
DC9 Jet Jumps

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So who did the Jet jumps at Perris. I just did one at Perris and it was an amazing experience. I thought I'd find a recent thread about it, but didn't so thought I'd post this. It was so amazing. I am home now after a day of jumping the jet and some fun jumps, but am still on a high from the jet jump. So who else jumped the jet and what are your thoughts.

Life is either a daring adventure or nothing ~ Helen Keller

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The jet holds 80. They flew it last Sunday with 60. Today they had 3 full loads, but had to cancel the sunset load due to not enough people. From what I hear, they will be taking the jet to different drop zones for boogies.

Life is either a daring adventure or nothing ~ Helen Keller

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Actually, it was $99 at Rantoul. For a plane ride to 10,500 in our case. I, myself wasn't impressed.

For the Kind of performance that puppy should be getting, I can't see it costing much more at all to take her up a few extra thousand feet....
=========Shaun ==========

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Actually, it was $99 at Rantoul. For a plane ride to 10,500 in our case. I, myself wasn't impressed.

For the Kind of performance that puppy should be getting, I can't see it costing much more at all to take her up a few extra thousand feet....

Ummm, cloud clearance.
"No cookies for you"- GFD
"I don't think I like the sound of that" ~ MB65
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The jet holds 80. They flew it last Sunday with 60. Today they had 3 full loads, but had to cancel the sunset load due to not enough people. From what I hear, they will be taking the jet to different drop zones for boogies.

WOW they could bring it out to Kansas for a boogie!! I'd bet we could get at LEAST 15 people in there if we stick the students in the back... Do you think we could throw static-liners out of the back?:)
=========Shaun ==========

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Sorry for the misinformation, I thought it was $100, but was only a dollar off. Still, I would have paid $100 for the experience.

I'll sell ya that page outta my logbook for $100. :ph34r:
"No cookies for you"- GFD
"I don't think I like the sound of that" ~ MB65
Don't be a "Racer Hater"

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Okay, guess you had to be there, done it, to appreciate it. In my skydiving experience, limited as it is with only 600 jumps, the jump today out of the jet is one of the highlights. I think it is one of these experiences that is hard to describe, you just have to experience it. Judging from the smiling faces of people who jumped the jet I think it was definitely a whorthwile experience.

Life is either a daring adventure or nothing ~ Helen Keller

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The jet was mucho fun today! First did a solo and then did video for a 10-way team (yeah, we did a 10-way competition out of the jet today! B|). My team, "Jumpzillas", came in 2nd! :)
As a cameraflyer it was cool to exit, turn upside down, barrel roll over and track like hell back up and over the building formation. I was -really- glad that I had booties!

3 full loads were taken to altitude today. More slated for tomorrow (manifest was already filling the first load for tomorrow, today).

Come out and have some fun! Check another specialty aircraft off your list and see what DB Cooper might have felt that day long ago. :P


Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footprints on the moon

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Actually, it was $99 at Rantoul. For a plane ride to 10,500 in our case. I, myself wasn't impressed. :|

It would be extremely difficult to impress a legend like your good self Stitch:D:D
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I still can't figure out what the big deal is on this. I jumped it.........it was fun but something I only plan on doing once. I just don't see paying $75 or more for a jump on a regular basis. :S Maybe my military experience makes jumping that thing not so exciting. I don't know. *Shrug*

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