
TrueBlood - HBO Series

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(Remember the "Two Weeks Later" thing right before they cut to the Bar Scene at the end) in the back of bellfuers car?

Shit, I forgot about that. To be honest I was a little drunk when I watched it so I should probably watch it again if I really wanted to try to figure it out.

But, they showed a vampire (gotta assume because of the camera view) running up to Lafayette then right after that they showed another vampire running up to Sookies door and it was Bill.... It makes sense about that being to obvious, so Ill give you that.


Besides, Lafayette is waaay too good of a character to get killed off. This show NEEDS Lafayette.

Now Taras Mom would make since. The show will be fine without her.

Your right, they need to keep Lafayette on the show. He knows too much about everything including V-Blood....
Maybe that psycho bitch Mary Anne killed Taras Mom??
And does this bitch have some kinda power? I just remembered they showed her sitting in some chair shaking violently.

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Not only is this a great series (based on the Stookie Stackhouse books), but you get to see Anna Paquin's tits in just about all the episodes. I find them quite attractive. If she played her cards right, I might let her touch me inappropriately if she promised to go make me a sandwich afterwards.


Me too.....

I Cannot believe I am reading this. I think Sookie is gross. She is like half-retarded and annoying. And why are her tits so high up on her chest. JUST WEIRD.... Sorry for the rant but GEEZ

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The Books and the HBO Series are not the same.
HBO is taking some definate turns away from the books. Major Changes.

Rumor is next season will stray even MUCH further from the Books.

Another options could be that Lafayette gets Turned. I would love to see that.

And if you read the Books... Do you think "Bubba" will make an apearance in the series?

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Great...... Now that I have read the post I know some stuff that happened on the last episode. I got back from the DZ late last night so it is dvr'd and awaiting my lazy ass to watch it tonight. I am a fan of the show and I hope it does not end early like Deadwood but the way I understand it is Deadwood was so authentic that production costs were through the roof so it became a money burner despite its popularity and how good it was.

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Yeah but finding another character in the back of Andy Bellefleur's car would be a HUGE turn from the books.
I don't think Bill killed Lafayette, but I'm pretty sure he's the dead one.

Sookie is not getting her ass kicked nearly as much in the show as she is in the books. I'm on the third book, she's about to go to Jackson with a werewolf and probably get her ass kicked there too.

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Spoiler Ahead: (From the Books, Not the series) DONT Read if you don’t want to know.

Wasnt Lafayette Killed at an Orgy in the books? That Eric and Sookie were also at?
Seems like if that is Lafayette in the back and he is dead, they still took a huge detour from the books.

I havent read the books yet, But that is what I read on another spoiler site.

Also was it Bill that killed Lafayette in the books (PM me the Answer).

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When I watched that last show I was under the impression that Bill killed Lafayette and Lafayette was also the one in the back of the cop car....

That is waaaaay too obvious. I dont think that is the case. It may be Lafayette but why would he show up two weeks Later (Remember the "Two Weeks Later" thing right before they cut to the Bar Scene at the end) in the back of bellfuers car?

If Bill had killed him, He would have been dead and disposed of.

Besides, Lafayette is waaay too good of a character to get killed off. This show NEEDS Lafayette.

Now Taras Mom would make since. The show will be fine without her.

I dont think bill killed laf... it might have been that annoying red hair girl
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Besides, Lafayette is waaay too good of a character to get killed off. This show NEEDS Lafayette.

The wife and I both agree w/you on this one. Without a doubt the best written and acted character on the show.


Now Taras Mom would make since. The show will be fine without her.

Yeah, not a critical character, but one that also has been very well acted. The scene with her in the bank blew my mind.

Elvisio "thank heaven for on-demand" Rodriguez

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