
Get to know your neighbors...

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Turns out you never know what your neighbors do behind closed doors. I live in an on campus apartment at school and Thursday morning about 8 federal agents raided the apartment below us and scared the shit out of us upstairs. No one knew anything until the next day and I just found this article....FUCKIN CREEPY!!!


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A friend of mines relative was convicted of having a Traci Lords tape in his possession. He had it since it was new and forgot that he had it.

A year in jail and registered as an offender for life.:S

Apparently after a nasty divorce his ex reported that to a prosecutor.

I can sort of understand that and feel that was pretty lame.

When it is absolutely without a doubt children I think death is the answer to their illness.

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When it is absolutely without a doubt children I think death is the answer to their illness.

1st question is what you mean to be "without a doubt". Though the term should explain itself there are legal issues as you know.
2nd question: What about them serious-looking suits who go to Thailand (and the like) and hump kiddies there but keep a very low or even "family values" profile in your neighbourhood?
3rd question: Don't answer, just rhetoric: Why do most of you Americans are so keen on hanging, electrocuting, shooting etc? Have a look into the "big state in the north" where they abolished capital punishment and the rates in serious crimes dropped? Or ask Aussies. Please do understand that, as an East-German, I have issues with state-legalized killing.
Kiddie fiddlers are disgusting bastards and need to be confined and prevented from harming any more children. No point in that. But killing them is something different. My 2 €c
The sky is not the limit. The ground is.

The Society of Skydiving Ducks

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That Badge don't make you honest..or trust worthy, just like everyone, they get assholes....dats a fact...

I bet even Dave would agree!

Bullshit. ALL cops are fine, outstanding, law abiding citizens...

...on some other planet, I'm sure.
My reality and yours are quite different.
I think we're all Bozos on this bus.
Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239

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I know my neighbors, and we all have guns and dogs.

Same reason I LOVE the neighborhood I just bought a house in. Plus the neighbor behind me is a detective.

Not to make you paranoid or anything...are you sure he doesn't have a telescope lined up on your rear windows?
My reality and yours are quite different.
I think we're all Bozos on this bus.
Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239

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My reply to 3, (hope we don't get bumped, but I figured this is heading for SC anyway)

Dead Offenders, don't reoffend!

Who decides what's an offence punishable by death? Simple question but a very essential one, isn't it? Once you go down this slope it might get very slippery.

BTW: In Germany, it's neo-fascists who demand "Death Penalty for Paedophiles" ("Todesstrafe für Kinderschänder!") - rallies, bumper car stickers, online petitions etc.
I'm not saying anyone who demands kiddie fiddles be shot, electrocuted etc are neo-fascists. Just a matter of fact but one might think about it what ungodly "companions" may be alongside.
The sky is not the limit. The ground is.

The Society of Skydiving Ducks

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I said nothing of the state doing the life removal.

Yeah, take the "law" - more: DAS GESUNDE VOLKSEMPFINDEN (righteous public feeling aka "family values") - into your own hands. Do I smell hot tar? Judge Lynch hovering around?

BTW: It's not that long ago that black-white relationships were considered a crime and "brave citizens" took the law into their own hands. Well, it's unfair, I'm not American. In the history of my country, there were laws re "racial defilement", punishable by death eventually. Quite good my dad and my mum got to know each other after the war, would have got them killed in the 3rd Reich...
So once again: Who decides what's punishable (and how to punish) and what's not? I'm pretty glad we have no death penalty or "armed neighbours" here.
The sky is not the limit. The ground is.

The Society of Skydiving Ducks

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That Badge don't make you honest..or trust worthy, just like everyone, they get assholes....dats a fact...

I bet even Dave would agree!

Bullshit. ALL cops are fine, outstanding, law abiding citizens...

Right...... Cops are human like everyone else.

We live in a town of about 10k. about 5 yr's ago the chief of police of Tacoma executed his wife in a strip mall in front of his little kids and then shot himself in the head. (5 miles from my house)

This year a sheriff's deputy that lived about 1 mile from my house executed his mother and father in law and then killed himself.

The LEO's have a tough job, and sometimes they crack and blead like everyone else.

...on some other planet, I'm sure.

One Jump Wonder

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I said nothing of the state doing the life removal.

Yeah, take the "law" - more: DAS GESUNDE VOLKSEMPFINDEN (righteous public feeling aka "family values") - into your own hands. Do I smell hot tar? Judge Lynch hovering around?

BTW: It's not that long ago that black-white relationships were considered a crime and "brave citizens" took the law into their own hands. Well, it's unfair, I'm not American. In the history of my country, there were laws re "racial defilement", punishable by death eventually. Quite good my dad and my mum got to know each other after the war, would have got them killed in the 3rd Reich...
So once again: Who decides what's punishable (and how to punish) and what's not? I'm pretty glad we have no death penalty or "armed neighbours" here.

Look nobody here needs to agree with me, just understand that is the way I view it, well that and a 6.5-20x scope.:P

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