
Who writes this crap in girly magazines?

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So I was bored on Sunday morning and so I grabbed one of my wife's girly magazines and one of the articles caught my eye. "How to rekindle the love."
And I though, "Hey I know lots of guys and gals in this predicament this should be a good read!" And turns out there are a lot of people in this level of purgatory.
So I grab my cup of coffee and put my feet up and decide to read.

And after reading it twice I have just one thing to say...what a flaming pile of crap! Who the hell wrote this steaming pile of dog crap!
Basically it was two pages of instructions to guys how to deck out your pad with mood lighting, music, scented candles, designer chocolates and high end sheet. All this to get some? WTF!

OK yeah don't get me wrong, I'm all for keeping your pad looking good and presentable and the floors clean and the empty beer cans in the garbage.

But to do all this to get a girls dormant sex drive to wake up you have to go to this level of nuttyness? Well....what if it goes dormant again? What then? What level of pad make over will it take to get her going? After all you can't do the same stuff you did before because she's seen it. And before you know it....you got a freaking bear riding around on a unicycle and a laser night show and Tom Freaking Jones singing in your living room?

Girls, get your freaking heads out of your freaking buts! You have a guy who treats you nice, makes dinner, keeps the place clean, isn't in jail, hasn't slept with your sister/friend/mother/grandmother and hasn't shot you, stabbed you, pushed you down the stairs, tried to run you over or thrown you out of a moving vehicle or sold your sex tape so as to finance his drug addiction.....give the guy some loving 4 times a week! :)
If nothing think of it as a great work out! You know to keep your thighs in shape. Not to mention your guy will be less likely to spend all of his money on hiring Time Jones and bares who can ride on unicycles.
Life through good thoughts, good words, and good deeds is necessary to ensure happiness and to keep chaos at bay.

The only thing that falls from the sky is birdshit and fools!

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What magazine and what issue date?

Did you write it! :P
I'll have to look when I go home. I know it wasn't Cosmo. Had to be another one.
Life through good thoughts, good words, and good deeds is necessary to ensure happiness and to keep chaos at bay.

The only thing that falls from the sky is birdshit and fools!

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Well I doubt you are you going to get any of the women here to bear you a son with this attitude bucko.

He acts all macho on here but I bet it is his wife who runs the show at home.
TPM Sister#130ONTIG#1
I love vodka.I love vodka cause it rhymes with Tuaca~LisaH
You having a clean thought is like billyvance having a clean post.iluvtofly

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Well I doubt you are you going to get any of the women here to bear you a son with this attitude bucko.

Boys, note the responses to this thread.
Any negative responses indicate you will be spending your valuable earnings on high end designer candelas from Madagascar and having Sir Tom Jones on speed dial instead of the latest and greatest gear or jump tickets.
OK that aside, perhaps instead of attacking the messenger...me...let's ask "the" question.

Why should your poor guy have to do all this crap (and it is crap) to get some loving on a regular basis?

He's a good guy, he keeps the house neat and his nose hair trimmed. Why not just give him loving for being....a good partner? A good boy friend? Or a good husband?

If you ask me, and this is just me speaking. This article wasn't offering a "solution" it was offering a band aid. The equivalent of downing 4 cans of Red Bull to stay awake instead of going to bed early.
Life through good thoughts, good words, and good deeds is necessary to ensure happiness and to keep chaos at bay.

The only thing that falls from the sky is birdshit and fools!

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Well I doubt you are you going to get any of the women here to bear you a son with this attitude bucko.

He acts all macho on here but I bet it is his wife who runs the show at home.

He is only overcompensating..... Why can't somebody give him a closet for christmas so he can finally come out of it????
“The sum of intelligence on the planet is a constant; the population is growing.” - George Bernard Shaw
He who dies with the most toys, wins.....
dudeist skydiver # 19515
Buy quality and cry once!

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Are you saying she makes him wear a maid outfit to get the bathroom sparkly clean after her foot massage?

Oh much much worse!
I cover her university costs and while she is at night class I do my best to keep the house clean, make dinner and fold the clothes.
And I'm actually really good at foot rubs.
Don't be hating. :P

But instead of attacking me, which I do have to admit is fun, let's ask....what gives?
Are we fundamentally wired differently?
Is sex for women a means to an end? The end here being the acquisition of designer chocolates? Or bragging rights among friends?
Where for us guys, sex is just a means to it self?
Life through good thoughts, good words, and good deeds is necessary to ensure happiness and to keep chaos at bay.

