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Go to your DZ and talk to the head packer or supervising rigger to find out what the requirments are to become a packer at the DZ.

Each DZ is different in how they treat the packing staff and how they go about implimenting the packing staff. Without talking to the folks in charge at your DZ you'll never know for sure.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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Just go around to all the local dropzones and ask at manifest who runs the packing. Whether it's the dropzone manager, rigger, or private concessionaire, then just go to them and explain your situation. Many packers are in your exact position of really wanting to jump and not having the money; I'm sure one or all of them would be willing to help you out!

I got a strong urge to fly, but I got no where to fly to. -PF

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ditto: I considered it until I paid special attention
to the packers while on the DL list one day and quickly came to conclusion that this is for the younger ones. I have at (48) busted my ass enough.
And to pack all day.... that's a days work....

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I started packing before I started jumping, so until I jumped...packing was fine. But then, when you wanna jump...you have to pack a tandem so a load can get turned.:| Then, there's not enough packers so your at the DZ packing 'til 11pm while everyone else is already drinking.:( If you wanna job, join the Army.B| That's what I did, it's easier than packing.

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if you want to eventually hate life at the dz, then become a packer.
if you want to jump less than you ever did before and maybe never again, then become a packer.
if you don't mind constant back pain, being extremely tired, dehydrated, hot, sweaty, bitter, and dirty as hell, all while getting shit from the people packing next to you, which is sometimes fun, unless you start crying, then you might be eligible for packing staff. that is, if you want to be a GOOD packer. hey, but i don't want to discourage you, packing is fun. i love it.

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in order to be a packer you will first need the following things; an old van to live in, at least one tie-dye shirt, someone elses shorts, an endless supply of sarcastic and bitter remarks for your paying customers, a drug history, you must have no problem with eating other peoples trash, gonna need cigarettes...lots of them, you will probably need to reduce your standards for personal hygiene, you will also need to learn to deal with assholes who know probably far less than you about packing but still insist on giving you advice on how to flake a canopy or close a stupid rig or most importantly how to fold a f***ing pilot chute.
~~~i love this shit~~~

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that is a good point sommerfugl if you have time to eat you are not packing fast enough. If you pack too slow some angry tandem master might scream at you. But at least if he yells at you in front of your peers and mortifies you at your work place you know you can count on a good tip at the end of the day...right?... WRONG! get used to abuse and don't ever expect to get tipped... especially not by the people who can't possibly make a living withought your help.
~~~i love this shit~~~

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I have:
worked in a furniture warehouse (moving heavy stuff)

worked heavy construction (moving heavy stuff)

ran cable through hot attics in the dead of summer

worked in a block plant ( yet more heavy stuff)

worked on cellular telephone towers (climbing hundreds, sometimes thousands of feet per day)

worked in steel fab shops ( again, lots of heavy stuff)

framed houses in the dead of summer

Packing parachutes is the hardest job I have ever had, and I've had some seriously shitty jobs.
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes!

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I have:
worked in a furniture warehouse (moving heavy stuff)

worked heavy construction (moving heavy stuff)

ran cable through hot attics in the dead of summer

worked in a block plant ( yet more heavy stuff)

worked on cellular telephone towers (climbing hundreds, sometimes thousands of feet per day)

worked in steel fab shops ( again, lots of heavy stuff)

framed houses in the dead of summer

Packing parachutes is the hardest job I have ever had, and I've had some seriously shitty jobs.[/repl

I've had many of the same jobs you've had and I can say that while packing is hard work, it does pay well (better than most of the jobs listed above) it also allows you a level of independence not found in many occupations. It is a great job for a young person

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