
Fun: Would you rather...?

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This is like "THIS OR THAT" except it's more like a dare. You're suppose to give them (next person to reply) two complicated dares and they have to pick one and give a reason, if any.

I'll start. Would you rather...

Set yourself on fire or lock yourself in the fridge.
Looking forward to meeting at our next exit.

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Having set myself on fire before, ill go with that one. It isn't that bad.

Would you: moon a cop or michael jackson
"People demand freedom of speech to make up for the freedom of thought which they avoid." - Kierkegaard

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Would you: moon a cop or michael jackson

moon the cop

Would you rather :
-have with you, all your life, everywhere, the hood of your car
-have with you, all your life, following you everywhere, a family of ducks with 8 ducklings ?

scissors beat paper, paper beat rock, rock beat wingsuit - KarlM

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id rather have a family of ducks follow me, that way i could slam a door on each one of them at random and slowly theyde all disappear

nope, they will always be there, do whatever you want, turn around, and they'll be in your footsteps. Again, and again... Watching you, following you...
For life

KWACKKWACK kwack kwack

scissors beat paper, paper beat rock, rock beat wingsuit - KarlM

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Would you rather :
-have with you, all your life, everywhere, the hood of your car
-have with you, all your life, following you everywhere, a family of ducks with 8 ducklings ?

The ducklings, i always wanted a pet duck. Besides the car hood would be fucking hard to carry all the time.

Would you rather:

Screw a woman, only to find out she was previously a man (post op)


Pass out in a club, then wake being molested by a gay waiter with all your friends watching?

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would you rather:
-lose a tooth everytime you say "I Love You", and at the end noone would understand what you're saying


-have an extra tooth in your mouth everytime you say I Love You and at the end the result would be the same.

scissors beat paper, paper beat rock, rock beat wingsuit - KarlM

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would you rather:
-lose a tooth everytime you say "I Love You", and at the end noone would understand what you're saying


-have an extra tooth in your mouth everytime you say I Love You and at the end the result would be the same.


I'd go loose a tooth,
Num Num Num Num:ph34r::ph34r:
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there's a book in french with loads of these things...

I bought like 10 of them, thought it was a great present :D


Tu préfères... t'appeler Harry Cover ou bien Jean Cule?
Tu préfères... avoir des bras en viande hachée, et tu peux pas porter grand chose je te l'accorde ou bien avoir les mêmes bras, mais en ciment. Et là, ils se plient pas, et tu peux pas porter grand chose de plus !
Tu préfères héberger chez toi les 7 nains, ou les 101 dalmatiens (évidemment l'avantage des 7 nains c'est que ça prend moins de place.. mais c'est moins affectueux !).
Si t'étais une vache folle, tu préfèrerais danser.. sur du disco ou sur du reggae ?
Tu préfères être une erreur judiciaire ou une erreur médicale ?
Tu préfères donner ta langue au chat ou à la chatte ?
Tu préfères être faux-cul ou vrai cul ?
Tu préfères, toute ta vie, ne pas prononcer les 'T' ? (le avail c'est la sané)... ou mettre des 'R' pratout là où il ren fraut pras ?

try and babelfish that :|
scissors beat paper, paper beat rock, rock beat wingsuit - KarlM

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I think I would rather a medical error...I wouldn't want to be ass raped...again, jk

Would you prefer to get caught raping a chiken.
Be raped by a emu with no one there to help

I'd raped the chicken LOL..

would you rather :
fart paprika or
have a living eyebrow that moved at will on your face.
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I'd go for the paprika..I'm sure that it smells better :P

Have a blonde, fit, dumb wife
Have a ginger, ugly, highly intelligent wife.

You CAN fix dumb. (for free)
fixing ugly costs alot of money:D

Would you rather have testicles that glow when you're aroused causing you to become temp impotent


have a paralyzing panic attack and shit yourself every time you had an orgasm
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