
Do women understand the effects of their boobs?

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Face it. Men are very visual creatures. We will tolerate a whole lot of ugly inside a woman just to justify a whole lot of beauty on the outside. Coming from the voice of maturity, think about it.......

Would you guys rather hang out with a woman that is strikingly gorgeous on the outside and butt ass ugly inside?


a butt ass ugly woman on the outside that is gorgeous on the inside?

The obvious choice is to have a woman that is a pleasant blend of both gorgeous qualities. Which is even more difficult to find. Usually, it is a diamond in the rough.

To take the question to the extreme:

How many guys want a short, overweight, butt ass ugly woman with no teeth and a non-sexual no fun attitude, with no boobs?

The formula is simple.
People are crazy. Cuz there's more of 'em.

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What if she is a little person and you don't notice her in front of you and then you lean forward to say get a drink from the bar, and then your nads rub up against her

A classic BagSlap, or just a light rub?

"Once we got to the point where twenty/something's needed a place on the corner that changed the oil in their cars we were doomed . . ."

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Face it. Men are very visual creatures. . . .
The formula is simple.

I will agree that men are visually stimulated, but I want to disagree that most men would be so shallow as to choose looks over character/personality/intelligence. OK... maybe for a one night stand, but not for anything more substantial.

I might be naive or maybe assume a higher level of thought than "reality", but the MEN that I associate with are more than just drooling animals.

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Not all men are so concerned about looks that they'll use that as the sole deciding factor on whether or not they should have a long-term relationship with a woman. Personally, I'd rather someone who's engaging, enjoyable to be around, someone who I could just cuddle up on the couch with and watch a movie, that kind of thing. Looks are certainly a plus, but they don't mean everything.
"If at first you don't succeed... well, so much for skydiving." - aviation cliche

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I keep telling you... I just want you for your body.;):D

And how do you KNOW that you want me for my body?! :P I might just have a "wonderful personality." Maybe 5'1" and 235lbs and breasts shaped more like moobs that you would shudder at the thoughts of them rubbing up against your shoulder with horrid thoughts of man breasts... :o It might just be a fantasy that I'm drop dead gorgeous. B|

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How many guys want a short, overweight, butt ass ugly woman with no teeth and a non-sexual no fun attitude, with no boobs?
..and how many women want the male equivalent of that?

That said...I'll reiterate...leading with your boobs at a bar is a clear message. HUGGING people is not the same thing. Who hugs their kids in a bar?

When I'm hugging someone I'm aware I have breasts and based on the intensity of how much I missed you, you're going to feel boobage.

But walking up to a guy in a bar and claiming that I think I know him, while putting my boob weight on him (arm..shoulder..back of neck...RIGHT under his nose (I'm tall)..I know what I'm doing and actions speak louder than 'you look JUST like my cousin'.

I'm still interested in how he handled the move she busted, Unless he was there with a large group of friends, or worse yet a DATE who just went to the bathroom I don't see why the question is even on the table. But then again....

'she' was too old..her boobs were noticed..then what happened?

Camelot II, the Electric Boogaloo!

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...Maybe 5'1" and 235lbs and breasts shaped more like moobs that you would shudder at the thoughts of them rubbing up against your shoulder with horrid thoughts of man breasts... :o It might just be a fantasy that I'm drop dead gorgeous. B|

Then again, maybe you're NOT. I've met you

Did I ever mention that prostate problem that I need to get checked out?
My reality and yours are quite different.
I think we're all Bozos on this bus.
Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239

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Karen, your hotness is slightly unique because it starts from within your heart and radiates outward without you even knowing it. Alzheimers and senility don't have a chance of mistaking this warm heat as anything but pure angelic hotness.

Leave Popsjumper alone about that. He's alright.

Hotflashes? Just bottled up hotness trying to get out.:$:P

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Did that come across wrong?

What I was saying was...

But then again, maybe you're NOT...(5'1" and 235lbs and breasts shaped more like moobs...)

...and you never offered the exam...again. If I have to make any more hints, they'll think I'm stalking.
My reality and yours are quite different.
I think we're all Bozos on this bus.
Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239

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