
Sleeping issues

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I have been having some issues where sleep is concerned. Work has been extremely busy and when I have alot on my plate I tend to have problems styaing asleep. Its not that I am really stressed about it all, its just that I have so much to do that I tend to wake up after sleeping for 4 to 5 hours and my mind seems to want to go thru everything that I have to do during work the next dayand I can't turn it off. Needless to say after 3 or 4 days of bad nights of sleep by the 5th day I am tired and forget to do certain things at work or I just feel like I am whacked. I am seeing a Dr tomorrow about trying to get some kind of sleep "aid" to help me get thru the busy time of year for me (till about Jan 5th). Any suggestions as to what to ask for? I really don't want something highly addictive, I don't want something that will make me feel like a zombie the next day. My coworker gave me some Xanax (I know they are highyl addictive!) I have taken half a pill, this helps with sleep and the next day I don't feel out of it, but like I said they are highly addictive. Any suggestions?? OBTW, YES, I have cut back on the caffiene and have tried that route to no avail.

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Benadryl...you'll sleep and you won't itch either

Unless you have Restless Leg Syndrome then it just might keep you up all night. :S

You have to find a way to relax your mind and get it off work. I find that I have to have about 30minutes to an hour of brainless time. If I work right up until bed then I dream about what I'm working on. Heck, if I play tetris up until bed then I dream about playing tetris.

I find that reading a book (nice brainless fiction book) or watching mindless tv (lots of that on) or knitting will relax me enough to stay asleep.

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Tylenol PM is actually just Benadryl with some acetaminophen thrown in for fun.


& they do make a product without the acetaminophen.

But if you read the fine print, the 'long term' side effects are definitely not worth it.

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I have a very high tolerance to drugs such as Benadryl. It takes ALOT to get the job done. I don't think it would work for me as it tends to hype me up AND stop the itching!! LOL:D


Do the 8-ball a little earlier in the day, might start wearing off by bedtime! ;)

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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I use Ambien. Everyone talks about building a resistance and growing dependent on ever increasing doses, but a half a pill a night is usually good enough for me and has been for a couple of years. I'll occasionally take a whole pill if I have a full 8 hours available and feel like splurging (happens maybe once a month). If this is a short-term problem (the crunch at work), I wouldn't worry too much about addiction. If it's a chronic state, keep the concern in the back of your mind and watch your habits.

The thing is our problems differ. I can't shut my brain off to get to sleep, but once I'm asleep, I generally stay that way. You on the other hand can go to sleep but not stay there, so you'd need something with more of a delayed/timed release. I'm not sure that such products are made in a form amenable to reducing your own dose.

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I have exactly the same problem. Fall asleep with ouit a worry and then wake up from3 to 5 hours latera nd after a few daays of this in a row I am shatteredB|
I have been taking a drug called imovane and it works a treat.
It just make you drowsy about an hour after you take it but helps to sleep right through the night. If you do wake up for a pee parade or what ever? you can get bake to sleep.
There are herbal remedies I have taken as well but they don't work half as good.
The only side effect of the imovane I am aware of is it does leave a bitter after tast in your mouth. A bit like the taste of orange peel.

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I use xanax. Works wonders. I have the same issues, constantly thinking about clients etc etc so the DR prescribes me them every month. ( guess whos popular at the dz at week-ends:D). I have also used temazepam 30mg. They work pretty good also. Ambien makes me drowsy the next day.


do you realize that when you critisize people you dont know over the internet, you become part of a growing society of twats? ARE YOU ONE OF THEM?

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Ask your doc to refer you for a sleep study... that'll help figure out if there's more going on than meets the eye.
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Ambien makes me drowsy the next day.

Really? I have no drowsiness 8-9 hours later. What kicks my ass is Nyquil...that shit fucks me up till the NEXT night. :S:D


If you mix ambien and xanax together woohoo, talk about a good nights sleep. Nyquil is bad the next day.

do you realize that when you critisize people you dont know over the internet, you become part of a growing society of twats? ARE YOU ONE OF THEM?

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I have to sing the praises of Ambien. That's some miracle shit. You feel it in 15 minutes (as long as you don't have the CR kind). You'll have the best sleep you've ever had ever in your life ever ever. Then you wake up and feel sooo awesome you have to fight the urge to do cartwheels and actually get yourself to work.

THEN, if you're bored one day, take one a little in advance. Instead of 8 hours before you get up, take it 10 hours before you get up and stay up for the 2 hours. You get really loopy and fun with the normal dose. Cool shite!

Ambien helps to get you back into a normal cycle. If you get crap sleep one night, you may sleep terrible the next night from the anxiety and over exhaustedness. 1-2 ambien=great sleep=back on great sleep cycle without needing it.

Just ask for it and if you don't like it, don't take it anymore (and send it to me :)

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It may not be the quick fix you are looking for, but self hypnosis works like a charm. I learned it many years ago while in grauduate school when I suffered form insomnia. I found time spent in a hypnotic state was as restful as sleep. But most of the time it will put you to sleep.

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The problem is STAYING asleep, not falling asleep! I don't want to take something every night. The Xanax maybe the way to go. Something that just kinda "chills" me out.


It helps me out. I have tried all the other crap. When you have shit on your mind it interferes with your sleep. I am sure people will come on here and suggest exercise, no caffeine blah blah blah...There's a reason they make sleep aids. Use them. If you have insurance it will run you about 5-10 dollars a month.

do you realize that when you critisize people you dont know over the internet, you become part of a growing society of twats? ARE YOU ONE OF THEM?

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