
Motorcycles w/ no helmets

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It doesn't happen very often.

and to the helmet protection folks:
I've been forced to lay a bike down hard 3 times in my life. Only once was I wearing a helmet.
Would have made no difference in any of those cases.

And Squeak - I can't hear the radio on the bike with a helmet!;)

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Lucky for you to those that are in bug free places. South Texas unfortunately does not fall into that category!

So, for those of you that wear something other than a full face or nothing at all, especially you folks in places with love bug infestations, etc., how the hell do you do it?

I've taken a couple hits to the neck as kbordson mentioned and it sucked!

edit: spelling

Born and raised in TX presently live in OK -- plenty of bugs. How do I do it? Guess I'm tougher than a bug. :S;)


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Well Mark it sounds as though you have been very fourtunate.

I know a couple of people who have had motorcycle vs deer accidents. Had they had no helmet they would have been done for.
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Ok, so 41 replies and one or two came somewhere in the vicinity of the topic.

Lucky for you to those that are in bug free places. South Texas unfortunately does not fall into that category!

So, for those of you that wear something other than a full face or nothing at all, especially you folks in places with love bug infestations, etc., how the hell do you do it?

I've taken a couple hits to the neck as kbordson mentioned and it sucked!

edit: spelling

Well I've taken a bumble bee inside the shirt. = 3 stings later I finally got the bastard out of my shirt.

Cicada (sp?) to the forehead = big red dot, and it hurt like a bitch!

Countless dragon fly strikes = ouch!

1 bird to the left fork tube @ 120 mph= big f'en mess!

More pink/black chewing gum then I care to remember due to love-bug season [:/]

Usually, riding at dusk up around FM2920, the bugs get bad!

But I still will ride ~occasionally~ without a helmet.

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So you are calling me an idiot huh. Have you checked the statstics on how many people die of head injuries in car accidents, horsback riding, bicycling, etc. etc. By your statement I should be wearing a helmet in the shower. For your information Ive lost 2 friends in motorcycle accidents. One was wearing a helmet, one was not. Both died of head injuries. I'm not saying that a helmet is a bad thing, just that I take offence to that statement. People die everyday of head injuries in all aspects of accidents. Should we all be wearing helmets all the time. I like the choice of whats good for me or not. Not having the gov tell me;.

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I guess I figure I would just get annoyed too quickly. I don't have a whole lot of space between a) "whoa, this shit rocks" and b) "this sucks, WTF am I doing here." I think a dragonfly to the forehead at 80mph would help me switch from A to B in a hurry.

In regard to helmets in general, I would LOVE to ride without my helmet. I'm still awfully new to the game though. Not only do I not trust others, I really don't trust myself yet. That, and in the short time I've been doing EMT ride-a-longs I've already helped bag up two helmetless bikers, both of whom failed to negotiate turns and tried to eat electric poles. :S

Killing threads since 2004.

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That, and in the short time I've been doing EMT ride-a-longs I've already helped bag up two helmetless bikers, both of whom failed to negotiate turns and tried to eat electric poles. :S

I'll wager both were CBR riders vs touring or larger street bikes. And...dragonflies to the forehead at 70mph doesn't really hurt, just sorta surprises you. But...even a small windscreen creates a very nice burble that generally keeps that sort of thing from happening often. If you're hungry, just open wide.:P

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I always wear a full face, full leathers, gloves, and boots when i ride. but i also think that's MY choice.

To be honest, i prefer that there be no helmet laws. No offense to you helmetless folks, but i say let good ol' Darwin do his work, if you get my meaning.

Sometimes, stupid is not a choice. In this case? stupid is a choice which everyone should be free to make.


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Riding with no helmet is freedom to me.

I have a windshield and the air stream is enough that if I do catch a bug its basically my hair line. I've ridden without the windshield for a time but anything over city speeds are too much for me. I like the wind break. Never had a bike with a fairing though, takes to much of the feel for riding out.

Hell most times I don't even wear glasses, not that its smart but I can't keep track of a pair for more than a month.

That said I rode with a helmet more this summer due to my long hair than I have since I was 15/16/17 when I was required by the law to wear one. I was amazed what wind will do to long hair even on a short ride.

