
The Poetry Thread

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It's about time we have a threat dedicated to poetry. It doesn't have to be skydiving related, just poetry. What inspires you? This is a place for love poems, skydiving poems, rhyming poems, non-rhyming poems, collections of thoughts, whatever you feel comfortable dishing out :)

How Do I Say
How can I prove it to you,
That my feelings are a constant.
An unending feeling of passion on my mind,
In my body.
What can I say to you,
So that you may understand?
So that you can know that I am for real.
I am the one. I am yours.
I smile when you say my name,
When you brush the hair from your eyes.
It's hard to find the words to say,
To form the mosaic in my mind into coherent phrases.
There is no word, no angelic adjective,
To describe what I feel.
Which is understandable,
For I doubt anyone has ever felt exactly this way.

Incurable Pain
Some days it seems everyone has someone.
Lately they're everywhere I look.
They all have company,
Someone to put their arms around.
Someone to love.
Everywhere I look,
I realize I'm alone.
I thought I would be happy single,
No one to worry about,
No one to worry about me.
No chance of getting hurt.
The reality is this;
I'm not strong enough to be alone.
When I see everyone so happy,
With the ones they love,
I feel like I'm suffocating.
I have so much love to give,
But no one to accept it.
It's the worst kind of pain.
Not curable with drugs.
You can't treat it like a cut or a bruise.
The only way to stop the pain,
Is to find someone to love.

Joshua Hendricks - 03/02/2003

The first poem just sorta came to me out of no where, it's nothing special, and isn't necessarily directed toward anyone. It's just how I felt at the moment. The second was written at the beginning of the year, all my friends, and I mean ALL of them, suddenly had companions, and it appeared that absolutely everyone else had one too, and I didn't, and I wasn't happy about that :D
So start posting some poems, maybe we can inspire non-poem people to write works of art? Ya never know :)

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She's dropped her basket of daisies
and the petals scatter the ground.

endless fields of summer sage
dance in her wild, wintery smiles.

her soft jasmine kisses light the night skies
lost in words that fuel the soul...kill the mind.

her deep expressionless eyes hold her dark beauty.
a beauty that leaves the senses raw and shaken.

written for a dear friend of mine who lost her poor little mind. [:/]

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Here is one i just did.

The edge of the sword has been thrusted threw my heart.
The pain of my flesh is nothing compared to my soul falling apart
I know the mistakes that make a man grow usually cues pain
I know the mad ones are more alert and the insane are the sane

Black turns to white as night turns to day
I always said never until never came on my way
I have felt the sorrow I know about the pain
To so many of my loved ones I do not seem sane.
But as time flys and the things we love die
I feel immortal in the beautiful blue sky

I can not explain like the feeling of a first kiss
Until you feel that embrace for your self you will not get this
No words will do it justice as the words don’t understand
What it feels to have your soul so far above land

Maybe in time we will all know what I feel
But explain I will do no more as my lips are sealed
I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain

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This is a poem written by a GI when I told him I liked sunsets. I was only 16 at the time...

Sitting on a rock,
With a moss carpet
At my feet.
My soul blends with the earth,
As the feeling takes hold.

Dusk falls,
Like a sweeping curtain
Slowly at first,
And then swiftly,
Enveloping all,
In its tender folds.

Music comes,
Supplied by crickets,
And small green frogs.
A gentle wind,
And the leaves join the symphony.

I gaze upward,
So not to miss anything,
And into view,
Comes a hill.
Fringed by the sinking sun,
With its radiant shades of pink.

The trees in their splendid greenery,
Are now shadows,
Against a greater sort of light...
That of night.

Such a small miracle.
And yet,
So large a wonder,
As the enigma begins,
Only to end.
To make the pieces
Create a whole.
"If happy little bluebirds fly above the rainbow, why oh why can't I?"

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Clocks cannot tell our time of day
For what event to pray.
Because we have no time, because
We have no time until
We know what time we fill.
Why time is other than time was.

