
Steve Jobs: "Nobody uses Java anymore"

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When asked why the iPhone does not include Java, Steve Jobs of Apple replied:


Java’s not worth building in [to the iPhone]. Nobody uses Java anymore. It’s this big heavyweight ball and chain.

Well, that sucks. I've been programming Java for 12 years now, and my career is in the toilet, I guess. I guess, me and the other five million Java programmers world-wide will have to make a living by relying on the 4 billion other devices that currently do support Java.

I hope someday I'm as rich and powerful as Steve Jobs, so I can live in my own little fantasy world, too :D
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That's funny, just yesterday I ran across a website that had a java application and I thought to myself "weird, nobody uses java anymore."

Nobody uses Applets anymore. By today's standard, they don't cut the mustard (yes, eener, that little phrase just proves how old I am :P). How many websites do you see that have URLs that end in JSP? A good chunk of web applications use Java somewhere in the back-end, even if you don't see it on the web page itself. 80% of mobile devices have Java as well. It's not the best thing going out there right now, but it definitely has a wide acceptance base, and yes, people still use it.
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I know we, along with quite a few outfits, have dropped java for .net in the last year or so.

I have to admit that I like .NET. It has flaws for sure, but there has been a tremendous library base built up around .NET, surpassing Java in several ways. I'm also surprised that most of the .NET programmers I talk to are C#.NET - more than half of those transitioned from Java, due to the similarity of the syntax.

Last year, I deployed my first production C# application, and I would say that it was equivalent to any Java app I've ever built - in some ways even better. But I have yet to see a comparison of enterprise level apps in .NET vs. Java. And at this point, I doubt that I will ever fully convert - just too much time spent learning Java, and I believe too much in multi-platform compatibility.

This is where Jobs' statement surprises me. You would think that he would be more supportive of a platform that executes equally on Mac as well as PC. New macs run Windows apps, but I don't think Jobs wants to sell out completely to Windows. OTOH, I remember the NeXt computer. First Jobs said it was the end-all be-all of systems. Then they stopped making hardware, and said NextStep was the end-all be-all of OSes. Then they stopped making NextStep and Jobs ended up back at Apple.
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Then they stopped making hardware, and said NextStep was the end-all be-all of OSes. Then they stopped making NextStep and Jobs ended up back at Apple.

Stopped making NextStep? No. You just know it today by the name "Mac OS X".:ph34r:
"There are only three things of value: younger women, faster airplanes, and bigger crocodiles" - Arthur Jones.

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Stopped making NextStep? No. You just know it today by the name "Mac OS X".Sly

Tru dat. Mach kernal, anyone? Also funny how many macs were made with magnesium casings when Jobs came back - where, oh where did he get that idea?
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nobody bellyflies anymore... i mean, that big heavy thing they call RW..its just old and outdated...we all free fly now. :P

I swear I've seen FF's going to mock-ups to dirt dive exits... taking grips to build formations in groups of four w/ video and... oh yeah... bigways... hmmmm:P;):)
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I swear I've seen FF's going to mock-ups to dirt dive exits

Those are just RW people that are converting to FF. After all, belly flying is just another type of FF, right?

A few weeks ago, three of us got together to FF. I have no idea how it happened. There I was, AFFI, lots of tunnel time on belly, trying to remember what it was like to FF when I was young. Next to me a guy that had been to nationals four-way RW twice, borrowed a FF suit from the DZO. Then a guy that I had done several belly jumps with, 4,000 RW jumps, 4-way nationals several times, wearing a very tight RW suit from the 80s (no booties, tiny grippers). We went right to our RW training, and mocked up the exit. The only thing we didn't do was get on creepers :D

Usually, I pick up a FF jump at about 8,000 feet. "Me? I'm solo. Will I do a four way FF with two people I've never met before? Sure, why not . We've got like 2 or 3 minutes on a cramped plane to rehearse it in our heads ... :ph34r: You guys know how to track, right? I don't have a camera - are you sure you want me to still FF with you?"
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Turned out to be a Tel Co that had outsourced the billing system to IBM. IBM wrote a lot of it in PL/I. Laugh
A sweet deal. 3 yr contract. Smile

I keep hoping that I'll find an old Fortune 100 company that has some huge program written in Atari BASIC. That should keep me going after the Java work dries up :)
Trapped on the surface of a sphere. XKCD

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The only thing we didn't do was get on creepers :D

Well a "creeper" for a sit-fly dive would just be an office chair with wheels, right?:D
"There are only three things of value: younger women, faster airplanes, and bigger crocodiles" - Arthur Jones.

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In 2000, I saw an ad for a PL/I programmer. I was wondering who was using that and replied to it.

Turned out to be a Tel Co that had outsourced the billing system to IBM. IBM wrote a lot of it in PL/I. :D
A sweet deal. 3 yr contract. :)

Haven't heard of PL/I for ages. I wrote a lot of PL/I stuff in the early 70s.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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