How long should it take to get price quote for a complete rig from a well known dealer?

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In my case...
3 weeks from one
2 weeks from another
2 days from another
Two never answered my email.
One of the two that never answered is arguably the biggest reseller of skydiving equipment out there. They've become last on my list of "go-to" vendors.

In other words, I don't know that there is an average. In my case, it might have been a busy day, maybe they don't like long last names, or maybe the gear I wanted just wasn't something they wanted to sell to me.

I was looking for a Sihouette 210, Wings container, and open to reserve suggestions even though I felt I wanted a Raven, and I wanted a Cypres2.

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In my case...
3 weeks from one
2 weeks from another
2 days from another
Two never answered my email.
One of the two that never answered is arguably the biggest reseller of skydiving equipment out there. They've become last on my list of "go-to" vendors.

In other words, I don't know that there is an average. In my case, it might have been a busy day, maybe they don't like long last names, or maybe the gear I wanted just wasn't something they wanted to sell to me.

I was looking for a Sihouette 210, Wings container, and open to reserve suggestions even though I felt I wanted a Raven, and I wanted a Cypres2.

What kind of reserve did you end up getting?
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Swooping is taking one last poke at the bear before escaping it's cave - davelepka

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Did you e-mail them or call? I've received quotes right over the phone.

If you e-mailed them, well, you might want to follow up that they actually got the e-mail. Sometimes computers break.

Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.

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Please consider that sometimes the people who work the email orders are off or may be away doing other skydiving things. If you email them directly, the email may sit in their in box until they pick it up.

Trent, at FlyVertical.com has been in Norway for 3 weeks and I do not know how to pick up the on-line orders for him! I hope he is looking at them and responding to all of you from there. If not he will be in the store tomorrow 7/12/06.

Thanks everyone,


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same day i inquired about prices............

sq1 had me lined out in no time at all. jp was back to me in about 2 hours or so, and helped me with all the problems a first time rig buyer could come up with. (my first rig)

sonic at the Ranch Pro Shop found me my first down size in canopy and called me first when he found that PD was running a sale on shelf stock and saved me lots of dollars. (i have since bought two more canopies from him as well.)

margy at sq2 had all my prices ready for me in a few hours when i ordered my second rig.

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Did you e-mail them or call? I've received quotes right over the phone.

If you e-mailed them, well, you might want to follow up that they actually got the e-mail. Sometimes computers break.


I called the three that were "big" dealers.
One finally responded with "Gee, it's been really busy here, and sorry haven't responded. I promise a price quote to you by tomorrow close of business."
Never heard a word back.
Computers don't break in bigger businesses. Smaller, cottage resellers yes. Big businesses with toll-free's, many employees, etc...I'm not buying that as a reason.
Bottom line...my money went to dealers that have responded quickly and capably.

...they all get my money

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Square1 is about the largest reseller out there and I don't think they employ more then 10 people to run both the physical location on Perris and the ordering location. Not exactly what I would call a mega large corporation ;) Email can and does break to even the largest companies.

Most gear dealers are 1-2 people max and provide the 800 number as a convience to the customer to get out of state orders with out adding long distance charges.
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Please consider that sometimes the people who work the email orders are off or may be away doing other skydiving things. If you email them directly, the email may sit in their in box until they pick it up.

The other problem is spam filters. They sometimes eat up legitimate email -- which means your email query is never read. Sometimes they don't have control over the spam filters, and are not at fault; just really annoying that email has become somewhat of an "unreliable" medium due to this...

Emailing again from another address, or emailing a different email message, often helps --

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Computers don't break in bigger businesses.

What is a big business? I work for a company that employess 10,000+ people globally and believe it or not, our email goes down sometimes, things get lost in the servers and spam filters, etc.

Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.

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Computers don't break in bigger businesses.

What is a big business? I work for a company that employess 10,000+ people globally and believe it or not, our email goes down sometimes, things get lost in the servers and spam filters, etc.


The odds of both "big" resellers having their computers all go down at the same time and all their customer emails lost at once and them not saying anything about it and not responding to follow up phone call (maybe their phones were down too? except that I spoke to a live person) are pretty astronomical, wouldn't you agree? And if the big business is so poorly set up that they'd lose requests for orders/quotes in their spam system, well, they don't deserve to be in business, IMO. I don't use Yahoo, AOL, or Hotmail, so there would be no cause for my mail to be routed to spam.:S

Doesn't matter. I got my rig, the businesses that responded got my money, I'm happily jumping and having a good time.:D

and for me, that's all that matters.

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FWIW - A small-time gear dealer -

I try to get quotes back to folks in a day or two.

I've also found that out of about 20-30 quotes I might get one sale.

I went through a major life change (divorce) this spring and discovered I did drop the ball on a few requests. (some stuff got plowed under - )

So if anyone out there never got a quote from me in a timely fashion, I apologize!

I am in process of finally getting my site some what updated. My main sellers this spring/summer have been helmets and alitimeters. Alot of helmets.

Easy Does It

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