
PSA For The Guys ;-)

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Hmmmm, you must have a silver tongue cause I don't think I could pull that one off. Instead I would have tried rubbing her feet/shoulders, ask her about her day and just listen, tell her she is beautiful, send her a random txt just to let her know you are thinking about her, wear her favorite cologne to bed, ect. If you got favorable results with your method, more power to you, to each his own.

I don't wish to sound rude but in my 32 years I've learned that women like men who are men. Yes they do wish for all the nice romantic stuff but in the end they just want a guy who will look them square in the eyes and tell them the gods honest truth.

And I sat her down, looked her square in the eyes and told her how I felt. That I had no issues with cleaning the house and making dinner while she was taking night classes and working towards her degree. After all, I lived there as well and I actually like cooking. But that I felt that she was not showing me the love that I needed and if it continued then perhaps it was best if we called it quits.

As one gorgeous girl once told me, “There is nothing more sexy than a guy who looks me square in the eyes, treats me as an equal, gives me the respect he would expect to receive then politely asks me to get him a beer.” Yes lots of contractions in that sentence and I don’t claim to fully understand it but I think she was saying that she wished to be taken seriously and at her word but she also wishes to be helpful when she can.

So maybe the article needs to reworded to say "Cleaning house together.....leads to good sex?"

It's not about cleaning the house, it's about going out of your way to do something she clearly understands you are doing especially for her. That makes a woman feel special. When women feel special they get happy and horney, it's a wonderful thing. You should try it, I promise it works :)
If that's not being a real man I'm fine with it, you go be a real man and keep complaining about not getting enough sex.
Why would anyone jump out of a perfectly good airplane? Cause the door was open!

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If a guy has to clean to get laid then he is doing some thing wrong (in the sack). If he does clean and is still not getting laid then his cleaning skills are severely lacking as well. :D

Why would anyone jump out of a perfectly good airplane? Cause the door was open!

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[It's not about cleaning the house, it's about going out of your way to do something she clearly understands you are doing especially for her.

Oh yeah....NO! DON'T DO THAT!
Ever hear of that guy Pavlov? DON'T DO THAT!
She, your better half, should give you loving because she loves you. Not because she is getting something speical or you did something special.

And that's the "talk" I had. I simply said, "you love me? then love me. If not then well hay we had a good run let's move on with our lives."
Life through good thoughts, good words, and good deeds is necessary to ensure happiness and to keep chaos at bay.

The only thing that falls from the sky is birdshit and fools!

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[It's not about cleaning the house, it's about going out of your way to do something she clearly understands you are doing especially for her.

Oh yeah....NO! DON'T DO THAT!
Ever hear of that guy Pavlov? DON'T DO THAT!
She, your better half, should give you loving because she loves you. Not because she is getting something speical or you did something special.

And that's the "talk" I had. I simply said, "you love me? then love me. If not then well hay we had a good run let's move on with our lives."

Let me know how that turns out for ya
Why would anyone jump out of a perfectly good airplane? Cause the door was open!

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[It's not about cleaning the house, it's about going out of your way to do something she clearly understands you are doing especially for her.

Oh yeah....NO! DON'T DO THAT!
Ever hear of that guy Pavlov? DON'T DO THAT!
She, your better half, should give you loving because she loves you. Not because she is getting something speical or you did something special.

And that's the "talk" I had. I simply said, "you love me? then love me. If not then well hay we had a good run let's move on with our lives."

I would have slapped you and started packing.
Be yourself!

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[It's not about cleaning the house, it's about going out of your way to do something she clearly understands you are doing especially for her.

Oh yeah....NO! DON'T DO THAT!
Ever hear of that guy Pavlov? DON'T DO THAT!
She, your better half, should give you loving because she loves you. Not because she is getting something speical or you did something special.

And that's the "talk" I had. I simply said, "you love me? then love me. If not then well hay we had a good run let's move on with our lives."

I would have slapped you and started packing.

+ 1 Actually, torching his shit a la Waiting To Exhale. ;)
Always be kinder than you feel.

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I would have slapped you and started packing.

So your saying, your man only gets loving if and when he does something "special" for you?

You know after a while those things no longer become special and then what?

First one flower picked up on his way home to get loving, then a dozen sent to your office to get some loving, then......what? A forest?

You should love your partner for who they are and for the simple fact that you love them and care for them and that they are a valued fried and life partner.

Not because "Oh today he bought me a new pair of shoes" or "Oh today he cleaned the house made me dinner and rubbed my feet." NO! GOOD GOD NO!!

