
Have there been TRUE Skyhook saves?

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Take a look at the last minute of the Skyhook video available on the RWS website. It appears (IIRC) that he chopped, got a reserve, then landed a 6-8 seconds later. I recall thinking he's lucky as sh*t he had a Skyhook, but you should judge for yourself. Apparently he didn't have a Skyhook (and I didn't recall correctly). I haven't seen the video for quite some time. The guy is still lucky as sh*t he's okay, but it doesn't address your post.

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He didn't have a Skyhook. That's the whole point of showing that particular shot. To answer the original question, no one has related a really low Skyhook story to me, but several have told me they were on the verge of passing out when they broke away, and wondered how long it would have taken them to get stable and pull.

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Take a look at the last minute of the Skyhook video available on the RWS website. It appears (IIRC) that he chopped, got a reserve, then landed a 6-8 seconds later. I recall thinking he's lucky as sh*t he had a Skyhook, but you should judge for yourself.

The whole point of that clip is that the guy chopped low without a Skyhook (or any rsl for that matter), then pulled his chest strap, then his reserve handle. He landed/hit with what looked like a 90% inflated reserve.B|
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A true skyhook save need not be altitude-related; a horrible spinning cutaway that would have caused line twists not recoverable before impact with terrain or ground or air hazards would also be a skyhook save. Of course, it's hard to know whether that "would have happened".


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I have a skyhook and I can tell you about a good friend who would still be here if he had a skyhook instead of the old-style RSL. He had a spinning malfunction. The bridle of the free bag and pilot chute tangled with him after cutting away the main. The reserve never had a chance. In my opinion a skyhook would have cleared the bridle from my friend. The Skyhook RSL is another wonderful innnovation from RWS and Bill Booth.

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The bridle of the free bag and pilot chute tangled with him after cutting away the main. The reserve never had a chance.

so this is a sky hook would have save scenario, from waht i am aware that is why they exist. i wouldn't have an r.s.l. but i want a skyhook.
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The bridle of the free bag and pilot chute tangled with him after cutting away the main. The reserve never had a chance.

so this is a sky hook would have save scenario, from waht i am aware that is why they exist. i wouldn't have an r.s.l. but i want a skyhook.

Its still an RSL, just a different type.
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The bridle of the free bag and pilot chute tangled with him after cutting away the main. The reserve never had a chance.

so this is a sky hook would have save scenario, from waht i am aware that is why they exist. i wouldn't have an r.s.l. but i want a skyhook.

Its still an RSL, just a different type.

Maybe Bill should have called it RDD (Reserve Direct Deployment)....

Roger "Ramjet" Clark
FB# 271, SCR 3245, SCS 1519

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Maybe Bill should have called it RDD (Reserve Direct Deployment)....

I like that. I had been calling it a MARDe System...Main Assisted Reserve Deployment.

Everyone likes a TLA better (Three Letter Acronyms).

Use it, Skyhook it great, but a TLA is better :)
Gee, maybe I should come back to work for you, only a 30 year gap in my retirement plan ;)

Roger "Ramjet" Clark
FB# 271, SCR 3245, SCS 1519

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I like RXL too but it sounds like a radio station :P

Thought of this and its stuck in my head for a few weeks now - Skyhook RDS - aka the Skyhook Reserve Deployment System?

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I like RXL too but it sounds like a radio station :P

Thought of this and its stuck in my head for a few weeks now - Skyhook RDS - aka the Skyhook Reserve Deployment System?

Hey, he liked mine ;)

Anyway, whatever the final letters, I think D should be one for (D)irect because it conjures up Direct Bag which is what his system is closest to (Direct Bag Static Line).

Roger "Ramjet" Clark
FB# 271, SCR 3245, SCS 1519

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Everyone likes a TLA better (Three Letter Acronyms).

Please don't confuse acronyms with initialisms. TLA, for example, is an initialism. (Unless you go around pronouncing it "tlah".)

If you combine all the brains on this forum, I bet we do know EVERYTHING. I've got a masters degree (obviously not in English) and I'd never heard the term "initialism". Makes sense though. (sentence fragment)

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