Nor can our question satisfy
The answer in the statue's eye.
Only the living ask whose brow
May wear the Roman Laurel now:
The dead say only how.

What happens to the living when they die?
Death is not understoood by death: nor your, nor I.
Goddam dirty hippies piss me off! ~GFD
"What do I get for closing your rig?" ~ me
"Anything you want." ~ female skydiver
Mohoso Rodriguez #865

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Buried Alive

Unzip my lips, free these moths from my tongue
Unstitch this iris, let my soul find her home.
Open my ears, let this voice fill my mind.
Scrape this moss from my skin, cut my face from these vines.
Could you loosen these chains love, my fingers can't breathe.
Would you untie my hair, let these serpents go free?Clear this mud from my veins, tear these webs from my eyes.
Sweep the dust from my words love, they're ready to fly.
Take me out of this hole, lift my life from this cave. They've made a mistake child, this isn't my grave

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Finally, a poetry thread. Here is one of more macabre poems, but one of my favorites:

for Mark

The Day We Buried You

Lying in the wooden box
you looked like wax, much like the
King did, glistening. I touched your ice cold
forehead, and the thought of you lying in
a dark refrigerator somewhere, on
the night of the day you died, came back
into my mind. What a twisted grand plan
to be kept fresh until it was time to
put you in the ground to decay, which matched
your sense of humor.

You thought you’d be cool when you learned
your remains could be set off in Fourth of
July fireworks, but the blasted
story would be over too soon, so you
had decided on a plot for your daughter
to visit.

That afternoon, the sun was covered with
orange-gray smoke from the blazing hills
of La Cresenta, and the ashes fell upon
the cars and our shoulders and on the food
you loved, dusting everything. We knew
it was you, in the end, to have the final
word, laughing at those who suffer you.

Susan Michele Spray Copyright 2002
"If the Bible has taught us nothing else, and it hasn't, it's that girls should stick to girl's sports such as hot oil wrestling and foxy boxing." - Homer Simpson

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Here is another one that i posted as lyrics about a few days back. Nobody said any thing. So i think every one thinks it sucks but i like it so here it is


The shade has been drawn on the shattered soul I breed
The pain I feel has broth me to my knees
Lies that destroyed all that was true
The hate I feel the hate I must step threw

The wind shakes my frame but my soul is still
Turn off my mind all the thoughts I kill
Finally free as I no longer care
All of my mind is dead falling threw the air.

The flytrap closing in all around me
The taste was sweet but I am no longer free
My life lost as you tricked my soul
I want to fly you can keep your control

The cold air makes me numb to the pain
I open my eyes and shake off the strain
If I fall as fast as I can maybe then
I can leave this shit behind and not pretend
To care about what you love more then life
The money, whores, and your silicone wife
All I want is to smell the sea
To always be true and always be me
I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain

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i wrote this for after a break up with my ex. we lived together for 2 years.

Lost in a dream about you as I suddenly awake
But tears down my face because I knew it was fake
Losing your love is like a shove to the heart
Without you near, my world is falling apart
its hard getting up out of this cold lonely bed
Its hard not to remember that this was the spot for your head
I used to wake up before you and whisper into your ear
I’d tell you how pretty and peaceful you looked sleeping there
And promise to always hold you near
Just looking into your brown eyes
Where bright sparks would fly
And our souls, lost their disguise
Where a power so resilient lies
As powerful as the sunrise
That we used to watch wrapped up in a blanket
with the cold air all around
And Just for that moment our souls would combine
we would connect and everything bad would seem fine
I’d rub your back and you would scratch mine
But now I'm stuck with so many questions
And I’ve learned so many lessons
I promise I'm better. I swear I have changed.
My souls combination has now been rearranged.
As I write, I'm still on my flight to discover My purpose in life
all alone by myself, lonely as hell
Depression sets in, and I start to dwell
On my path, through goodness and evil
I would like to wipe our slate clean
And have a chance to redeem
Of being a King to my Queen
But all I can do is dream
A hallucination it seems
The drug of your love, now I fiend.
Now I have to get up and start my day
Up out of the bed that we used to lay
The bed that held two true lovers
Playing all night under the covers
I go out in the cold for my morning jog
I can still hear your sweet voice likes its coming out of the fog
I run trough the neighborhood like we used to
Only now one set of footprints in the early mornings dew
One set of footprints instead of two.
'I refuse to tiptoe quitely through life
only to arrive safely at death' Anon