Love should be free, it should never be a weapon or a currency.

And if after the talk my wife had walked, it just would have means that she had started taking me for granted and didn't love me as much as I loved her.

And I think I would have been ok with that. But we had our honest talk and she felt bad and I told her it was ok and that we should use this as a learning experience. And you know we have and we are stronger for it.

It's about what we are for each other and not what we do for each other. And people can forget that.
Life through good thoughts, good words, and good deeds is necessary to ensure happiness and to keep chaos at bay.

The only thing that falls from the sky is birdshit and fools!

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It's not what you say, it's how you say it.

You come across as being a guy that feels he owns his women. And they do and behave as you say.

Fuck that!

Where did I every say I own anyone?
Or tell them to behave as I say?

As for coming across? You don't know me from a blade of grass in the field. I too could misread one of your posts and form an ill impression of you, could I not?

But back on topic, maybe it is the way my mom raised me. But I personaly feel that a man, to really be called a man, must do the same house work as his partner. And if she is unable to due to time or god forbid injury then he should cover her half. I also feel sex between partners should be freely given and not used as a form of barter. And some times we forget that, that we need to love our partners and remind them that we care about them.
Life through good thoughts, good words, and good deeds is necessary to ensure happiness and to keep chaos at bay.

The only thing that falls from the sky is birdshit and fools!

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It's funny how now he's trying to change his tune and backpedal since I said I'm going to print out all of his posts from here.... and make sure "the wife" sees them. :D

Print them. I am who I am and she knows full well who I am flaws and all. And that's why she sticks with me and I with her.

Sure we argue over some of the amazingly rude things I say but we also gigle over the soccer mom jokes and the + sized stripper jokes.

Ask the guys at the DZ, they have seen her and have spoken with her. She's a cool chick. I got lucky and I've never had to do anything speical to get any loving and the same goes for her. We just forgot about it for a while, then we had a little talk and now all is well.

I'm a little more deeper than you take me for.
Life through good thoughts, good words, and good deeds is necessary to ensure happiness and to keep chaos at bay.

The only thing that falls from the sky is birdshit and fools!

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It's not about cleaning the house, it's about going out of your way to do something she clearly understands you are doing especially for her.


She, your better half, should give you loving because she loves you. Not because she is getting something speical or you did something special.

Just reading the words away from the context of the original poster … I think I’m missing something? I don’t see one sentiment necessarily contradictory to the other. Likely to be a mix of both, imo.

Can one also not switch the pronouns?


It's not about cleaning the house (or whatever), it's about going out of your way to do something he clearly understands you are doing especially for him.

(Or doing it even if he doesn’t clearly understand it’s for him … good partners will recognize it without being metaphorically hit over the head … but, being human, even good partners occasionally [hopefully on the rare occasion side] are oblivious and that's okay/excusable.)


He, your other half, should give you loving because he loves you. Not because he is getting something special or you did something special.

But then, again what do I know? … I’m single :D ... maybe because I use my own credit card for my shopping trips, so I'm not playing the "fare" leverage game. :P


Act as if everything you do matters, while laughing at yourself for thinking anything you do matters.
Tibetan Buddhist saying

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Love should be free, but it should run both ways. And sex is not love. It can be a symptom of love. True love is when two individuals put the wants, needs, desires, faults, and lives of one another BEFORE their own. It is not a contractual relationship. If my wife never had sex with me again, I would love her and put her before me no less. Anything less is a pale imposter of love. Period. Would I be dissapointed, yes. Sexually frustrated, of course. But to say" Your not putting out enough, if it doesn't change I'm leaving," is neither manly, nor love.

I'm just sayin.:)

Oh, and if she didn't have sex with me again, I wouldn't blame her, I'm a dirty fucker!:D

What you say is reflective of your knowledge...HOW ya say it is reflective of your experience. Airtwardo

Someone's going to be spanked! Hopefully, it will be me. Skymama

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It's not what you say, it's how you say it.

You come across as being a guy that feels he owns his women. And they do and behave as you say.

Fuck that!

Hmmm - I don't see anything directly wrong with the underlying principal.

Have you made my sammich yet? Oh - and I'm outta beer, how 'bout sugar briches brings me one.?;)
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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Years ago, women spent hours washing clothes on a rock down by the stream. Men invented washing machines and
now it takes minutes to load the machine.

No more gathering firewood, just turn on the stove.

Now they want men to operate the machines also?
They hardly have anything to do as it is.

I think that men have given enough. :ph34r:

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