
You know you're a skydiver when....

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I dont know if its when I knew I was a skydiver, that was after the first jump. But when I realized that everytime I buy something I first figure out how many jumps it would cost me and then decide if I really need it!!!:)
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I dont know if its when I knew I was a skydiver, that was after the first jump. But when I realized that everytime I buy something I first figure out how many jumps it would cost me and then decide if I really need it!!!:)

I mailed off everything I bought to people who can use them ...cuz I quit...goggles...alti...gloves. The stuff students buy. [:/]
Be yourself!

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when you drive past an open field and you visualize how you'd land it.

when, on a partly cloudy day, you try to figure out what holes in the clouds are big enough jump through.

when you pay close attention to the winds forcast on the morning/ evening news.

when "money for jumps" is all you want for christmas.
diamonds are a dawgs best friend

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You know you're a skydiver when:

*Every story you tell has something to do with skydiving!
*Every trip you take has to do with skydiving!

My heart belongs to CRW. About 2 years ago, all I did was live, eat and breathe CRW. Everything I did, I judged as how it would affect my CRW future. You know:

*If I get in a wreck and I get hurt, I can't do CRW.
*If I go skiing, skating, etc. and break a leg, I can't do CRW.
*If I gain too much weight, I can't fly my 126 to do CRW.
*If I do RW...I'm not doing CRW.
*Are there any CRWdogs at THIS dz?

Anyway...I think you get the idea. ;) I lost a lot of family and friends due to my addiction. [:/]

Are we called "DAWGs" because we stick our noses up people's butts? (RIP Buzz)
Yep, you're a postwhore-billyvance

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I check the weather website for the weekend's weather... daily. It keeps changing! On Monday it said it would be rainy, today it said "some showers, only in the morning" and I'm hoping by friday it will have changed to "Fine". Teehee.
I also look up at the planes to see if I could jump them, and when it's really windy go "Gees, wouldn't want to jump with this wind." :S

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...when all your whuffo colleagues ring you as first port of call to ask what the weather is like this coming weekend anywhere within a 200 mile radius off the office before bothering to look on the internet for themselves.

~~~ London Skydivers ~~~

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You know your a skydiver, not when or because of anything you think or feel. You know your a skydiver when your kids (4 and 6) are more knowledgeable then an average 20 jump wonder or pilot just starting to fly jumpers.

We went out on the lake by the house a couple weeks ago. I was missing a few hours of jumping but I do that for the kids. The DZ is on the same lake about a mile from shore. One of our airplanes had a prop gov. that was a little out of adjustment so it was a bit loud. The plane took off and passed over the east side of the lake and my 6 year old little girl says "76X-ray is one noisy airplane the neighbors are going to call if we fly it to much". I just about cried,

I was at the DZ this week and couldn't remember which aircraft I'd seen take off on the last load I yelled out which planes flying? The same kid say the yellow one Dad 69er 1.

I am a skydiver but I only know it, because my kids tell me so.
HPDBs, I hate those guys.
AFB, charter member.

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You know your a skydiver when your kids (4 and 6) are more knowledgeable then an average 20 jump wonder or pilot just starting to fly jumpers.


That's cool!:)

I remember when I was in college working as an Instructor on the weekends at a fairly good sized DZ....The DZO's kid 'couldn't care less' about the jumping going on....Parachutes, airplanes...anything.

He always look so bored being around any of it!:|

I asked the 'ole man' if he thought the kid would take up jumping when he became of age...

"I kinda doubt it, he's been around it all his life, it's not very interesting to him I guess."

Well, life rolls on and I lost touch with the DZO for some years...I guess the 'kid' did finally make a FEW jumps...in fact, I hear that the youngster...Kirk Verner , has about THREE TIMES as many as I do!:ph34r:

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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