
Anybody else not watch TV?

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Just wondering if anybody else has made the choice to not get cable or sat. Been 3 years and I really don't miss it. Me and my GF don't even have the basic channels. Its now getting hard to sit through movies. I like it because your life is not run by what show is on the boob tube.

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I haven't watched television since I started skydiving. I'm too busy trying to keep in good enough physical shape to continue to skydive at my age.

I never did have cable. Now when I'm somewhere that a television is playing, I find it annoying.
What do you call a beautiful, sunny day that comes after two cloudy, rainy
ones? -- Monday.

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We don't own a tv. We don't watch tv. We don't watch ANY tv. I sometimes have to ask friends to turn off their tv when I'm visiting. I won't go into bars or restaurants that have tvs blaring. Why are they there? How annoying!

And unlike the rest of the western world that watches 5 hours of the crap every day, I hardly ever have to say,

"Dinner was just fast food for me. I'd cook but I just don't have the time."

"I'd love to go to the park with you but I'm SOOO busy."

"I don't KNOW where all my time goes."

First Class Citizen Twice Over

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Ya, I don't own one either. The only tv i enjoy watching is sports... hockey, golf... like the masters:)
I gotta go to the bar or someone else's place in order to watch, but it doesn't bother me. Beer's always more fun with more than one anyhow.

It's not so much that the lack of tv gets me out and doing more, it's just that I'm out doing things so often, it's not worth buying a tv I'll hardly ever watch.

Some people refrain from beating a dead horse. Personally, I find a myriad of entertainment value when beating it until it becomes a horse-smoothie.

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I didn't have a tv either till my GF moved in. We have a crappy tv and DVD player when we wanna watch tv.

I'm getting a 40" Samsung 1080p HDTV in the next month or two, but I'm still not getting cable :D
cavete terrae.

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I do own a TV, but have made the decision to not get cable. I sit on my butt enough with only 6 channels. The other thing I do is to limit the shows I allow myself to get addicted to... Currently I'm at four shows, and one is on its last season, so it'll soon be three...

PMS #394

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> Just wondering if anybody else has made the choice to not get cable or sat.

That's a funny way to put it - make the choice NOT to get cable? We never made the choice TO get cable or satellite so we don't have it. We occasionally watch downloaded movies; that's about it.

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It breaks my heart that I can't watch the NHL playoffs :(:(:(:(:(:(

I need to find someone to record the finals to DVD and send 'em to me [:/]

I might be able to have a buddy record it on VHS... We're livin in the early 90's over here... DVD's still haven't come into common usage:P:D
Some people refrain from beating a dead horse. Personally, I find a myriad of entertainment value when beating it until it becomes a horse-smoothie.

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I used to not have TV. I didn't have it for some years when I was a student, and then I didn't have it when I had a BF.

Now I do have it, and as I'm living alone, I just turn it on, and get the feeling that there's people in the room. I can watch it with the sound turned off while doing other things, like cleaning or reading, and I just like the movement. It's soothing.

I also have shows that I really like, there was a really funny reality show called "The Farm", and there's a popular science program that I like, and I look in the internet TV guides for that. I hate TV debates, because they are so stupid while trying to seem serious.

Sometimes I don't feel like watching telly at all.

I don't like sports on TV, except show jumping (horses), dressage(horses), B.A.S.E jumping and skydiving, but for some weird reason they don't show them too often.

Having been without TV for extended periods, I think I appreciate it more. TV is all in all a good thing, when used properly.
Relax, you can die if you mess up, but it will probably not be by bullet.


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My 60 channel cable service at $34 per month is more than enough for me. I don't watch all that much, when I could spend it on here! :ph34r:

"Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban

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It breaks my heart that I can't watch the NHL playoffs :(:(:(:(:(:(

I need to find someone to record the finals to DVD and send 'em to me [:/]

I might be able to have a buddy record it on VHS... We're livin in the early 90's over here... DVD's still haven't come into common usage:P:D

I wouldn't be able to play it ;) A friend of mine is trying to get me an invite to this site where I should be able to download the games within a few hours or so of them ending, twhich would be nice!
cavete terrae.