The only thing that falls from the sky is birdshit and fools!

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I'm glad you see that I am just messing with you. we are no different really - part dick, part intellect..... all stomach.

To answer your question- pure animal reproductive satisfaction. if you spend time watching deer behavior after hunting all weekend like I did....it's pretty much the same.

BTW Today I am skinning a buck outside & my place looks like a hunting camp so I FAIL the metrosexual tidiness test.... until a few days from now when I will rejoin normal human society..:)

Beware of the collateralizing and monetization of your desires.
D S #3.1415

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For a lot of women, sex is part of how you get intimacy, and intimacy is reflected all over the relationship. For men, sex seems to be more of an end in and of itself, with intimacy maybe being required to get that end.

Yeah, for some women, sex is how you get designer sheets I'm sure; just as for some men, begging is how you get sex :ph34r::P

Wendy P.

There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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Don't forget to bring a bit of that very delicious Bamby meet wrapped in bacon to your DZ to sacrifice to the sky gods.....and to cook for your friends. :)
Back on topic, I'll be honest I'm getting about 10% of the loving I was getting before I got married. And I'm not the only one. A good friend of mine is only getting it once every two weeks. And he's what most girls would call a "catch" with respect to how he treats his wife, his well paying job and how he takes care of him self and helps with keeping the house clean.

But....from talking to my buddy...he's with in inches of divorcing his wife. And all because.....she used her means to get his end to marry her.

And I'm sure if he were to read this article he would do as instructed and things would be fine for a little while and then......back to the dry spell. And like an addict looking for the next bigger high......he would have to either step it up or step out.

And I don't want to sound misogynistic but....ladies....what the hell are you thinking? What are you doing?

Life through good thoughts, good words, and good deeds is necessary to ensure happiness and to keep chaos at bay.

The only thing that falls from the sky is birdshit and fools!

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Unfortunately most men (myself included) can't seem to understand the phrase:

Happy Wife = Happy Life

you gotta give a lot to get a bit.

Actually what Wendy posted makes a lot of sense, women want to feel a connection with their spouse before initiating intimacy, just being the head house ape is not enough. I mean if you get home from work, dz or whatever, grab a beer, plunk down on the couch, turn the game on and ask what's for dinner then expect a lot of dry spells, just because you're married doesn't mean the courting / mating process grinds to a halt. Yeah what you decribed in the girlie mag is over the top, but if you put in a consistent effort at making her feel special and maintain the "connection" then the rest will fall into place. BTW I've been married 12 years and have just figured this out in the last year :P

"The greater danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it." - Michelangelo

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I'm glad you see that I am just messing with you. we are no different really - part dick, part intellect..... all stomach.

To answer your question- pure animal reproductive satisfaction. if you spend time watching deer behavior after hunting all weekend like I did....it's pretty much the same.

BTW Today I am skinning a buck outside & my place looks like a hunting camp so I FAIL the metrosexual tidiness test.... until a few days from now when I will rejoin normal human society..:)

from what I've seen you fail the metrosexual tidiness test...period.

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I'm glad you see that I am just messing with you. we are no different really - part dick, part intellect..... all stomach.

To answer your question- pure animal reproductive satisfaction. if you spend time watching deer behavior after hunting all weekend like I did....it's pretty much the same.

BTW Today I am skinning a buck outside & my place looks like a hunting camp so I FAIL the metrosexual tidiness test.... until a few days from now when I will rejoin normal human society..:)

So ur saying I should grow antlers and rub them on trees or fending off other would be.. males?
Millions of my potential children died on your daughters' face last night.

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Are you really taking an article in a women's magazine that seriously? I'm a woman, and I realize that 99% of what's written in those magazines is garbage. It's main purpose is to make us feel bad about ourselves - we're not thin enough or pretty enough, we don't have nice enough clothes, and we're not having enough sexy sexy sex! Good thing they advertise products to fix all of our problems! :S

Here's the thing... women are people. Just like anyone else! With variable sex drives! It goes up, it goes down, it's affected by other factors in life. Is your wife stressed out right now? Bored? Depressed? Maybe try talking to her and see if you can figure out why she doesn't want to bang you every other day. If my significant other cleaned our whole house I'd absolutely appreciate it, but it wouldn't necessarily put me in the mood. For that I'd need a little dirty talk. ;) YMMV...

