
Your Favorite Books on CD

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It's looking like I may be taking a long road trip come May. I am collecting books on Cd for my trip and as of now I have 18 hours worth of books. I will need another 18 hours of audio books to help me get through the drive.

Can you guys make some good suggestions of funny or entertaining books on tape? Thanks!


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It's looking like I may be taking a long road trip come May. I am collecting books on Cd for my trip and as of now I have 18 hours worth of books. I will need another 18 hours of audio books to help me get through the drive.

Can you guys make some good suggestions of funny or entertaining books on tape? Thanks!



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I've been listening to the classics, I belong to a great series. It's called The Namesake Series cassettes, and they send you the works of famous authors done by actors with the same last name.

So I've got Denholm Eliot reading TS Eliot, I've got Danny Thomas doing A Child's Christmas In Wales by Dylan Thomas. Next month it's McLean Stevenson reads Robert Louis Stevenson. Treasure Island, I believe. The next one is the complete works of Washington Irving read by somebody called "Dr. J" I believe

Marty: That's Julius Irving. ...
"What if there were no hypothetical questions?"

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Check out the author Bill Bryson. His books, whether in print or recorded, suck me in and make the hours fly by.

I especially recommend "In a Sunburned Country" about his travels in Australia or "A Short History of Nearly Everything."

Couldn't agree more (but I prefer to read than to be read to tho') - Bill is one of my Favourite travel companions.

Chivalry is not dead; it only sleeps for want of work to do. - Jerome K Jerome

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Steig Larsson : The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo, The Girl Who Played with Fire


Those two were both great! Others near the top of my fiction list include anything by Tom Robbins or Christopher Moore (especially Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ’s Childhood Pal). Also Life of Pi, by Yann Martel.

For non-fiction, my favorites have been
Guns, Germs, and Steel, by Jared Diamond, and Brain Rules: 12 Principles for Surviving and Thriving at Work, Home, and School, by John Medina.

P.S. I've been a member of audible.com for a couple years now, which is a good way to get audiobooks on the cheap.
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It's looking like I may be taking a long road trip come May. I am collecting books on Cd for my trip and as of now I have 18 hours worth of books. I will need another 18 hours of audio books to help me get through the drive.

Can you guys make some good suggestions of funny or entertaining books on tape? Thanks!


I have done ALL of the Harry Potter audiobooks.. a WONDERFUL "read"

I finally saw a need for an ipod... after a friend and I drove to Lost Prairie a few years ago...:)

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Check out the author Bill Bryson. His books, whether in print or recorded, suck me in and make the hours fly by.

I especially recommend "In a Sunburned Country" about his travels in Australia or "A Short History of Nearly Everything."

I really liked Bryson's "A Walk in the Woods." I also read his "The Life and Times of the Thunderbolt Kid," which was pretty good too. "In a Sunburned Country" has been sitting on my shelf for a while now; maybe I'll read it soon. (So many books, so little time! ;-)

I've never listened to an audiobook, but I've been tempted to since I've been doing a lot of driving lately. But, knowing my attention span, I'd probably miss half of the book by listening rather than reading. (At least with reading, I can easily go back and re-read when I realize I've been spacing out for several paragraphs, which is often the case. :$)

I'm currently reading "Up in the Air" by Walter Kirn, and it's had me laughing quite a bit. I've got the book, but I saw that it was also available on CD. Chuck Palahniuk and Nick Hornby are quite funny too, if any of their stuff is on CD.

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