
Student packing

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I do not see any difference in the regs over who can pack a *student* main canopy.

If no difference, then I will (legally) be able to pack my own, as a student?(!) [part a) says the person making the next jump can pack it]

I realize to actually do so may be stupid (especially if I've never done it before).

So I was wondering what usually happens, who packs dz-owned student chutes?



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The FAR reads something to the effect that the main parachute can only be packed by the person who is going to jump it, a rigger, or someone under the supervision of a rigger which is usually the packer.
Sky, Muff Bro, Rodriguez Bro, and
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who packs dz-owned student chutes?

Depending on what DZ your jumping at, it may be packed by someone that has never even made a skydive before!
Or it can be packed by you, a rigger or someone being supervised by a rigger.
You don't have to know how to skydive just to pack a parachute, and for that matter, you can be a rigger without ever making a skydive.
It's fairly simple, and many kids that grow up on the DZ's pack hundreds of parachutes even before they ever get to make a skydive! ;)

Be safe.

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Not sure what the MOPs actually are here except that until we get a packing licence we pack under supervision, but I was told that when I start "of course you won't be packing student parachutes"...
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Maybe just a rule on our DZ then. They seem to have more than other places :)I am a bit confused though cos if i can't pack student chutes and all the experienced jumpers pack their own, not sure what i'll be packing :S
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To just clarify what Trav is saying. An experienced skydiver in Australia can only pack for themselves or another experienced skydiver. So if you are a student you can pack for yourself. But if you wish to pack for another student you must have either Packer A, Packer B or Rigger qualifications. This is my understanding but I would recommend reading all the rules a few times.

Oh and to add, to pack your own as a student you must have one of the above qualifications supervise you. Once you have been signed off for packing (requirement of A license) you can pack without supervision.

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