
James Bond novels

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Has anyone actually read the novels? Not the novels based on the movies, but the originals. Are they any good? I need a new author and was thinking they might be fun to read for my fiction reading (my non-fiction list is pretty full and is being read as we speak). I go to the book store and walk around the fiction section going "no, no, no, read it, read it, read it..." so I'm looking for something that is "the same" but "different."
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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I have all of the original Ian Fleming novels, read them long ago. They are very good because they establish the nature of the James Bond character and give you an appreciation for the movies that portray Bond more true to character.

I also read several of the John Gardner books, which I also enjoyed because they were more contemporary and a little easier for me to identify with.
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Has anyone actually read the novels? Not the novels based on the movies, but the originals. Are they any good? I need a new author and was thinking they might be fun to read for my fiction reading (my non-fiction list is pretty full and is being read as we speak). I go to the book store and walk around the fiction section going "no, no, no, read it, read it, read it..." so I'm looking for something that is "the same" but "different."

I read them a long time ago, but they are very good. Surprisingly different in tone from most of the films and give a lot more insight into the mind of Bond.
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I also read them all a long time ago, and enjoyed them. So go for it.

Wendy W.
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And here I always thought those were true stories!

Thanks for ruining everything. [:/]
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i read them all many moons ago, really enjoyed them. oh yeah, if you're going to read all the ian fleming books, don't forget 'chitty chitty, bang bang'!
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I picked up all that were out in 1963 in London when I was there on leave from Germany. I also got to see from" Russia with love " in German. The stories were pretty bizarre. A tulip bulb would raise up from the cluster open fully do a 360 sweep and lower itself . Then a fake grass covered side of a hill would slide sideways and a man on a motorcycle would ride out. Then the door would return to normal, cows back mooing. Ian didnt know about pens that shot bullets. and wrist watches that shot out escape cables and hooks.My books had the original Pound sterling cost printed on them.

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Thanks guys (and gals), I guess I'll venture into Ian's writings. The hardest thing about reading fiction for me is finding a new author I like after exhausting another author's works or my tollerance for their writting style.

Like DeMille, after a couple of his books you know how the books will happen, continue and end. The minor details like character names change, but that's about it.[:/]
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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One of the praises of the new Casino Royale movie was that it was more like the books in character.

The book Casino Royale has that scene where Bond is tortured in that chair with the seat cut out.B| I was surprised to see that scene in the movie.

the books also give you more insight into what is going on in Bond's mind (which is another reason why the new movie was more like the books).
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Has anyone actually read the novels? Not the novels based on the movies, but the originals. Are they any good? I need a new author and was thinking they might be fun to read for my fiction reading (my non-fiction list is pretty full and is being read as we speak). I go to the book store and walk around the fiction section going "no, no, no, read it, read it, read it..." so I'm looking for something that is "the same" but "different."

I read all the Ian Fleming novels, some 35 - 40 years ago.

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