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Thanks for starting this post. I love to write poetry. I Just finished up a quarter long creative writing poetry workshop. Here are the 5 poems I chose for my final portfolio. Hope you enjoy. Some of these were my first attempts at a skydiving poem, hope they don't suck too bad :P

Sin City

Lavish life styles,
sex sold everywhere.
Strolling down the strip,
stranger upon stranger passes.

The city with no clocks
or limits on how much
you can spend.
The liquor flows
until the sun rises
and ruins the party.

It’s real,
It’s live,
It’s Las Vegas.

Topless girls swing
from brass poles.
Sweat drips from
their bodies as they
seduce the rich and naïve.

Hands grab and grope
like the elderly couple
pawing at the slot machines.
The aroma of sin and filth
emerges from the sewers
treaded over by countless tourists.

Go On Green

At the edge of the ramp we wait,
staring at the world 13,500 feet below.
A scream, Green Light!
We begin the count…
Ready, Set, Skydive!

The hum of terminal velocity
increases and deafens our ears
like the tornado that once
ripped though Xenia
many years ago.

Flipping and falling
he reaches up and grabs
me for a kiss above the clouds.
Falling 120 mph
and being kissed
stimulates the body
and confuses the mind.

For 60 seconds we are all alone,
unaware of the world around us.
We find happiness in falling together
but its time to go, out of altitude.

I reach and pull…
the pilot chute soars
and releases my lifeline.
Deployment, I am stood up
by green and white cloth
and steer myself to safety.

Returning to the land,
the damming affect of gravity.
I’m a junkie,
strung out on the ground.

Killer Instinct

The rising sun
brushes the landscape,
burning off the morning’s fog.

A red tailed hawk
perching on the clubhouse
stalks unsuspecting
prey below.

He guards his cornfield
waiting to strike,
a flurry of ground movements
releases his killer instinct.

The victim,
unaware, is a
devoured delight.

Seasonal Changes

He struggles for words,
getting acquainted is tough.
He’s the shy one,
She’s the loud mouth.
He flies the plane,
She jumps out.

They meet on the ground,
he grabs and swings her
through the summer.
Soon the season ends,
he migrates south while
Ohio holds her captive.

She dreams of palms trees,
deep blue skies and
magnificent cloud formations
surrounding the gulf coast.

Strangers in May,
lovers by August.
Seasonal changes
mimic their loss
as they long for
summer to return.

The Waking Light
(For Dan)

His earthly beauty alludes
her passions.
The serenity of his spirit when
the waking light cracks
through the restless blinds,
is gone.

His soft breath kissed her shoulder
as he gently sighed through
his early morning slumber.
His placid hands caressed
her body, pulling her closer.
He embraces her unknowingly,
this is the only time she feels love.

When the two were together,
they should have looked for the
beauty in life instead of
going to blows over minuscule
and insignificant details.
He was everything she
craved but she did not want
what they had.
Tunnel Pink Mafia Delegate

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As the dawn beaks
The Battleground is seen.
And the blood and death
of the battle of just yesterday

Can anyone stop this hell,
This beast,
A beast that lives to make us kill.

Killing in sensless, endless rage,

But there are those that survive,
Surviving to beget mor killers,

Or saviors,

Saviors that will die by the hand of the Beast.

Ok, yeah it's morbid, but it was a long time ago.
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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