
Suitcase Suprise

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Ages and ages ago I drove a Super Shuttle for a living existence. I dropped a family off at one of the nicest downtown hotels one fine rainy and nasty Seattle afternoon. The family was a mom, dad, surly son about 16 or so and a daughter about 18. Seattle's downtown streets are very steep hills and I was parked facing up one.

I unloaded all of their bags from the back and grabbed the last one - the daughter's - and it came open as I set it down on the curb and things fell out of it into the wet gutter and street. I felt awful because now her clothes are all wet and dirty and- holy crap! Something of hers is rolling down the hill towards a very busy intersection so I ran off after it. I slipped on the wet street made from bricks and skidded to a stop on my butt next to the item in question.

I looked over my shoulder at the teenaged girl who was following me close behind and she looked like she had seen a ghost. It was her vibrator I was chasing.

I wasn't going to pick it up, she was too terrified to move so I kicked it into the storm drain and loudly announced to her dad - who was on his way down the sidewalk to help us - "Yeah - she's gonna need a new toothbrush. There's a store just two blocks *that way* or I'm sure you can get another one from the front desk."

The poor girl looked like she was going to cry, dad was railing her about not latching her suitcase properly and mom was going on about how they would have to send out all her clothes to be laundered now. No one wondered about the huge hug I got from her.

Ladies - be careful how you pack. Take your BOB's with you, by all means, but please pack them well.
If you can't laugh at yourself, I'll be happy to do it for you.
Be like the cupcake and suck it up.

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