
Phone Sex?

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Have you ever gotten your jollies from talking to someone on a phone sex number? >:( You might just lose your hard-on after you look at these pics. Not the "Barbie Doll" you thought you were talking to, huh? ;)

Are we called "DAWGs" because we stick our noses up people's butts? (RIP Buzz)
Yep, you're a postwhore-billyvance

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Damn, I thought that was a proposition.

LOL! :D I [B]AM[/B] short on cash right now!
(Boinky looks into setting up a paypal account) :)

Are we called "DAWGs" because we stick our noses up people's butts? (RIP Buzz)
Yep, you're a postwhore-billyvance

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I worked a 900 line in the early 90's. None of us were Barbie dolls. Working the midnight to 8am shift we'd come in wearing our jammies (not the sexy ones), sloppy jeans or whatever was comfortable.

Just goes to prove, you don't have to be picture perfect to do well on a job. ;)

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i thought phone sex was when you lube up the phone and shove it in somebodys ass:o

Hey...some folks might enjoy that! :$;)

Are we called "DAWGs" because we stick our noses up people's butts? (RIP Buzz)
Yep, you're a postwhore-billyvance

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*picture this*

the one smothered in cigarette smoke with the loose skin phone fucking you:|

*picture this*

Most callers don't care.

My favorite calls were the men who called just to talk because they were in sour marraiges that lacked communication. Nothing sexual about it.
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LMAO. thats crazy as all hell lisa phone sex has got to be pricey im sure.

its kinda like paying for a hooker to go eat dinner with. people do that shit all the time too.

I think back then it was $3.95/minute. Callers are allowed 2 calls at 20 minutes each in a 12 hour period. I don't know how the FCC works, but that's how it was regulated.

And hey, who else could they call in the middle of the night just to talk to someone that doesn't judge you? :)
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I had a friend in OKC in the mid 80's that worked phone (well, it was my GF's friend-not great looking, not bad. But that was early tech. She worked in a call center. A room full of chicks in cubes talking trash. It was kinda funny. She always claimed that at least half ot the callers just wanted to talk
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A room full of chicks in cubes talking trash.

Exactly. Well, the sex stuff at least. It's all fake.

I did enjoy the conversations though with those who just wanted to talk.
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I knew that stuff was $$$$$

just call straight down the list on any page in the phone book for free. somebody will hear you out eventually, im sure. you'll be entertained in the meantime while people tell you to get fucked....which is the whole point:D

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Perry Farrell

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I knew that stuff was $$$$$

just call straight down the list on any page in the phone book for free. somebody will hear you out eventually, im sure. you'll be entertained in the meantime while people tell you to get fucked....which is the whole point:D

Sheesh. :D
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Shoot....I'd like to get paid just for talking sexy. I can't get in any trouble for talking about sex, right? >:(:)

What's that old quote, "If there's no video....it didn't happen!" :)


Are we called "DAWGs" because we stick our noses up people's butts? (RIP Buzz)
Yep, you're a postwhore-billyvance

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Shoot....I'd like to get paid just for talking sexy. I can't get in any trouble for talking about sex, right? >:(:)

What's that old quote, "If there's no video....it didn't happen!" :)

Nope you can't. And for a little over $5,000 you can get a line installed in your home. ;)
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Pfff.....if I had $5000 to plop down on a phone sex line, I would guess I'm not really short on cash, huh? ;)


Are we called "DAWGs" because we stick our noses up people's butts? (RIP Buzz)
Yep, you're a postwhore-billyvance

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