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Are you really taking an article in a women's magazine that seriously? I'm a woman, and I realize that 99% of what's written in those magazines is garbage. It's main purpose is to make us feel bad about ourselves - we're not thin enough or pretty enough, we don't have nice enough clothes, and we're not having enough sexy sexy sex! Good thing they advertise products to fix all of our problems! :S

Here's the thing... women are people. Just like anyone else! With variable sex drives! It goes up, it goes down, it's affected by other factors in life. Is your wife stressed out right now? Bored? Depressed? Maybe try talking to her and see if you can figure out why she doesn't want to bang you every other day. If my significant other cleaned our whole house I'd absolutely appreciate it, but it wouldn't necessarily put me in the mood. For that I'd need a little dirty talk. ;) YMMV...

Wouldn't you be depressed if you were married to shah...?
TPM Sister#130ONTIG#1
I love vodka.I love vodka cause it rhymes with Tuaca~LisaH
You having a clean thought is like billyvance having a clean post.iluvtofly

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If it was just one woman in one relationship I would agree with you. But I would venture to say of my friends, 90% have indicated that once the words "I do" were uttered and a cake eaten........they were left wondering where every thing went wrong.

I actually have a good friend who refuses to marry his long time girl friend for this very reason. She swears up and down that things won't change that she will be just as passionate as she is now but he's not buying it.
He's one of the smartest guys I know. And the happiest to!
Life through good thoughts, good words, and good deeds is necessary to ensure happiness and to keep chaos at bay.

The only thing that falls from the sky is birdshit and fools!

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Wouldn't you be depressed if you were married to shah...?

No, probably not. He doesn't seem to take himself the least bit seriously. But I'd probably spend a lot of time rolling my eyes and saying "I can't believe you just said that shit!" :P:D

Wendy P.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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So I was bored on Sunday morning and so I grabbed one of my wife's girly magazines and one of the articles caught my eye. "How to rekindle the love."
And I though, "Hey I know lots of guys and gals in this predicament this should be a good read!" And turns out there are a lot of people in this level of purgatory.
So I grab my cup of coffee and put my feet up and decide to read.

And after reading it twice I have just one thing to say...what a flaming pile of crap! Who the hell wrote this steaming pile of dog crap!
Basically it was two pages of instructions to guys how to deck out your pad with mood lighting, music, scented candles, designer chocolates and high end sheet. All this to get some? WTF!

OK yeah don't get me wrong, I'm all for keeping your pad looking good and presentable and the floors clean and the empty beer cans in the garbage.

But to do all this to get a girls dormant sex drive to wake up you have to go to this level of nuttyness? Well....what if it goes dormant again? What then? What level of pad make over will it take to get her going? After all you can't do the same stuff you did before because she's seen it. And before you know it....you got a freaking bear riding around on a unicycle and a laser night show and Tom Freaking Jones singing in your living room?

Girls, get your freaking heads out of your freaking buts! You have a guy who treats you nice, makes dinner, keeps the place clean, isn't in jail, hasn't slept with your sister/friend/mother/grandmother and hasn't shot you, stabbed you, pushed you down the stairs, tried to run you over or thrown you out of a moving vehicle or sold your sex tape so as to finance his drug addiction.....give the guy some loving 4 times a week! :)
If nothing think of it as a great work out! You know to keep your thighs in shape. Not to mention your guy will be less likely to spend all of his money on hiring Time Jones and bares who can ride on unicycles.

Q: Who writes this crap in girly magazines?
A: Probably someone who makes a hell of a lot more money than you or I.. and people buy it.. so I doubt they really care if it's true to not..
Millions of my potential children died on your daughters' face last night.

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Wouldn't you be depressed if you were married to shah...?I forgot to add this--->>:P

No, probably not. He doesn't seem to take himself the least bit seriously. But I'd probably spend a lot of time rolling my eyes and saying "I can't believe you just said that shit!" :P:D

Wendy P.

TPM Sister#130ONTIG#1
I love vodka.I love vodka cause it rhymes with Tuaca~LisaH
You having a clean thought is like billyvance having a clean post.iluvtofly

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>from what I've seen you fail the metrosexual tidiness test...period.

AHAHAHAHAHHA!:Dyou're the man.

dude we should have Olympia host another mini boogie next year with more quality people from here....Ill bring some cave man food! if there is any left:)

Beware of the collateralizing and monetization of your desires.
D S #3.1415

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