
the new wedding

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You know that eventually there would be a wedding at Waffle House. And... if you know WH, you probably know where. The place with the worlds largest concentration of WHs.


The lucky couple, George "Bubba" Mathis and Pamela Christian - both 23 and employees at the Dacula diner located at the Ga. Highway 316/U.S. Highway 29 interchange - wouldn't have it any other way.

That said. I love Waffle House. I just try to keep my social life out of there.

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Jesus, that sounds like something straight from the blue collar comedy tour...

"If you list 'Waffle House' as your preferred wedding reception location... you might be a redneck!"
"Some people follow their dreams, others hunt them down and beat them mercilessly into submission."

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Both 23?!?!? That dude looks like he's 50 or better. And that chick he married looks like she's 250 or better lbs that is.:D

Also, I believe that some people were put on this earth for nothing more than my entertainment.

I think the top picture might be the father giving away the bride. ;)
Be yourself!

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I hope he at least took his ballcap off during the ceremony. That's just wrong to keep it on.
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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Damnit, I was about to post this.

I think the best part is that they're both 23 and they've been dating for 9 years! 14 year old redneck sex anyone? The kids just back that up.

This is just the classiest thing ever. The waffle "cake" is the coolest. I know where/how I'm getting married now. I've just got to start popping out kids and encourage my gilrfriend to gain 115 lbs before that day. ;)

I will be kissing hands and shaking babies all afternoon. Thanks for all your support! *bows*

SCS #8251

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I've just got to start popping out kids and encourage my gilrfriend to gain 115 lbs before that day. ;)

Cynicism is just rampant these days.

They should write a book on relationships.
Look at all their strong points.
- a long term relationship.
- strong family bonds.
- he has more than just a physical desire for her.

I see an appearance on Okrah.

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I spent 10 years traveling the country building their restaurants and Waffle House weddings are not all that uncommon. Seems like every couple of months there was a story of another one in the company news letter. Usually at least one of the wedding party was an employee. I just figured they weren't allowed any time off [:/]

D28695 PoPs #9237
"Mix ignorance with arrogance at low altitude and the results are almost guaranteed to be spectacular"
— Bruce Landsberg

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