
The NEW and IMPROVED DZ.com Weight Loss Challenge

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Hooray! Okay, now that Belly Off is done and we have our winners (yea John!) -can I resurrect a tradition that mnealtx started a year or so ago? :)
We used to have a weekly weight loss thread to keep people that were having a go of changing their health and their figures motivated to drive on!

Many weight loss boards do it this way:

Type of program you are following
Starting weight / weight lost / goal weight


# of pounds to lose total / pounds lost / = pounds left to go!

Or for those of us that are yet even more remiss to mention how much we have to go...we have the ever-popular:

Pounds or inches lost this week / pounds or inches lost total overall

If you're into clothing size or minutes off of your run, pounds added to your lifts, or however you wanna set your goal and measure your acheivements, more power to ya...just chime in and we'll all be working towards health and fitness. B|

I know there are a bunch of people that are making some big lifestyle changes right now...I'm one of 'em, and I'm not afraid to admit that I sure appreciate some encouragement now and then. :$

I'll start:

I'm working on low-carb (basically Atkins). I have thyroid disease and low-carb was recommended. I'll start working out after I'm done with the first week, and that will be 4 days/week on the treadmill and freeweights to start.

My goals: Lose 7 dress sizes (possible 8, I won't know until I'm closer :P) and goal weight of 126. -That's the lowest weight I can maintain without looking disproportionate, so I may modify that as I get closer...and I want to be able to run a 5k with my daughter. :$

So are you game? B|
Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

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This could be good. I wanna get DOWN to 100KGs... yes down! :D

Oh I forgot to mention that we don't accept her majesty's imperial metric BS for measurements. You will have to convert to US pounds and inches or you will be banned from the thread. :|

;):P j/k, measure however you want, but don't be surprised when we look at you like this --> :| when you say how many kilograms you lost. :D:D
Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

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This could be good. I wanna get DOWN to 100KGs... yes down!


Oh I forgot to mention that we don't accept her majesty's imperial metric BS for measurements.


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# of pounds to lose = 25
# of pounds lost = 0
# of pounds to go = 25

Program - Medi Fast - just ordered it (have had success with similar programs in the past thought I'd give it try - thanks Jennifer for posting). I also have low thyroid and am meeting with a new specialist next week. Tired of feeling like a rotundas piece.

Size change - 2 sizes
Current size = 8
Desired size = 6

Excersice (will switch up)
3 - 4 days cardio
2- 3 days weight training

Can't wait to get my ass in gear again!!!


"Let's do something romantic this Saturday... how bout we bust out the restraints?"
Raddest Ho this side of Jersey #1 - MISS YOU
OMG, is she okay?

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LOL, well its 2.2 lbs per kilo. Its not that hard sweetie :P

Ok fine, but if you start talking Celsius, well mister, I just won't have any of that nonsense in my thread! >:(

Do you have ANY idea how f*cking lame it is to convert a Farenheit weather report into Celsius for a flight and then forget what it was and have to reconvert it back to Farenheit for people that ask 'what's the temperature up there'?!? >:(

I know experienced aviation enthusiasts know basic conversions off the top of their heads. But damn it all I didn't!! I didn't. :|

I quit flying mainly because of that.

-That and the thousands of dollars more it was going to cost me...:o
Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

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# of pounds to lose = 25
# of pounds lost = 0
# of pounds to go = 25

Program - Medi Fast - just ordered it (have had success with similar programs in the past thought I'd give it try - thanks Jennifer for posting). I also have low thyroid and am meeting with a new specialist next week. Tired of feeling like a rotundas piece.

Size change - 2 sizes
Current size = 8
Desired size = 6

Excersice (will switch up)
3 - 4 days cardio
2- 3 days weight training

Can't wait to get my ass in gear again!!!



Rock on, G G!!!! B|B|B|B|

Let's do it!!!

-But PROMISE that you will not lose your ass!! Your ass is like the most perfect ass ever and it would be a tragedy to lose that...:(
Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

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-But PROMISE that you will not lose your ass!! Your ass is like the most perfect ass ever and it would be a tragedy to lose that...

Plan to lose a bit of it.... BABY GOT BACK right now!!! :ph34r:

"Let's do something romantic this Saturday... how bout we bust out the restraints?"
Raddest Ho this side of Jersey #1 - MISS YOU
OMG, is she okay?

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....whatever exercise I can edge in working 72 hrs/week.

Not alot then!! :(

I used to hate the long hours in my old job. Was up ridiculously early so no chance of doing anything before work. Work a 12 hour day, get something to eat, veg out for an hour or so then go to bed. Sucked so much

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I know experienced aviation enthusiasts know basic conversions off the top of their heads. But damn it all I didn't!! I didn't. :|

LMAO - And your not bitter about it at all :D:D

I'm not fucking bitter about it! >:( I'm not fucking bitter about ANYTHING!! I am a non-bitter person!!

Fucking aviation freaks and their computer brains and their fucking little conversion charts and their fucking cool baseball caps with planes on 'em and their fucking cross-country fly-in party stories and their fucking posters of their aircraft and their fucking fun in the air...>:(>:(>:(>:(

I am not a bitter person. :|
Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

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HEY! It's the DZ.com weight loss challenge founder!! :)
I'm livin' la vida low-carb, just like it says in my sig line. :)
Shit we are having a business dinner tonight at a mexican restaurant...I guess I can have a taco salad. B|

Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

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HEY! It's the DZ.com weight loss challenge founder!! :)

Dunno if I was the founder... I just grabbed the ball and ran with it! ;)


I'm livin' la vida low-carb, just like it says in my sig line. :)

Cool sig... mental pic of you lip-syncing Ricky Martin is a bit disturbing, tho!! :D


Shit we are having a business dinner tonight at a mexican restaurant...I guess I can have a taco salad. B|

Yuppers...just don't eat the shell!!
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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