligence.:)4. Pathological lying - there are plenty of noble lies. Even Socrates and Plato agreed. The pregnant newlywed wife doesn't need to know that her new husband's death was both painful and slow. You have the natural knack to tell her what will make her feel better.:)5. Conning/manipulative - those are just other words for "resourceful." You have the resourcefulness to find a way to get done what you want to get done! :)6. Lack of remorse or guilt - this means you skip useless defense mechanisms like denial, undoing, dissociation or displacement - things that take lots of therapy to overcome. You don't waste time or get dragged down. Guilt and remorse are not solutions but usually lead to more problems. You are efficient at coping!:)7. Shallow affect - another way of saying that there is more to you than meets the eye, which is a great thing. It adds mystery and intrigue!:)8. Callous/lack of empathy - you don't allow yourself to get down in the dumps because of the horrors throughout the world that you can't change. It's another way of saying, "pragmatic." You can admit your limitations and know that it's not your problem.:)9. Parasitic lifestyle - yet another description of "efficiency." Why do it yourself when you can find someone else willing to do it for you? Algae and fungi parasite each other, too, and combine to make lichens! A good thing! My son is a parasite who sucks me dry of money and energy. It doesn't make him any less lovable. :)10. Poor behavioral controls - this means that you keep it real and speak your mind, saying what must be said and doing what must be done. A fine defense mechanism. Some dude may take you to a nice restaurant to calmly be a dick because he feels you won't make a scene there. You'll keep it real, though, which commands respect, honesty and good behavior. Heroes don't control their behavior. No rational citizen would climb into a burning vehicle to pull someone out. Only later do they think, "Wow. I can't believe I did that.":)11. Promiscuous sexual behavior - why not? You've got it, use it! You know what you like, and have no problem getting it. :)12. Early behavioral problems - that's what they find in all gifted and intelligent children.:)13. Lack of realistic, long-term goals - another way of saying you strive for perfection. It's not a realistic goal, is it?:)14. Impulsivity - this means you never deal with the regret of not trying.:)15. Irresponsibility - yeah, to everyone else. It's what people call those who are true to themselves. You know that nobody care take care of ayone else if they can't take care o themselves. :)16. Failure to accept responsibility for own actions - which is also known as a methodology to examine other explanations. Even though people blame the volcano, it's not the volcano's fault it blew up. It didn't make the magma - the magma made it. There's only so much heat and pressure it can take until "BOOM!" It's easy to blame you for things, but you have the capacity to know the real story.:)17. Many short-term marital relationships - if the hubby can't behave, then you kick him to the curb. No need to put up with his shit. I call it "being strong.":)18. Juvenile delinquency - we all do things as kids that we look back on as dumb. Some of us just never got caught.:)19. Revocation of conditional release - only because you have to find a way to survive with that on your record. They can't release people from jail and expect them to go back to normal life. Again, it's because you are being resourceful in ways that others don't like. You are again "keeping it real.":)20. Criminal versatility - you get bored with limiting yourself to one field. If one line of business isn't panning out, you have a keen eye for new opportunities. Some get MBA's, but you don't need one. Versatility is a good thing!:)
Be proud of yourself, Kelly! There as so many positives to appreciate! Well, you ARE proud of yourself. You have a grandiose sense of self-worth!

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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I cried when my pension plan took a hit...and then sang when it recovered nicely.

I sang when my ex left the house...and then cried when I realized I would have to do my own laundry.

Mood swings suck...I need more thorazine.
My reality and yours are quite different.
I think we're all Bozos on this bus.
Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239

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Oh my gosh, that reminds me of a joke. And I suck at telling jokes; I'm better at quick-wit. Not to mention I might have heard the joke here...

All that aside, I'll try to tell it anyways.:P

And old man in a convertible is speeding down the highway when he sees the flashing lights of a highway patrolman on his tail. He continues speeding, weaving in and out of cars until he reluctantly pulls over. The patrolman walks up to the old man's car and says, "Look. I've had a long day. If you can give me an excuse for your excessive speed that I've never heard before, I won't write you a ticket."

The old man replied, "Years ago my wife left me for a highway patrol officer. I thought you were trying to bring her back."

"Have a nice day, sir."

Or something like that.:D Anywho...I probably screwed it up. But I'm still laughing, so who cares.:P
Paint me in a corner, but my color comes back.

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Happy-Go-Lucky. You are a happy person and you don't let your emotions get to you. You see everything that's not in a positive light as not worth messing with and deal with emotions as they come. You are usually very happy and probably experience many emotional highs. Enjoy life.

Was my first answer...

but then I went back and changed some of the answers just to see (I know... go with your gut and don't change answers... but). I went with two different answers and got:

Sorrowdweller: You are not overcome by anger nor happiness. Your emotions are pretty well balanced, but you do tend to get somewhat emotional at times leaning towards depression and saddness. You have your own views of the world and while you do not see the beauty of life, you are not completely overwhelmed by darkness. Live and let live just because.

So I'm guessing that somewhere in between those two, I would be balanced. :P

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