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But Oscar was so adorable and he kicked ass on everything

Although he did win the car


Awwwwww... I don't know about that, I'll leave the 'adorable' part to you ladies!:D I'm glad, Ozzie won the car, too. I was really impressed with the 'character' of the final four. They 'set-up' a tie so they wouldn't have to choose.


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I was really impressed with the 'character' of the final four. They 'set-up' a tie so they wouldn't have to choose.

That probably has as much to do with "character" as it does strategy. No one was a bad guy to the eye of the final cast off, and both Yul and Ozzie probably realized that.

I would have been happy with either Ozzie or Yul winning. They both played their strengths very well, but Yul did outplay the rest of the field.

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Yul was NOT supposed to win >:(
Poor poor Ozzy :(

First place gets a million bucks.

Surely, there is a graduated scale of prize money for other finishers, like a half-million for second place, quarter-million for third, etc. Does anyone know?

There is a graduated scale based on the number of days you've been out there... but I'm not sure exactly what the numbers are.

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I was really impressed with the 'character' of the final four. They 'set-up' a tie so they wouldn't have to choose.

That probably has as much to do with "character" as it does strategy. No one was a bad guy to the eye of the final cast off, and both Yul and Ozzie probably realized that.

I would have been happy with either Ozzie or Yul winning. They both played their strengths very well, but Yul did outplay the rest of the field.


Yul, definately out-smarted everyone! Ozzie, was pretty impressive with the challenges but, Yul, just 'out-brained' everyone. I was just impressed, with the way the final four handled things. Ozzie, was definately, the favorite. In the long run, he did win the vehicle so, he has a nice ride to the good surfing!:D


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I'm pretty sure its $100,000.00 for the runner up- and as someone else said, they all get something depending on how long they are on the show- that is probably straight Actors' Union Scale, though, which can't be a whole lot.

Ozzy kicked ass in the challenges, but really, he rode Yul's coat tails, same as Becky and Sundra. They all let Yul take the heat for being the "godfather" of the tribe, and that could have easily worked against him. The only reason it didn't is that Yul acted with integrity throughout the whole thing. Its hard to be pissed off about being outwitted, outsmarted and outlasted by a genuinely decent hardworking guy-especially when you were the one napping in the shelter all day long waiting for someone else to catch, gut and cook your fish for you!

How long do you think it will be before Pavarti poses for playboy?

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Ozzie was cute last night with his pudgy face. I'm glad he put on some weight. And it's awesome he won the car. How dumb must becky feel for getting no votes? Poor thing. I was so hoping she and Yule would get together.


I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug!

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OK, first- matches??? They had to know the tie breaker would be fire and they had all afternoon to practice! And even WITH the matches, it still took her about 30 minutes! If I were Sundra, I would have asked Jeff if it was OK to try the flint again when she ran out of matches. :P

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If I were Sundra, I would have asked Jeff if it was OK to try the flint again when she ran out of matches.:P

That thought crossed my mind as well. Who's to say she didn't and they put that take on the cutting room floor? ;)


Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footprints on the moon

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Ozzy kicked ass in the challenges, but really, he rode Yul's coat tails, same as Becky and Sundra. They all let Yul take the heat for being the "godfather" of the tribe, and that could have easily worked against him. The only reason it didn't is that Yul acted with integrity throughout the whole thing.

I look at that a bit differently. I think it was Yul having the immunity idol from exile island that got him as far as he did. No one wanted to waste a vote on him, knowing that it would just be neutralized by the immunity idol. So he had a free pass in a great many tribal councils.


How long do you think it will be before Pavarti poses for playboy?

It can't happen soon enough. :D

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So he had a free pass in a great many tribal councils.

Na. Its how he used it. I think its again shows how good a strategist he is.

I saw that as an option since they first introduced that idol - I'm not sure why no one used it before now. You can control the vote so easily with it exactly how Yul did it. I thought it was finally a decent ending to a Survivor season (yes, I finally watched the finale last night - great thing about tivo, you can fit 6 hours of survivor into about 2 hours :D )
it's like incest - you're substituting convenience for quality

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I thought it was finally a decent ending to a Survivor season

Except for the same yawning feeling I was having as the jury watching those 2 trying to start a fire!!!!!:ph34r: I mean, Its a magnesium block! Shave the damm thing 1st before using the flint!!!!

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