
What's so special about your 23rd?

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I was talking to a drunk friend tonight. ...That's it I suppose; that explains it. But I'll go on anyway for your entertainment. :)
He tried to wish me happy birthday. After telling him it's still two months away, he then asked what I was planning to do because I must be what, 23, 24? I told him I'll be 23. Then he went into this huge monologue about how special your 23rd birthday is, and that I should have started planning something for it years ago! No joke. Planning for my 23rd years ago. Then I heard something crash and the line went silent. :D Another extremely drunk sounding person picked up the phone and said my friend passed out, and he'd call me tomorrow. And oh yeah, happy birthday! :S:D

So was that just some drunken rambling, or is there something special about your 23rd that I don't know about? :S Regardless, it was humorous. Perhaps I should get back on the DD list. :):D

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Not like 16 (driver's license)

Not like 18 (now an adult, can take AFF)

Not like 21 (duh)

Not like 25 (insurance premiums drop)

Not like 30 (end of your 20s)

So, 23? Nah, doesn't really seem a milestone bday.
Illinois needs a CCW Law. NOW.

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Don't forget:

35 - Can run for president.
36 - Can legally sleep with someone half your age in all 50 states.
54 - Well, you can do the math. :)
Oh and Sprite, if you want back on the DD list, ya know what to do. :)

Stupidity if left untreated is self-correcting
If ya can't be good, look good, if that fails, make 'em laugh.

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That's what I figured too.

Unless you just can't tell me about your super secret underground "23 is awesome-ness" club until I'm 23! :o

That's it, isn't it! :P Bastards! And all this time I thought 23 was just another birthday...

I just turned 23 Saturday and I can tell you... There is NO club or anything associated with your 23rd birthday.:)
Some people refrain from beating a dead horse. Personally, I find a myriad of entertainment value when beating it until it becomes a horse-smoothie.

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when you turn 23, you can legally post naked photos of yourself on dz.com

you should try it ;)

Are you telling me to move the sign?:|>:(
Some people refrain from beating a dead horse. Personally, I find a myriad of entertainment value when beating it until it becomes a horse-smoothie.

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when you turn 23, you can legally post naked photos of yourself on dz.com

you should try it ;)

Are you telling me to move the sign?:|>:(
Yes please :)

Some people refrain from beating a dead horse. Personally, I find a myriad of entertainment value when beating it until it becomes a horse-smoothie.

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Don't forget:

35 - Can run for president.
36 - Can legally sleep with someone half your age in all 50 states.
54 - Well, you can do the math. :)
Oh and Sprite, if you want back on the DD list, ya know what to do. :)

You left out 29...

I will forever be 29 & holding... never getting any older.....:D

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