
Bird of Prey ID

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I've been amazed at how close a hawk will allow me to get. If they have a good "out", they don't seem to mind me being within 8-10 ft. They are far more interested in eating than fleeing.
Of course, they have some pretty serious talons with which to defend themselves if they feel threatened.

We have a variety of hawks and quite a few bald eagles around here. The paper mill in town keeps the river from freezing over, so we end up with upwards of 25 pairs of bald eagles wintering in the area. Since the mills stopped polluting the river, the fish (and birds of prey) have come back nicely.

Yes it isn’t afraid. Eventually it gets annoyed and flies off and I’m so busy trying (unsuccessfully) to get a picture of it flying I don’t get a good look at its markings.

I have twice now seen Bald Eagles less than 10 miles from my home. Since most of my life they were something you only saw in books, on TV or at the zoo I’m pretty happy about that.

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Here is a picture of the Broad-winged that I suggested earlier http://www.allaboutbirds.org/guide/PHOTO/LARGE/MDA_020503_100003_S.jpg

if you compare it to yours they look very similar. I am a little hesitant on saying that I know for a fact that it is a Broad-winged because the ones we have where I live barely eat squirrels since they will waste a good amount of energy catching the squirrel. Also like I said earlier if you can remember what the tail looks like the next time you see it and it has a wide white stripe in between 2 black stripes on the tail it is probably a Broad-winged

I do know its not a peregrine falcon though. I feed two of them daily :)

It seems to have more than one white stripe. I am leaning toward the Cooper's Hawk like JohnnyD suggested. Apparently they are very similar.


Thanks for everyone’s help. I’ll let you know if I find out anything more.

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That's a 2-3 year old female Cooper's Hawk. No question.

I have to agree. The colors and markings on the head and tail matches the Cooper's Hawk pic in my Peterson Field Guide book.

The main difference between the Cooper's Hawk and the Sharp-Shinned Hawk is the tail shape. Coopers are more rounded, while the Sharp Shinned's are more like 90 degree corners
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That's a 2-3 year old female Cooper's Hawk. No question.

I have to agree. The colors and markings on the head and tail matches the Cooper's Hawk pic in my Peterson Field Guide book.

The main difference between the Cooper's Hawk and the Sharp-Shinned Hawk is the tail shape. Coopers are more rounded, while the Sharp Shinned's are more like 90 degree corners

Yes a Cooper’s Hawk seems to be the winner. After talking to a local ornithological club member that I sent the pics and video to he told me they aren’t all that uncommon in my town. I’ve lived here for over 25 years and only first saw this hawk two, maybe three years ago.

Thanks for everybody’s help. I knew if I asked here I would get the answer.

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bald eagles are incredible. I love having the opportunity to see one everyday and getting the chance to be close up to these fantastic animals.

Come visit us up in WA. We live on the river and have them flying around in our back yard. B|

This morning I noticed over 40 bald eagles on the frozen lake. I didn't think it was open yet anywhere. Yet all the eagles were in a tight circle. Maybe 100 feet from the road. I made a post on facebook asking what they were eating, as it is common for people to throw fish and other meat out on the ice for them. Or perhaps there was a small open hole they were getting fish out of.

Five minutes after posting that on facebook my car alarm starts going off. I looked out the window and there was a 1.5 - 2 lbs chunk of mangled fish body on my roof. Guess I got my answer.

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