Bugs aren't so bad. It's the rain at 80mph that hurts.

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I was forever thankful for wearing a full face the day I blasted through a swarm of bees going 100 mph. I was actually sitting up (crotch rocket) when I saw the first few buzz by my head but when I saw the swarm I tried to duck behind my very small windshield. Didn't quite make it all the way down and I got severely slimed. I had to ride the rest of the way home (almost an hour) with my visor up because I couldn't see through it. When I got home my girlfriend nearly vomited. :D

Even if it weren't the law in CA I'd still wear a helmet because I can only imagine cathing a rock in the forehead immediately before the freeway in front of me comes to a screeching halt. Fuck that.


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So you are calling me an idiot huh.



By your statement I should be wearing a helmet in the shower.

Nope. But if you want to be an even bigger idiot go right ahead.


I like the choice of whats good for me or not. Not having the gov tell me

Sometimes the government needs to step in to protect those that are unable to protect themselves.

There is not one valid argument for not wearing a helmet while riding a motorcycle. Plain and simple it is a stupid decision. Why do you think the organ donor waiting list is longer in states that do not have helmet laws? That should tell you something.

Wait, I stand corrected. Some are just too cool to wear a helmet. So, I guess there is at least one valid argument against helmets.

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There is not one valid argument for not wearing a helmet while riding a motorcycle. Plain and simple it is a stupid decision. Why do you think the organ donor waiting list is longer in states that do not have helmet laws? That should tell you something.

Yes, there is. Stupid by your view, but the same line may be used for skydiving, for example. "There is not one valid argument for jumping out of an airplane." :S
Freedom. Choice. Being an adult. All valid. All representative of what a motorcycle stands for in some circles.
There isn't one valid argument that should allow you nor anyone else, to remove my ability to choose. Regardless of whether *you* or even a majority of society thinks I'm making a "stupid" choice.

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Do you just hang around these forums to call people names? Never once did I say that I don't wear a helmet. I did say that I like having the choice. Then you return by saying that the gov should make the decision for me because I'm to stupid to make it myself. Maybe you should run for office.. Fortunatly I live in a state that allows me to make my own choice about this. You missed my point. People die everyday in accidents of all kinds from masssive head trauma. Your statement tells me that every single one of them were idiots because they failed to wear a helmet. By the way. Do you ride? And if you do, do you wear leather? I was always taught to dress for the fall, not for the ride. The people that need to rethink things are the people that wear a helmet but at the same time wear shorts and flip flops.

I may be getting old but I got to see all the cool bands.

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There is not one valid argument for not wearing a helmet while riding a motorcycle. Plain and simple it is a stupid decision. Why do you think the organ donor waiting list is longer in states that do not have helmet laws? That should tell you something.

Yes, there is. Stupid by your view, but the same line may be used for skydiving, for example. "There is not one valid argument for jumping out of an airplane." :S
Freedom. Choice. Being an adult. All valid. All representative of what a motorcycle stands for in some circles.
There isn't one valid argument that should allow you nor anyone else, to remove my ability to choose. Regardless of whether *you* or even a majority of society thinks I'm making a "stupid" choice.

Based on your argument all "adults" should be able to own a gun, drive 125 mph, and drink at the age of 18 (afterall, an 18 year old is an adult), that is not the case because the human population is inherently "stupid" and such rules have been put in place to protect the inherently "stupid" part of the population.

The part of the population that has common sense doesnt need to rely on these laws because they know the difference between a smart decision, and an idiotic one. I guess we now know what section of the adult population you fall into dont we?

Oh, and btw - the states that do not have helmet laws have a large percentage of the adult population you belong too. Sector 7 has determined that a much needed thinning of the herd has to take place. Hence the lack of helmet laws in those locations.

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Sorry to those not interested in a helmet/no helmet thread. We've seen it before and I'm sure we'll see it again. Didn't really mean for this thread to turn into one though I guess I knew it probably would.

Not sure how y'all feel, but I think it's kinda nice to read an argument that has to do with something other than pol#%cs or g$@ns.
Killing threads since 2004.

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