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It breaks my heart that I can't watch the NHL playoffs :(:(:(:(:(:(

I need to find someone to record the finals to DVD and send 'em to me [:/]

I might be able to have a buddy record it on VHS... We're livin in the early 90's over here... DVD's still haven't come into common usage:P:D

I wouldn't be able to play it ;) A friend of mine is trying to get me an invite to this site where I should be able to download the games within a few hours or so of them ending, twhich would be nice!

Hell, I don't even mind missing a few games, since I play every sunday in Riverside. We're getting our asses handed to us this season, but we've got some of our good players out right now. Things should get better starting this sunday. We're suppossed to get back one of our d's that was out due to cracked ribs. So far, I'm leading the team this season with I think like 4 or 5 helpers and 10 or so goals. Not sure on the numbers. I haven't been keeping track as well as I did last season. Last season, I ended with 19 goals and 10 assists in the regular season. I had 4 or 5 hat tricks that season. We were undefeated in that division, so after that season ended, we moved up a division and we've been struggling since for our W's.
Each season is 15 games plus up to 3 games for playoffs. Once the playoffs are over, a new season starts the following weekend.
Some people refrain from beating a dead horse. Personally, I find a myriad of entertainment value when beating it until it becomes a horse-smoothie.

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I like it because your life is not run by what show is on the boob tube.

We have cable, but our lives are not at all run by it. I can't even tell you what time any particular show comes on. Except that Scrubs, the Daily Show, and Stephen Colbert all come on around dinner time, because that's about all we ever watch (whatever happens to be on when dinner is ready).

The only other time I usually watch tv is when I'm sick and don't feel up to doing anything else, in which case I'll watch the History Channel or the Science Channel, or something like that.

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Nice! I'm jealous! :(

I've been playing since I was just a little kid, including going to one of the "big name" boarding schools, and was planning on playing NCAA D1, but injured my hand badly and couldn't catch a puck for almost two years. Moved back to Australia, then just played recreationally at first when I moved back. Ended up playing at uni, just club, not D1 [:/]

C'est la vie though, it's still the best sport on earth!

cavete terrae.

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Don't watch tv. Five years now. I do watch movies. When I was a child, we didn't have tele at all - not until I was seven or eight. Then I gave it up in the 90s for a few years. Now I don't watch at all. There's too much on television to hate.
Trapped on the surface of a sphere. XKCD

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I won't go into bars or restaurants that have tvs blaring. Why are they there? How annoying!


I wouldn't use it in a bar - too many people go there to watch games. But these days, you can't even have a quiet breakfast at a restaurant without CNN blaring. And stupid Continental Airlines now has noisy televisions in the terminals (at 4 in the morning when you're waiting for an AM flight!!).

My Zen Vision has a built-in FM tuner. Anyone wanna bet the next version has a TV tuner? I hope so - personally, I would prefer if the people that just have to watch TV bring their own (with quiet headsets) so the rest of us don't have to put up with it in gyms, restaurants, airports, etc.
Trapped on the surface of a sphere. XKCD

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Don't watch tv. Five years now. I do watch movies. When I was a child, we didn't have tele at all - not until I was seven or eight. Then I gave it up in the 90s for a few years. Now I don't watch at all. There's too much on television to hate.

Good move... Lord knows we don't need any more Elvises at home shooting bullets at TVs just because of something stupid on. :D:D:D
"Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban

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I just got cable a week ago. I had been without it for 5 1/2 years. The only reason i got it is cause basic cable is free since i already have high speed internet.


I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug!

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Just wondering if anybody else has made the choice to not get cable or sat. Been 3 years and I really don't miss it. Me and my GF don't even have the basic channels. Its now getting hard to sit through movies. I like it because your life is not run by what show is on the boob tube.

Yep. No cable, satellite, or over-the-air reception for the last five or six years. I cancelled my satellite subscription after realizing that while I really liked movies, I hadn't used it (including 10 channels of HBO) for nearly six months.

We get Netflix instead - small doses of the best material from the last seventy years beat a round the clock stream of crap with commercials added. Repo Man, Hitchcock's Suspicion, and Forbidden Planet are all near the head of the queue.

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