
Who is wrong in this video? near canopy collision

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That has been talked about here. The guy in the blue canopy is at fault (as i see it). As the video guy is turning on final (90 deg right) you can see the shadow of the other jumper off to the left. The guy in the blue canopy is at alot high altitude and should have stayed away from the camera man. Also at fault is the DZ's (mile high) landing patern. Sometime left hand sometime right hand. Some like it and say its nesisary but i think it leaves more chances for a mess up.
Nothing opens like a Deere!

You ignorant fool! Checks are for workers!

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just wondering who is at fault the most here. kinda freaked me out a little.

Low man has the right of way. I think there is more too who is right or wrong in this video.

It looks like there was a left hand pattern set up... Why were you doing a right hand pattern if so?

Keeping your head moving around is the best you can do. Watching for everyone. Even the ones above you..
Never give the gates up and always trust your rears!

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It looks like there was a left hand pattern set up...

If I remembed correctly Mile High didn't have a set patern before this happend. Now they have a set patern depending on the way the wind is coming from.

Maybe they had a set patern depending on what side of the pee pit you were on? It was something like that.
Nothing opens like a Deere!

You ignorant fool! Checks are for workers!

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It looks like there was a left hand pattern set up...

If I remembed correctly Mile High didn't have a set patern before this happend. Now they have a set patern depending on the way the wind is coming from.

Maybe they had a set patern depending on what side of the pee pit you were on? It was something like that.

As far as I know they still have left and right hand patterns.

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If the guy wearing the camera (apparently flying a right hand pattern) stayed over the the right side of the drop zone it would've left a lot more room for people coming in from the other side. Why hog the whole pattern? Why not leave as much room for others as you possibly can?
It's not so much about who's fault it is. It's about keeping your ass alive and safe.

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It doesn't matter who was at fault... both people screwed up!! Camera flier crossed the center line of the landing area. High guy wasn't looking out below. If you end up dead because you felt like you had the right of way, you're still DEAD!!!
Do everything you can possibly do to never get into a situation like that.

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I agree, camera dude entering what appeared to be a predominately left handed load could have easily stayed more to the right instead of heading for the peas. Fly deffensively why put yourself in the middle of a lot of canopies? Because if you do then someone will not see you and that is exactly what happened. Imagine if both pilots saw each other, then the camera guy sould have stayed right leaving room for the other guy and visa versa.

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If I remembed correctly Mile High didn't have a set patern before this happend. Now they have a set patern depending on the way the wind is coming from.

Maybe they had a set patern depending on what side of the pee pit you were on? It was something like that.

As far as I know they still have left and right hand patterns.

Nope, still no designated L- or R-hand pattern. Most people predominately make a R-hand pattern when landing East (default landing direction, as in this video), because it allows them to set up away from the runway.

There are some mitigating circumstances at Mile-Hi that most other DZ's don't deal with, the biggest being the letter of agreement that essentially only allows a westbound jump run no matter what the winds. Because of this, sometimes one winds up in a place where they need to make a L-hand approach, other times a R-hand.

Regardless, the swooping into traffic is the more egregious error here, IMO...but the cameraperson is also at fault, because they decided to take up most of the landing area with their base leg, and crossed the center line instead of landing on the side from which their pattern originated.

Either way, this particular dead horse has been severely beaten on these forums. You can search the incidents forum for the original thread, IIRC.
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Video is "Removed by the user"

What a surprise. Of course, "maybe" someone downloaded it onto their hard-drive, and will now re-upload it.

Warning: Off topic

How do you download from youtube to your harddrive? PM please.

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Maybe they had a set patern depending on what side of the pee pit you were on? It was something like that.

If it's not really a pea pit, I'm not landing there anymore.:D

I think you can run a left and right pattern simultaneously if you don't cross over each other on final. We do it at the airport all the time with airliners. My main thing is this : Low Man Has Right of Way . . . Period. All you swoopers read that twice, please.

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