
You Can't Just Tell Yourself There are no Snakes Under Your Desk...

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You HAVE to look.:S:D

I just came in from the backyard where I'd stepped on a garter snake. Luckily he already had a mouth full of toad and merely lunged at me. Normally, I'd never even get the opportunity to step on one as they always slither off long before you get too close. But, apparently I'd disrupted his breakfast.

So I come back inside to my office to work. And I keep thinking there's a snake under my desk. I tell myself not to look. Mind over matter. There is NO snake under my desk. But, I can't stop thinking about my feet lying there innocently. I MUST look!:S


'Tis the season. We usually see at least two-three snakes this time of year. We either capture and relocate or scare the hell out of them until they reach the neighbor's yard.B|
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So I gather you would rather have a rodent (i.e. mice, etc) problem then a snake "problem"

Cause... snakes are generally not a problem w/in the house... mice on the other hand... and a good little garter or rat snake will do wonders keeping the rodent population in check...

but I like snakes... so... :P

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I like snakes, too. But we have curious kitties & a dog w/ a big shnooter.

Yes, I'd much rather be over-run with lizards & frogs. No rodents I've ever seen, though. Just the holey moley. Actually, saw him this morning, too. Or at least saw him moving under the mulch on the side of our house. Will have to relocate him (actually it's likely a her) soon, too.[:/]

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and a good little garter or rat snake will do wonders keeping the rodent population in check...

I never saw a garter snake that could eat a mouse. They don't have teeth...what're they gonna do, gum it to death? :P
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You laugh...but that's actually happened! And in all seriousness when I was little in daycare there were two snakes in two different toilets once when I came in from the playground to use the restroom!:o:D

It's true! But, no I wasn't scarred for life or anything. Snakes have never bothered me. They scare the hell out of my 6'2", 250lb father though.:D

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and a good little garter or rat snake will do wonders keeping the rodent population in check...

I never saw a garter snake that could eat a mouse. They don't have teeth...what're they gonna do, gum it to death? :P

who said anything about needing teeth (I know I didn't) especially since a garter snake swallows the prey whole...

though the source is Wikipedia (not the most reliable of sources... it does seem to make sense)

Garter snakes, like all snakes, are carnivorous. Their diet consists of almost any creature that they are capable of overpowering: slugs, earthworms, leeches, lizards, amphibians, birds, and rodents. A common misconception is that they eat insects. While some snake species do, garters do not. When living near the water, they will eat fish and other aquatic animals. The ribbon snake in particular favors frogs (including tadpoles), readily eating them despite their strong chemical defenses. Food is swallowed whole. Although they dine mostly upon live animals, they will sometimes eat eggs or even carrion.
Livin' on the Edge... sleeping with my rigger's wife...

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Then I guess I wouldn't be doing you any favors by mentioning Brown Recluse spiders --- the way they lurk in dark places, quiet, unseen, waiting to pounce on their helpless victims - places like the underside of a desk .......
Naw, no need to mention that. There's probably not one there.

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Huh. I've never seen one here in Washington big enough to swallow a mouse. :|

-dang I wouldn't mind if they would get that big and take care of our neighborhood rodent issues. >:(

The ones around here are typically about as wide as a pencil to as big around as your thumb.

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heh....if you had ever been bitten by a garter snake you would know that they in fact DO have teeth. Tiny little sharp teeth that will leave a nice little pattern of blood drops in the shape of their mouths. :P

But it really doesn't hurt and they are harmless. Also they eat insects, fish and frogs, not mice.

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Cause... snakes are generally not a problem w/in the house... mice on the other hand...

We have several buildings at work at which we've had to post signs warning everyone to ensure the door latches behind them and to never prop them open. Of course, the snake visitations that prompt these are not of the garter variety, but rather rattlesnakes. :o

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How big are snakes in WA?:):P

Seriously, the garter's I normally see in my yard are huge. About as round a half-dollar and three-feet or so long.

Hold on, I'll search my snakes links--Yes I have some saved to favorites b/c every once in a while we'll get one I'm not familiar with (usually a baby since they tend to look different than adults) and I look it up just to be sure it's not poisonous before attempting to capture it.

Paint me in a corner, but my color comes back.

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