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  1. Shah, you may need to revise your standards if you want that life partner. :) http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-1361658/Downside-dating-beauty-If-womans-attractive-man-relationship-doomed.html
  2. I sort of see your point, but people are familiar with clothing. They understand that part of a t-shirt's purpose is to look not-dirty. Also, a t-shirt is usually pretty avoidable when you are walking around. When a packing area is busy, it can be genuinely hard to find a clear path. Combine that with ignorance (of the monetary cost of gear AND the safety risk that dirt imposes) and laziness, and boom - whuffos be tramplin'.
  3. The reason they do it? Probably because the gear is on the ground. They don't know that its expensive. They don't know that dirt can cause damage. If they think about it at all, it probably goes something like this: "It's already on the dirty ground, why would my walking on it do any harm?" Make signs. Whuffos really don't know any better.
  4. Okay, I watched this last night. And maybe I'm taking crazy pills, but to me this is OBVIOUSLY a type of audition video, not a final product. Have you guys ever seen any of the audition videos that people send in to get on reality shows? They look exactly like this. Poor (or no) editing, poor quality video, etc. This gets shopped to a "real" producer/network, and if they pick it up, voila. You have the next Jersey Shore. If that is the case, and they get a real budget, I think this could be awesome. I'm sure some of the boring or not-so-telegenic people would get cut, and it would end up pretty entertaining. If I'm wrong, and this is a final product, then yeah. This is pretty bad. But there's no way this is a final product, right?!
  5. With that argument, you shouldn't have kids with any long term-type women either.
  6. Doesn't everyone stand up to wipe? Have I been doing it wrong all these years?!
  7. It's probably pointless for people to give the advice not to buy a diamond ring because it's a waste of money. Hello, we're skydivers! We're constantly spending money on "pointless" stuff. But the ethical issues are real. I don't think even a truly unique sparkly rock would be worth the bloodshed. Just because the OP only asked for shopping help doesn't make that point invalid. If I posted asking for advice on how best to cook a baby, would you criticize the people telling me that it's a bad idea to eat babies in the first place? PS - My bet is deep fried.
  8. :8:2 Did my 100th this weekend! Also did my first jump in rain. Didn't realize it was raining until we got out, and it was just as painful as everyone had warned me about. Overall it was a great weekend, though... and I can't wait til my man is back in town.
  9. I think remembering your dreams is mostly affected by how you wake up. At least for me it is. In a normal night of sleep, you have more REM at the end of the night. On a weekend where I can sleep in (and get as much sleep as my body wants), I naturally wake up in an REM cycle and can easily remember my dreams. Weekdays, when I always use an alarm clock and don't get as much sleep, I rarely remember my dreams. If you've got the time it helps to lay in bed for a minute after waking up and actively try to remember the dream.
  10. 0:5:1 First cutaway yesterday! Not sure what happened (probably a toggle fire?) but I couldn't stop the spin, so off it went. I felt like a million bucks afterwards. Mostly I'm surprised at my first number, considering what's been on my mind lately.
  11. Last night I dreamed that I saw someone go in. Probably related to the fact that I had my *st cutaway yesterday.
  12. 0:4:1 Cutaway the boyfriend last week. Visited CSC for the first time and did 4 nice RW jumps.