
Which 'special trait' would you choose?

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Pick one! :)
I'm at home sick - humor me. :P

Those are all the choices you get, so pick wisely.

Edited to add: This is very interesting to me, because some part of me wants all of the options. If I had to pick, I'd have a hard time choosing between - being as smart as I want, having my body look just the way I want it, compassion and generosity, and charisma.

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I chose, "Sleeping would no longer be a necessity." I've got a 14 month old daughter being weaned. Waking up at zero dark thirty to attempt to calm her is really messing me up.

I chose it because it said, "necessity." I like sleeping. A LOT, and it's what I miss out on more than anything. Eating? I can eat in the car but I can't sleep there.

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Pick one! :)
I'm at home sick - humor me. :P

Those are all the choices you get, so pick wisely.

Edited to add: This is very interesting to me, because some part of me wants all of the options. If I had to pick, I'd have a hard time choosing between - being as smart as I want, having my body look just the way I want it, compassion and generosity, and charisma.

MMM, the only problem I see with the last option is that people ARE as smart as they want. you can't increase your knowledge without already knowing something in that example.:D
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I chose, "Sleeping would no longer be a necessity." I've got a 14 month old daughter being weaned. Waking up at zero dark thirty to attempt to calm her is really messing me up.

I chose it because it said, "necessity." I like sleeping. A LOT, and it's what I miss out on more than anything. Eating? I can eat in the car but I can't sleep there.

See, I'd really like to make sleep optional. That way I can work 8-9 hours, work out, cook, clean, take classes, hang with friends ALL in a days time.

Eating is just a pain for me - I'd rather it be optional. :P

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Part of me wants to believe, that I would be happier if I was smarter, because I would have the intelligence to get what I want.

I am getting the things I want but I have to work much harder than my colleagues primarily because they are smarter than me. The end result is the same but I have to sacrifice more time and thus acheive less balance in my life than those who operate more efficiently than me (family, working out...etc). Efficiency can be somewhat derived from organization skill but to some extent it is derived from how fast of a learner you are. I wish I picked things up faster. I can't complain because life is not bad but I see greener grass on the other side (of those who are naturally smart).
My biggest handicap is that sometimes the hole in the front of my head operates a tad bit faster than the grey matter contained within.

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Part of me wants to believe, that I would be happier if I was smarter, because I would have the intelligence to get what I want.

I am getting the things I want but I have to work much harder than my colleagues primarily because they are smarter than me. The end result is the same but I have to sacrifice more time and thus acheive less balance in my life than those who operate more efficiently than me (family, working out...etc). Efficiency can be somewhat derived from organization skill but to some extent it is derived from how fast of a learner you are. I wish I picked things up faster. I can't complain because life is not bad but I see greener grass on the other side (of those who are naturally smart).

Yeah, I'm still pretty young so I'm slowly learning this... "I wish I picked things up faster" <-- that is EXACTLY how I feel...

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I choose to be as smart as I want because then I would be smart enough to create a pill (w/ no negative side effects) that made sleep no longer necessary, made eating no longer necessary, made me look just the way I want, and this would make me rich and famous which would allow me to be as charismatic, compassionate, and generous as I want.
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I chose "smart" but I really didn't know if it's the "right" answer. I know the angles and forces and procedures for landing.... but yet I still have a broken ankle. I think the right answer would be the ability to learn and APPLY said knowledge. Just being smart doesn't give you incentive or skill.... those are separate qualities.

But of all the options.... I would rather have intellect than be pretty or rich or charismatic

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I chose, as smart as you want. Knowledge is power and with it you can get most things. And since you said as smart as I would want, that means I would want the knowledge of gods and total understanding of everything in known existence!! :)

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Definitely sleeping. Just think what you could do if you didn't sleep 1/3+ of your life. It would be the equivalent of a 75yr old person living to be 100.

Actually, it would be like a 75 year old person (that sleeps 1/3 of their life) living to be 112.5 years old (and still sleeping 1/3 of their life). ;)
"That looks dangerous." Leopold Stotch

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You missed the most important to me....HEALTH!!! I'd give most anything to be able to go back and undo some of the things I've done that has left me in the state of health I'm in. Mind you, I'm not complaining...it's just a wish.


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